Chapter 6

747 Words
[Mary's POV] Two weeks passed, and I started to get better, so I decided to use my time wisely, by focusing on myself. Stephanie visited me every day and went on walks with me, and we also got to go shopping. She didn’t like all my baggy clothes, so she decided to take me out for some shopping together with her mom. Even though I tried to refuse it, her mother decided to pay for all the new clothes. “You can’t refuse a gift, honey!” Her mother defended it as we were walking around town, so I thanked her for the fine gesture. As I was getting ready to leave, she also had to drag me into a hair salon. I haven’t had my hair done for a long time. Usually, I just left it as it was, but this hair stylist really knew what she was doing. Instead of having some boring flat hair, I got some volume to it and took a bit of the length as she got me a V-cut. I once again thanked Stephanie’s mom before I walked home. As I arrived, I put my new stuff in my room and changed in to the new soccer clothes, I got as well. Stephanie knew I loved soccer, so she made sure I had a set, so I can get ready for the next round of accession to the female soccer team next summer. Then I quickly put my hair in to a ponytail and ran down the stairs. At the end of the stairs, I was met by my aunt Anita. “Oh dear! Why are you using your money on that? Do you even have money to pay for your student loans now!” She scolded as she saw the clothes I was wearing. “No, aunt Anita, it’s a gift from a friend, I didn’t use any money on it, I promise!” I quickly defended. “Oh, so now you're also another’s charity case, how nice!” She snarled, before she left me there. I felt a bit embarrassed, but walked out the door and down to a field nearby, where I could work on my soccer skills. I tried out some attack technics, I had been hoping to learn. One of my favourites was the outside step over, not a very difficult skill, but it’s good to trick the defence as you get near the goal. After nearly two hours on the field, I was sweaty but happy. I hadn’t felt so good in a long time. I couldn’t believe I let go of this feeling for almost a year, but now I wasn’t going to let it go again. As I picked up my bag and checked my phone, I saw a text from Stephanie. S: Hi gurl, have u tried the new clothes yet? M: Nope, been training, but will as soon as I get home LOL.. S: Remember pictures for me :P I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at her text, but I had promised her one, so I needed to keep it. After a quick shower, I picked up the outfits her mother got me. There were three dresses and three pair of jeans, two pair of shorts, three tops and three t-shirt. Stephanie and her mom had chosen a very girly style for me, something I never used to wear before and probably not anything I would have chosen on my own. But, as I tried it, I noticed that I had to give it to them; I actually looked great in it. I snapped some pictures and sent them to Stephanie, and it wasn’t long before a new text popped up. S: Damn gurl, u look hot!!! I chuckled as I sent a thanks. She was right, I actually looked pretty for once—like a real girl and not just some tomboy. For once, I was feeling happy in my own skin. I could also see the weight I gained was slowly coming off. I knew I wasn’t fat before, as I got bullied with, but the extra weight together with my baggy clothes made me look bigger than I actually was. Furthermore, I promised myself I would try to wear them when I got back to school. Maybe it will help boost my confidence a bit? I thought to myself. Then I got ready for bed and fell asleep, feeling happy for the first time in forever.
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