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Silvia Davis POV: "Did you even hear me? You always zone out whenever we have a conversation that isn't good for you, Silvia," Rihanna complained, bringing me back from my daydream. "I don't want to reveal my bare skin to you. Who knows, you might fall for me?" I winked at her, finishing my sentence. "Who said that? I've seen your bare skin a lot already. Every day, you get injured, and it's always me who aids you. How can I fall for it now? I don't fall for damaged goods," Rihanna chuckled as I removed my top and lay down on my bare stomach, exposing my back to her. "Damn! She has no humanity left inside her. How could she beat you so harshly this time? She's surely a demon," Rihanna angrily commented as she unhooked my bra. "I know, but how could you forget that no one is human in this place? Everyone is a wolf here, so you should know that before expecting any humanity from anyone. I don't believe you can even expect it," I laughed, gritting my teeth, as cold liquid came in contact with my wounds, burning them, while Rihanna kept pressing cotton to clean them off. "We are still half-human. We are werewolves, but that doesn't mean we have to behave like animals. Even animals do it better than Vina and Victoria. I just hate both of them. I hate Alpha Albert. He does whatever his daughter and wife say without considering the pain of innocent people. I just hope Ruston gets power in this pack soon, so I can help you and other people who need me." That's why I love Rihanna. Even with her Alpha blood and being mated to an upcoming Alpha, she is always down to earth and never behaves like others who are blinded by power. She shows no mercy to people who hold no powers like them. "Don't worry, you will surely do it in the future, but I hope Victoria finds her mate soon." I smiled, remembering Vina and Victoria's words. They were surely planning something to get Alpha Alex. Even if Victoria doesn't become his mate, they will make sure she does. I didn't want to tell Rihanna about it because that would kill the joy. It would be better if she saw it for herself, and I would be very happy if it happened. "I wanted that too, but I don't know when it's going to happen. I feel bad thinking about how bad she is. Her mate is going to regret having her as a soulmate. But I believe the Moon Goddess chooses the right path for everyone, and she surely is going to pay for the sins committed against you and other weak, innocent beings," Rihanna sighed, showing her dissatisfaction in her words. She never liked this. I knew she was always the person who spoke up if something wrong happened to her. Due to Ruston, she suppressed it because she didn't want to create problems for him, and I admired her for that. She could do anything when it came to him. That's why she always helped me behind closed doors. She wanted to teach Victoria a lesson, but I stopped her. For me, I didn't want Rihanna to pay the price, knowing what Victoria and Vina were capable of. "It's done." Rihanna lay down on her stomach beside me, completing the first aid. "Thank you so much, but next time, please try to be a bit gentle. Don't forget that you're treating an injured person." I tried to divert her mind from the whole situation. She surely needed it; otherwise, it would ruin her mood. "Oh, please, who told me that? You're the same person who I can't even take care of your injuries and always ignore them," she pouted like a child. "Okay, I know it's my mistake, but I never thought I needed to do it because I always get new injuries before the old ones heal. I am resilient, and my wolf helps me a lot to cope. But still, it's not enough because being an Omega makes it harder." I clenched my fist, thinking about how being an Omega always ruins things for me. It hurts me even more because I just want to be human rather than an Omega. Only I know that. I believe at least there I still have a chance to prove my worth. Here, it's impossible. No matter how hard I try, being an Omega makes everything pointless. It makes me angry at myself. "Don't forget, the more you try to heal, the stronger you will become. It's not about showing how strong you are by enduring the pain; it's about how you can lead yourself towards healing by demonstrating that you have the strength to face everything." Rihanna hugged me, trying to comfort me. But I knew she could never understand the shame that comes with being an Omega. That ruins everything. She has Alpha blood, so even if she tries to put herself in the shoes of an Omega, she can never truly understand because facing that reality is different for everyone. "You know, I just can't get enough of the fact that you're so strong. Even people with strong blood can't endure what you have. I believe in you. Don't worry, after Ruston takes over, everything is going to change." I smiled, hearing her words. This is my last hope for my mom and myself. It's worth waiting for, and I know that when it happens, I'll see another side of things that I eagerly