Chapter 5

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[Kris' POV] As our classes ended, we headed for our after-school practice, and I noticed that everything was as we had left it. Mary hadn’t come back. She didn’t show up after practice either, which made me think we might have gone too far this time. “She’s probably just gone home to hide!” Lukas snarled as the others started laughing. “Yeah, you're probably right, man!” I replied, as he padded my back. “Don’t say you are going all softy on chubs now!” He joked, making the others turn to me, as they started making fun and kissing faces in the air, making me frown at him. “Nah, man, I just wondered who would clean up all the mess from your sorry ass!” I exclaimed, changing the subject, and everyone quickly forgot all about it. As I came home, I heard my mom and Stephanie talking at the dining table. I could hear Stephanie sounding sad, so I walked over to the door to figure out what it was all about. “I’m just worried mom, it was awful today. I’ve seen her having bruises before, which she told me was just her being clumsy, but I think there is more to it!” Stephanie sobbed. I thought about who she was talking about. “I know you’re worried about your friend, but you have to give her some space, she will come around when she is ready,” Our mom reassured her. “But how bad is it going to get before she realizes it, God-damn it, she got a concussion and had to have ten stitches, mom, it’s really bad.” My eyes widened as I heard what Stephanie said to my mom. I just hoped it wasn’t Mary she was talking about. “I know baby, but pushing her won’t help her, all you can do right now is just to let her know you have her back, and you support her, honey.” Mom added, as I heard Stephanie rise from her seat. “I will, thanks for the talk mom, love you!” I quickly ran up the stairs. I didn’t want her to know I was listening at the door, so as I stepped into my room I decided to take a bath to get my head elsewhere. When I was done, I heard a knock on my door. “Yeah, who is it?” I asked as I turned to the door and Stephanie peeped out from behind the door. “Hey bro, it’s just me!” She greeted. “Right, what’s up, sis!” I spoke as I smiled at her, before she walked in, closed the door and sat down on my bed. “How well do you know Mary, Kris?” She asked me. I was surprised by her question, which I responded to with a light shrug. “Not that well, it’s her who’s working for Coach Miller, right?” I said, well aware I wasn’t honest with her. “I just thought I would ask if you knew about anyone having a grudge against her,” she spoke, as I turned my back to her, as I opened my closet. “No, not what I know of.” I hated lying to my sister, but knowing this was her friend, I couldn’t tell it was me, and my friends. “Okay, I know you are pretty feared at school, so if you find out who it is, could you, maybe, tell them to back off? She has already suffered enough as it is.” She asked. I turned back to look at her, with a puzzled look. “What do you mean?” I asked her, not sure what she was talking about. “She had a pretty rough start as she had to move in with her uncle and aunt across the country, when her mother died of cancer just before she finished high school. I know she won’t admit it, but I know her uncle doesn’t lack money and still, she has to pay for her own college education.” She rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Well, I hope I can trust you will look out!” She smiled and hugged me before she walked out the door. I just stood there for a moment before I tilted my head. I couldn’t utter a word, as I was too surprised by the things Stephanie had just told me. That night I was unable to sleep and, as it became Sunday, we got ready for the big tournament. I looked for Mary to see if she would be there, but I didn’t see her anywhere. “So guys, now you should all be ready for this, this is what we have been training for since you started 4 months ago!” Coach Miller yelled as he came into the boys' changing room, where we all waited for the game to start. “Tommy and Sam, you will start in as your Kris will take their place in the second half as our best striker with Xander. Lukas and Colt you will be our midfielders and, finally, Nicki and Zane our defense. Remember, second half boys!” As he got ready to leave, I quickly grabbed his shoulder. “Yo Coach, I was just wondering if you heard from Mary? — I haven’t seen her today..” I quickly asked him. I could see his face becoming more serious. “Yeah, I had decided to wait until after the tournament, but she is on sick leave the next month, after she had an accident and was in the hospital, so you guys may give an extra hand on by clearing your own mess the next four weeks.” He told giving me a slap on the shoulder, before walking out.
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