
2007 Words
Alex White POV “Where is everyone, dammit?” I growled in anger, frustration coursing through me as I entered the meeting room and found it empty. Nobody bothered to show up and do their assigned tasks, for which they were paid. “Alpha Alex,” my Beta tried to say, but I glared at him, conveying that I wasn’t in the mood to listen to any excuses. The meeting time had been set, so how could anyone slack off when I was there on time? What was their issue? “I need everyone here, Kevin, within two minutes, or else everyone, including you, will lose their lives,” I warned, pointing at him to emphasise my seriousness. “Okay, Alpha Alex.” He immediately scurried off, as if running away from me. I didn’t know why, but my anger was boiling over today. Perhaps this was what everyone in the pack had been talking about. I was twenty-eight years old and still hadn’t found my mate, which was becoming increasingly frustrating. Mates were gifts from the Moon goddess, and they brought calmness to a wolf’s life. As an Alpha, not having Luna beside me was a source of immense frustration. It’s not like I hadn’t tried to find her; I had searched everywhere I could. But it felt like she was dead, and that’s why I couldn’t find her. I had lost all hope of finding my fated mate, which only fueled my anger. “Alpha Alex,” Hearing my name, I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Kevin standing there with everyone I had asked for in the meeting. I could see the fear in their eyes; they were all scared, which was why they hadn’t come inside, even though they knew it would anger me further. Did I ask too much of them? They were a panel of advisors who helped me lead the pack. Couldn’t they find me, Luna? What good were they if they couldn’t even do this one thing right? “What are you all waiting for? Sit down. We’ve already wasted a lot of time. I won’t tolerate any more delays,” I ordered, pointing at the old hags who were trembling as if I were going to devour them alive. Well, that might just happen if they don’t do what I ask. Everyone settled in front of me and patiently waited for me to begin. “So, can someone tell me why you’re all late?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “Alpha Alex, we just...” one of them started to speak, but I raised my hand, signalling for them not to give me any excuses. That wasn’t what I wanted to hear. “We’ve tried everything, Alpha, but apart from you marking a female wolf from the pack to be your mate, we have no other options. You’ve already visited every pack to find Luna, but we couldn’t find any other leads,” another one explained. “Wow! So this is what you’re all getting paid for? Giving me an option that I’m already aware of? I asked for a solution, not this.” I shouted in anger, feeling the rage building inside me and contemplating how easy it would be to kill everyone in the room to satisfy my bloodlust. My wolf howled inside my head, as usual, but I knew I had to control myself and not let my hunting instincts take over. These old hags had served my father, which is why they were safe for now, despite their shortcomings. “We have one last option,” the oldest one said. “What?” I asked, intrigued. “We haven’t tried the Moonstone Pack. It’s the only pack you haven’t visited in search of Luna. Though our relationship with them isn’t great, it’s our last hope.” he explained. I clenched my fist, irritated by the mere mention of that pack. Did he have memory loss? How could he even suggest that I go there? I knew what kind of place it was. Their Alpha was the worst; he only knew how to backstab, and he had done the same to my father. It wouldn’t end well if I entered that damned place. I wouldn’t allow it. “I understand, Alpha Alex, but this is our last resort. If you have a better solution, you can kill us or take any she-wolf as your mate. Otherwise, give it your last shot and go there,” he said, testing me. He knew I wouldn’t harm him because he had been my father’s Beta and had protected him until his last breath. He was Kevin’s father and the oldest among them, which gave him the courage to speak so fearlessly. “He’s right, somehow,” my wolf interrupted. “You think so?” I asked, surprised. “Of course, who knows? That place might lead us to our mate, and I have a good feeling about it,” my wolf replied. After my wolf’s intervention, I realised I had to give it a shot. He never had the wrong instincts, and besides, that bastard from the Moonstone Pack might want to negotiate a peace treaty with my pack, which wasn’t going to happen. I could go there and try my luck. This would be my last attempt. If it didn’t work this time, then there was no other chance for me. “Okay, inform the Alpha of the Moonstone Pack that I’m coming tomorrow to find my mate. He should arrange everything according to our community’s rules and instructions. And remind him that if he tries anything else, he won’t make it out alive from his own pack,” I announced, leaving to cool down, knowing I needed it after the heated conversation. The Next Morning... “Is everything ready?” I double-checked the security and everything I was taking with me, aware that I was entering a fox’s den, which would bring more harm than benefit if not handled carefully. “Yes, Alpha Alex, don’t worry,” Kevin replied. I could trust