
1039 Words
Alex White POV I changed my direction and walked towards the entrance, where I left my Beta and that infuriating heir of this Pack, whose father doesn't know how to appreciate someone greater than themselves. As I reached there, I saw that young guy standing beside Albert. Now this is what we call a good day. He made the right decision by coming as I asked him to, or else I would have become agitated, fixing things my way. I am overjoyed to know that I have found my mate after all these years. It's hard to believe that she belongs to the pack I despise with all my heart. "Alpha Alex," Albert smiled as he spoke, coming towards me for a hug, extending his arms in the air, pretending to be happy about my presence. "I detest it when anyone tries to touch me," I said, showing my palm, stopping him in his tracks. If he thinks I'm going to embrace him, this old hag clearly needs to work on his brain. I can't stand physical contact with random people, and he's certainly someone on my blacklist. How foolish can he be? Does he expect any hospitality from me? "Oh!" His face fell briefly, but he quickly recovered, plastering a fake smile on his face that I ignored. "Now, are you going to keep us waiting here, or can we move from this spot?" I asked, annoyed by the amount of time I have to wait before meeting my mate. I already know she's here, and I want to find her as soon as possible. However, I understand that I need to wait for the right moment, which will be this evening. "Of course, Alpha Alex and Beta Kevin, please come inside." Kevin and I walked inside, with him and his son Ruston leading the way. I observed the surroundings and noticed the preparations being made for this evening. More than anyone else, I'm eager for it. Before, I wasn't in the mood to be here, feeling like it wouldn't bring me any joy. But now things have changed. I know my mate is here, so I'm excited to do things my way. She was in my arms, beneath me, my wolf, and I marked every inch of her passionately. "Alpha Alex, I don't feel right about this," Kevin whispered in my ear. "Don't worry. I believe everything will be better than ever. If they try to pull anything, I'll show them how to perfectly mess things up," I whispered back. "I just hope they don't play any dirty games, or we'll be ready to do more than they can handle," Kevin chuckled. Kevin is right. He's my friend and the Beta of my pack. He was prepared long before I even considered it. That's why I trust him more than anyone else. He's wise and knows me inside out. "But why do I feel like you're more excited after your run? What happened in such a short period?" he asked, grinning. As I said, this bastard knows me better than I know myself, but I won't reveal it to him. It should be a surprise for him, just as it was for me before I laid eyes on my mate. "Wait and watch!" I smirked in reply. "I don't know what you're planning, but I hope you're not thinking of ruining anything. As we discussed in the pack, remember that we're here for work only, to find Luna. Nothing else. If they don't try anything dirty, you shouldn't either," he said seriously. "I know why we're here, and don't worry. You shouldn't be so concerned. Enjoy yourself. We're here to have fun too. Why would I mess anything up before getting what I wanted? want?" Before he could say anything, Albert interrupted as I observed my surroundings. It was the hall of the house—not as big as me, but sufficient to claim it as an Alpha's house. "Please have a seat, Alpha Alex." He respectfully directed me towards the sofa. Kevin and I both took a seat. Servants arrived and served us snacks and tea. Albert and Ruston took their seats and sat across from us. "Alpha Alex, please have something. We're delighted to have you here. Rest assured, we'll manage the entire function with our utmost hospitality," Albert said. "As you should," I simply replied, not touching anything they served. I knew he hadn't tampered with the food, as my wolf could sense it. However, I had no appetite for anything when this old hag was sitting here, ruining my appetite without realising that I didn't want him in front of me. "Alpha Alex, if you have any requests, please let us know," Ruston said. I felt he was much better than his father. Maybe if he becomes Alpha after I get my mate, we can have a great collaboration. He sounded realistic, not putting on a fake facade, which I appreciated. I detest it when people pretend to be something they're not. They should look in the mirror before attempting to deceive me with their fake faces, like Albert is doing. It's clear to anyone what they're trying to achieve. Am I supposed to fall for this charade? "I just want every unmated she-wolf in your pack to be here, so we can find our Luna if she's here," Kevin decided to answer, seeing that I hadn't initiated a response. I could sense that Kevin understood me, his intuition keenly attuned to my emotions. Without hesitation, he stepped forward to speak on my behalf, relieving me of the burden of engaging in conversation. And I was grateful for his understanding, for there was no way I could bring myself to participate in idle chatter here. But deep within me, the lingering glimpse of my mate in the woods continued to haunt my thoughts. It was a tantalising glimpse of what awaited me, and my heart swelled with overwhelming emotions. After years of longing and yearning, I had finally found what I truly deserved—the one who was meant for me. And now, I could barely contain my excitement as I eagerly awaited the moment when I could be united with my mate.
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