want to see. It's just a matter of time, and I've already given so many years, so giving a little more won't be a problem for me. "s**t, it's already night," I cursed as I woke up. I didn't even realise that Rihanna and I had fallen asleep on my bed while randomly talking. "What happened?" Rihanna asked, rubbing her eyes. I sighed when I saw her. She's a forgetful person. How could she forget that we have a function today and I have work to do? She needs to be present with the Alpha and his family, since she is the future Luna. "Rihanna, I think you forgot that the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack is here to meet his mate. It's already night, dammit. I'm going to get punished if we're late, and everyone will find you." I could hear the commotion outside. No one knew about the friendship between Rihanna and me, so no one came looking for her. But that would be discovered soon if she kept sitting here, which would put me and my mom in danger. "Calm down, girl. I'm going. It's not even that late, and I don't have to answer to anyone. I can come up with excuses," Rihanna replied, fully awake. I knew she was scared of nothing, but that didn't mean I had the same calm presence in me. "Then get lost before someone comes looking for you because I don't want that to happen in any way." I pointed towards the door, urging her to leave so I could get ready for my work as a server. We were all provided with dresses for the ceremony, and if anything went wrong or went missing, I would be held accountable for everything. Victoria and Vina just needed reasons to go after me, so I better make things fast. I immediately walked towards the old closet in the room and pulled out the dress that was given to us. "Okay, okay, I'm going, but you don't need to be so hurt," she replied as she stood up from the bed and walked out of the room. I hated this black skirt and white shirt. It was so tight and short on me. I knew I was the only one given such an uncomfortable outfit because I was a favourite target for Victoria. How could she leave me without making me feel embarrassed for everything I never did or tried? She could do anything when it came to her ego, and I despised her so much. I prayed that today she would get her mate, or whatever they were planning would succeed, so I could have peace in my life. I stripped off everything and struggled to put on the clothes given to me. No matter how thin I was due to only getting leftovers for dinner and no other meals, Rihanna did give me snacks. But I tried to make sure my mom had as much as she could because she was getting old and needed more energy to serve Vina. Both mother and daughter did the same things, but Vina never laid her hands on my mother. Victoria, on the other hand, was different. I stared at myself in the small mirror hanging on the wall, trying to lift my spirits and believing that things would be fine. I could do this. Nothing was going to be too hard for me because I would try my best, and my spirits were always high. "Are you ready, Silvia?" My mom asked, looking more tired than usual because she had been involved in the preparations. I knew she had a lot of work to do, which is why I always hid my injuries from her. She was already stressed enough, seeing my whipped back. It would only hurt her, and I didn't want that. "Yeah, Mom. Why don't you take a rest now? It's all on me." I walked towards her, and she enveloped me in a warm hug. I felt the warmth but also the pain as her hands came into contact with my injuries, even though I was wearing clothes. It burned, but I closed my eyes to hide any signs of pain. I let her hug me as tightly as she could because this was my source of energy. "Sure, but keep in mind, wear the mask, and don't do anything that will make anyone hurt you. I'm sorry, Silvia. I can't protect you, but you have to protect yourself. My child, I believe in you, and I know how much you endure. But please try to take care of yourself. I'm getting old, and who knows when I'll die? I just don't want to keep seeing my one and only princess in pain and trouble," Shina said in her motherly tone, her eyes welling up as she saw how much her daughter had to work hard and face so many challenges at just 18 years old. "Don't you dare say that, Shina Davis. Dad already left; you're not going anywhere. Better keep that in your head." I broke the hug and scolded my mom, using her name. How dare she talk like this? I wasn't ready to let her go. Dad had already left years ago, and she was my one and only family member. She couldn't just leave me like this. "Okay, boss," Shina smiled, responding to my scolding. "Good. Now, I'm going." I grabbed the mask and put it on before leaving the room. Today, I had to be careful. I didn't want to cause any trouble for anyone, and everything would be fine for me. I believed that things would change for me and my mother after today, and I could only pray to the Moon Goddess that she would finally step in and help us.
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