this man; his brother had served my father for many years, and Kevin was like a brother to me. I could trust him blindly, that was for sure. “Good!” I entered the car as the driver started driving. I didn’t know why I was so nervous about going to that place. It wasn’t safe at all, and it had nothing to do with fear. I knew nobody could lay a hand on me. But deep down, something was bothering me—something I wasn’t even aware of. I just hoped everything would turn out well. I hoped I would finally find my mate, whom I had been waiting for for years. It was becoming increasingly difficult to survive without a mate. Only I knew how hard it was to control my wolf sometimes and how dominant and angry he became after waiting for so long without his mate. It was consuming both him and me. “We’re here, Alpha,” the driver announced. I looked around and realised that I had been so lost in my thoughts that I hadn’t even noticed two hours had passed, and now I stood in front of the Moonstone Pack. I got out of the car as the driver opened the door, taking in the surroundings. The place was undeniably beautiful, although not as much as my pack. It had a fresh air about it, which helped calm my nerves. “Welcome, Alpha Alex,” a voice greeted me. “Who?” I asked, looking at the person in front of me. “Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the son of the Alpha,” he replied. I scrutinised the young man standing before me, who appeared no older than twenty-three. I caught a whiff of his scent, confirming he was indeed the pack heir. However, there was no discernible aura that marked him as an Alpha. What a pitiful Alpha he was—a loser. It would take me mere seconds to snap his neck. Why on earth did this damn heir have to attend to me? Shouldn’t it be the duty of an Alpha to greet another Alpha? “Where is your father, young man?” I demanded with authority, appalled by the audacity of this bastard to display his so-called attitude. “I am here to attend to you, Alpha Alex,” he replied politely. If I hadn’t known from the start that he was that bastard’s son, I might have appreciated the young man’s politeness. Alas, that is not the case now. “Where is your father? Isn’t it the job of an Alpha to attend to guests, or perhaps your pack doesn’t operate in such a manner?” I coldly retorted, allowing my internal comments to race through my mind. “But Alpha Alex—” “Leave it. I am going for a run. Hopefully, your father will come and attend to his guests himself,” I interrupted, disregarding any reply he might have had. I strode straight towards the forest, seeking solace in a brisk run. It would ease the mounting anger coursing through me, lest things take a turn for the worse. Running was my refuge, the only means by which I could alleviate this overwhelming fury. Discarding my clothes, I avoided the risk of them tearing during my transformation into my wolf form. The bones in my body began to break as my wolf took control. As I sprinted swiftly, the rush of air against my fur brought me moments of bliss. Suddenly, I heard a sound, prompting me to halt abruptly. I scanned my surroundings, attempting to discern what had just occurred. Who could be here in the forest? The sound of falling water also reached my ears. Taking cautious steps, I headed in that direction, careful not to startle anyone or draw attention to my presence. This situation was far from simple. As I approached, taking cover behind bushes, my gaze fixed on a figure with lustrous hair drenched in water. I observed a girl bathing in the midst of the forest. Such behaviour was highly unusual for a girl. “Crack!” Cursing internally, I had unwittingly stepped on a branch. Instantly, she became alert, turning her gaze in my direction. Our eyes locked, and in that moment, my wolf screamed in my head, proclaiming her as our mate. I froze, stunned by the realisation. How, why, and where had this happened? She posed the question, “Who?” Her sweet voice sent tremors through my entire being. The pleasure it elicited caused my body to tremble uncontrollably. I found her voice incredibly endearing. Before I could react, she transformed into her wolf form and fled, leaving me without a chance to utter a word to her. “f**k!” I screamed in frustration, unable to comprehend what had transpired in those fleeting seconds. I had found my mate, but she had escaped, and I couldn’t pursue her due to my obligations as the Alpha of this pack. “Don’t worry, we will find her sooner or later. She belongs to this pack, which means she will be present throughout the process of us finding our mate,” reassured my wolf. “She is stunning, with her golden eyes and silver hair. Absolutely breathtaking, even in her wolf form,” I complimented our mate. “You’re absolutely right,” my wolf concurred. Our mate was undeniably a breathtakingly beautiful woman, a true goddess among mortals. I returned to my human form and donned my clothes, convinced that this would be the best day of my life. I had made the right choice, and now I was about to meet my mate, Luna, my queen. I could hardly contain my excitement any longer. She would surely face my retribution for daring to run away from me. Did she not realise that I was her mate? This was infuriating beyond measure.
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