
1335 Words
Silvia Davis POV "Calling me feisty when it should be you who behaves like a badass," I smirked, noticing the annoyed expression on Raven's face. He hated when someone cursed in front of him. "Don't forget, I am older than you. I'm 29 years old. Maybe it slipped your mind, but that doesn't mean you should take it into consideration." He flicked his finger on my forehead, and I winced in pain. "You want to die, huh?" I grumpily asked, feeling the sting where he flicked my forehead with his rough fingers. I wanted to bite him hard to show him who he was messing with. Just because I couldn't do anything with Victoria didn't mean I couldn't do anything with him either. He had misunderstood, that was for sure. "Oh, please. Your hands are rougher than mine, like a man's hands." He grabbed my hand and rubbed my palm, trying to prove his point. It was true that my hands were rougher than most women's due to the hard work I had to endure because of Victoria and everyone who cared about my existence. "I don't think whatever you're saying is giving me any relief. You're such a headache, dumbhead," I said, pulling away from the hug, feeling frustrated. "Let's go out and talk. We don't need to fight over this. It's not even that important. I have something urgent to discuss with you." Raven's face suddenly turned serious. I could see he wasn't joking around, and the seriousness was etched on his face. I was scared. What did he want to talk about? This wasn't just a casual conversation. His tone and expression indicated something significant. He took my hand and dragged me out of the hall. I stole a last glimpse of Alpha Alex, who was engrossed in conversation with other Alphas. I didn't know why, but his face stirred up various emotions within me. My wolf wasn't even trying to pinpoint why I felt this way, but I was, and it was unsettling. I had gone through a lot in my life, but this feeling was new to me. I had never experienced anything like it before. I didn't know what he was doing to me. It was painful and itchy; a storm of emotions raged within me. As I was being dragged further, my vision of Alpha Alex became blurry, and I turned my eyes away from him. He was someone I shouldn't get involved with. He wasn't someone I could play with, and I definitely didn't want to be involved with someone like him. The rumours about him spoke volumes about his character, and I didn't want to be tangled up with that kind of person. "We're here now. We can talk, for sure," Raven said, breaking my train of thought. I focused all my attention on what he wanted to discuss because it seemed incredibly serious. "Tell me," I asked. "You need to come with me. I don't think you should stay in this pack any longer. Rihanna told me what's been happening, and you don't have to deal with it. I promise no one will hurt you in my pack. Just trust me," he said with concern. "What do you mean, Raven? You know, whatever's been happening has been going on for years. So what's the point of changing now? You're tripping, and I'm not ready to have this kind of conversation. Leaving the pack is not easy, as you say. How can you even suggest it when you know it's useless to leave at this moment? We both know I'll be considered an enemy if I change packs. What about my mom? Do you think she'll be ready to leave this pack? Her husband, my father, gave his life for this pack. Maybe Alpha Albert doesn't care, but I do, along with my mom," I vented, feeling the weight of the topic pressing on me. I knew where this was coming from, but it wasn't right. How could they even think of suggesting this to me? I had never considered leaving the pack and leaving behind everything my father had worked for. I didn't want it. I could endure the pain, but I couldn't bear the betrayal that came with it. This pack was where I was born and where my father lost his life. I hadn't even been able to find his body. How could I let everything go after suffering for so many years? It was time to fight back. Even Victoria was leaving after today, so why should I leave? "I know everything, Sil, but this is not a safe place for you and Auntie. I don't think you should be here. Rihanna and I have been trying for years to make you and Auntie understand that this is hellishly dangerous for both of you. But no, you don't want to understand. Stop thinking with your heart and consider whether it's right or wrong." He tried to reason with me, but I couldn't comprehend. How could I understand when I wasn't ready to leave? It was clear from the start that no matter what, we weren't leaving. We were willing to die for this pack, but we never betrayed it. "What is not safe? If you're talking about what Victoria is doing to me, then I can handle it. I've been enduring it for years, so what's the problem now? Dammit!" I shouted in anger. What was he trying to prove? Did he even care about me when he knew this would only hurt me? I removed the mask, and tears started streaming down my face. I hated this topic. It reminded me of my father, and I didn't want to confront the core memory. I loved my father with all my heart, and even after all these years, I hadn't fully come to terms with the fact that I had lost the most important person in my life. My father has always been my hero. He taught me to be true to myself and to cherish the place I called home. This pack was so close to his heart, and he had never let it go, no matter how humiliated he was. How could I do it now? I wanted to find out how my father died, but the truth remained elusive. I sought justice for his murder and revenge against the person who took him away from us. Leaving this place meant leaving my purpose behind. My entire life revolved around finding my father's murderer. I wanted justice for him, for myself, and for my mom. Our precious family was crushed under the weight of a senseless blood war that we had been oblivious to. My father fought to save us and to protect us, and he never revealed the truth. How could I turn my back on him now? It might be expected of me, but it would never be what I chose. I could break or fall, but I would never let go of the rope. I knew I had to think about it again and again, even if it made me weak. It had never been this difficult, and I didn't want to cry about it. But the pain was more intense than I had anticipated. I felt betrayed by my own heart and by everything. I remained in the same position my father left me in, while my mother never moved on. She lived for me, refusing to give up because she didn't want to see me broken. Now, how could I leave that mess behind? This was me, and I believed that no matter what happened to me , I always stood for my family. Everything could cost me my life, but I no longer cared. My entire existence was dedicated to living for my dad and my mom. So, what would be the problem if I died? I had already exceeded the timeline I was meant to have. I didn't need to care anymore, right?
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