Chapter 4

899 Words
[Mary’s POV] I put the last towel down on the bench next to the water tank. I just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible, so I wouldn’t have to stay there with the team, but when I suddenly heard Lukas' voice behind me, I jumped up in shock. “Are you trying to avoid us today, chubs!” he asked, before I turned around, and saw Nicki, Tommy, and Kris standing next to him. “No, I-I’m just busy today, so I’ll just go now!” I managed to get out, before I turned on my heel. I just wanted to leave as soon as possible so I didn't have to be alone with them, but then Kris quickly grabbed my arm before I got the chance. “Busy with what? Stuffing your head or what?” He mocked me as he smirked. The pressure he put on my wrist was hurting me, so I tried to get free, ignoring his cruel comment. “Kris, let go of me!” I blurred at him, but his then his eyes darkened, and he looked at me with this scary expression full of anger. “Or what? You are going to call someone to clean up your mess?” He sneered at me, as the pressure once again increased, which suddenly made me panic, as he started to scare me, so I started pulling frantically, when he suddenly let go of me and I lost balance. I felt a pain in my head as they all started laughing at me. My eyes pooled up, but then I saw Kris had stopped laughing as he walked towards me with this unreadable expression, which made me panic even more because of what he might do to me. “Stay away from me!” I cried out as I quickly got up and ran off. I didn’t care where to, I just wanted to get the hell away from them. What did I ever do to them, making them treat me like that? — nothing! I hated them, I hated Lukas, Tommy, Nicki, but most of all I hated Kris. “Hey, are you okay, miss?” A man I didn’t know asked me. I hadn’t noticed where I was going, so I was suddenly walking around on an unfamiliar street, as I felt slightly disoriented. “I’m not sure.” I cried as I dried tears away from my face, but then his eyes suddenly widened as he grabbed my shoulders. “You’re bleeding! We need to get you to the hospital to get checked, you might have a concussion!” He stated, as I touched my head, I could feel it was wet, and it was hurting really badly. “Can I call someone for you to pick you up at the hospital?” He asked as he followed me in, but I just shook my head and thanked him as I was met by a nurse, who led me to a room. The last thing I wanted was to create any more trouble for my uncle and aunt, so I decided not to call them. After ten minutes of waiting, a doctor came in and gave me a check-up. “Do you have a number for your parents that I can call, miss?” He asked as he pulled a piece of paper and a pen out. “Mary Claire, Sir, and there is no need for that, I can walk by myself.” I reassured him. He looked at me as he crooked an eyebrow. “Miss Claire as it is now, I can’t let you go home alone, you have a pretty serious concussion, and we need to stitch that wound you got on your head too,” he told me in a serious tone. “If anyone is the cause of this, you need to tell someone, okay?” He added, looking me in the eyes as he put a hand on mine. “You don’t have to worry, it’s my own fault because I’m a bit clumsy.” I told him as I pulled away, but I could see he wasn’t sure whether I was telling the truth or not. “Okay then, but who should I call to pick you up?” He asked, and I gave him the number of the only one I trusted at that point. “Mary, are you ok?” I heard Stephanie’s worried voice at the door as the nurse put on the last stitch and wrapped it up. “Yeah, I’m fine, just a concussion and a little blood, that’s all.” She came over to me and gave me a hug. “Please Mary, don’t lie to me, the doctor who called me already told me, is anyone bullying you?” She asked in a worried tone. I wanted to tell her, but she probably wouldn’t believe that her brother would be one of them who was. “Just leave it, Stephanie.” I muttered, as I got up from my seat. “Fine, don’t tell me, but you know if you tell me, that I know someone who can beat their ass right!” She replied, as I just rolled my eyes. “Yeah right, let’s just go home, I need some sleep.” I responded, before we walked out to her car.
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