Weak Ass

1385 Words
Silvia Davis POV I entered the hall with my mask on, feeling utterly out of place from the moment I stepped foot into this damn place. I had seen it countless times before, but today it was adorned with wide decorations that looked surprisingly good. My happiness knew no bounds because today could be the day Victoria finally found her mate, and that would mean freedom from her torturous ways. I couldn't wait for that day to come, as she was the primary cause of all the suffering in my life. My expectations and hopes were soaring high as I observed everyone looking lavish and extravagant. It was evident that they were eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack. He was far more powerful than our pack, and I had heard tales of his numerous victorious battles throughout his life. Although I had never laid eyes on him, I knew one thing for sure—he was a handsome man. Everyone spoke of his striking resemblance to a Greek god, and even the maids here praised his strength, unaware that their praises could lead them to an early demise if our Alpha caught wind of them. "What are you doing here, Silvia? Get your ass to work," one of the head maids barked at me, shooting me a scornful glare. I already felt like an outsider in this place, and being the only one wearing a mask and these uncomfortably tight clothes only added to that feeling. Nobody here would be friendly towards me. I couldn't fathom why Victoria had requested my presence when she had always kept me away from attending any parties held in this hall. But today, something was different. The air around her seemed off. "Are you turning deaf, Silvia? If Miss Victoria sees you like this, she's going to be furious. Either do some work or find a corner to hide in, because that's the only way you'll save your ass," she cursed at me, glaring at me as if I were someone who could be affected merely by her gaze. "Isn't she telling the truth? You better save your ass. Moreover, today could be the best day for you if Victoria finds her mate in Alpha Alex," my wolf lazily remarked. I despised my wolf. She only spoke when she felt like it, which wasn't often. Weak ass! I walked away from her, distancing myself from anyone who might lay eyes on me. Observing the chaos around me, with people talking and servants scurrying about, I decided it would be best if I didn't participate in any activities. Keeping to myself in a secluded corner would ensure I didn't provoke Victoria or end up on the receiving end of her wrath. I couldn't afford to have her come after me—not today, not ever. "Alpha Alex is here!" someone from the crowd announced. I positioned myself in a corner, ensuring I had a clear view of him. I had heard countless tales about him, so it was only fitting that I took a peek. What harm could it do, right? I laid eyes on a man with a tall, commanding figure walking with the aura of a king. My gaze was immediately drawn to his flawless white skin that shimmered like a pearl, complemented by piercing blue eyes and a mane of gorgeous hair that partially obscured his forehead, as if it were trying to protect his unparalleled beauty from the world. His muscular physique, accentuated by the black suit he wore, hinted at the rippling strength beneath. It struck a chord deep within me, igniting a whirlwind of emotions I couldn't quite comprehend. "f**k!" I cursed, a single teardrop escaping from my eyes. I couldn't fathom what I was feeling, but deep down, it caused me pain. I tried to avert my gaze. But doing so only intensified the ache. I needed to regain my composure before anyone noticed. If Victoria caught me ogling at her potential mate like this, she would gouge my eyeballs out without a second thought. That was something I definitely didn't want. "Silvia, what happened, baby? Why are you crying?" Raven's voice called out to me, and a smile crept onto my lips as I saw him standing before me—Raven, the only person I loved after Rihanna and my mom. "Yes, baby, why are you crying?" He asked, coming closer and enveloping me in a warm embrace. His rough hands gently wiped away my tears, and I couldn't help but smile at the concern he showed. Even though my mask concealed my smile, I knew he could sense my happiness amidst the panic that had engulfed me. I couldn't fathom why I was feeling this way at this particular moment, but it pained me to the core, as if someone were thrusting a knife inside me, ready to end it all. "What happened, Silvia? Please talk. You're scaring me now." Raven's words brought me back from my thoughts. I clung to him tightly as if my life depended on it. After Rihanna, he was the only friend I had—the only person I could truly confide in. Although our interactions had been minimal, he provided me with solace. He was the person before whom I shed the most tears. "If you need to cry, Sil, it's okay. But at least tell me why you're crying like this. Did Victoria do something again?" Raven's use of my nickname soothed my nerves, allowing me to respond. However, I was at a loss for words. What could I possibly say? That I was crying because Alpha Alex's handsome appearance had reduced me to tears? That was ludicrous, and I wanted no part in it, not in this life or any other. "Just stay like this, Raven. I can't," I managed to utter in a broken and low tone, holding on to him tightly and burying myself in his chest. His minty cologne had a calming effect, transforming his embrace into my sanctuary. I knew Raven was my safe haven—the one place where nothing else mattered. I had Rihanna, her brother, and the Alpha of the Red Pack in my life, but Raven was the first and only person who truly understood and comforted me. He might not be here often, but his presence today was a stroke of luck in this anxious state. "I'm here for you. Stop crying, baby. You look so pale. Why don't you try taking a deep breath?" He suggested gently stroking my head in an attempt to ease my distress. I followed his lead and began taking deep breaths, matching his rhythm. His breath was the only sound I could hear, and it helped ground me in this moment. "That's it, my good girl, Sil. You really need to work on your crying reservoir. All this crying might dehydrate you someday. Whenever I see you, tears are the first thing I encounter, followed by your smile, which you're hiding behind that mask of yours," he teased, and I playfully pinched his chest. "Don't you dare call me a crybaby. I'm not someone who cries all the time. It's just that you show up once in a blue moon and happen to catch me crying, giving you the wrong impression. Maybe you should think twice before blaming me," I retorted, raising my head to meet his gaze. Our eyes locked. "Hahaha! That's the spirit, Sil. I love your feisty attitude. Keep it up. It suits you perfectly. Are you trying to kill me with your cuteness? If that's the case, you're doing a great job," he remarked, a blush creeping onto my cheeks. He always had a way with words, causing my heart to flutter. It wasn't because I had any romantic feelings for him—I wasn't capable of that. But Raven was different. He was the first and only guy I had ever connected with, the only one who could embrace me and offer comfort. Before him, it was my father, but he was no longer alive. This was the hand life had dealt me, and despite its hardships, I was grateful for friends like Raven and Rihanna—people who supported and understood me when life seemed bleak.
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