Chapter 7

858 Words
[Kris' POV] It was almost four weeks since the incident on the field between me, the boys and Mary. I tried not to think too much about it, but I couldn’t help but feel guilty, and it made me lose the tournament two weeks prior. I couldn’t get my head in the game and I just ended up missing a lot of chances on the field. Lukas kept telling me I should stop focusing on the past, and that Mary was the one to blame for it herself, not us. But why did I feel so guilty then? To clear my thoughts a bit, I chose to skip last period and go for a walk before heading to my car. Though, as I walked past a green field and I looked through the fence, I saw someone playing soccer. I couldn’t see her face, but one thing I could say for sure was, that this girl had skills. I stood there for some time, just looking at her dribble the ball around, as she trained her striker attack. Then I suddenly felt an urge to know who this girl was. “Hey, you there!” I yelled as I waved a hand at her, but as soon as she saw me, she suddenly ran. “Don’t run, I just wanna talk!” I yelled. I don’t know why, but I ran after her, but she was really fast, so I lost track of her as she ran past a corner. “Shít!” I hissed as I, after some time, realized she had managed to outrun me. I started walking back over the field. She had left all of her stuff. I knew she couldn’t have gone far, but I just decided that I had to come back another time. I was sure she would probably come back to play again, and next time I would make sure to find out who this girl was. When I came back to my car and I was getting ready to hop in, I saw Lukas coming towards me, as he waved his arm. “Yo Kris! Why did you skip class and without telling me, man?” He joked, trying to look hurt, as he hit my arm playfully. “I just needed some time for myself, bro.” I told him, leaning against my car. “You aren't still thinking about chubs, huh!?” He asked, making me frown. “Leave it, Lukas!” I warned him, as I didn’t want to have this conversation with him again. “Just saying, you're going soft man, how about getting laid? It helps get your mind elsewhere,” he spoke, wiggling his eyebrows. I just rolled my eyes at him. A lot of the girls at our school wouldn’t say no if one from the team asked to get laid, and Lukas was one of them who had abused that for only God knows how long. To be honest, I’ve had my fair share too, but at least I got tired of it. “Nah, man, I’m good!” I spoke, as I got ready to open the door. “Fine, but you’re coming to Tommy’s party on Saturday, right?” He asked, holding the door, so I wouldn’t leave before I had answered him. “Yeah, I will be there, happy!” I responded, as a smile formed on his lips. “Yes, see you tomorrow, man!” He cheered, clapping my shoulder. I shook my head, sometimes I couldn’t believe that guy. Next morning, I went straight to morning practice earlier than usual as I figured that Mary probably wanted to avoid us, but I really needed to apologize, as the guilt still was eating me up, making me unable to sleep at night and play, probably. The things Stephanie said had only made everything worse, so I knew it couldn’t wait any longer. I looked around the field, and I was unable to see her anywhere, and I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed, but there was nothing I could do about it, so I headed towards the dressing room to get ready, but as I walked in, I heard a sound. When I went further into the room, I saw a girl standing with her back to me as she was picking out something from a locker. She was wearing tight jeans and a t-shirt showing her bare back as she reached out for something on the top shelf. Her hair was hanging loose down to her back and I couldn’t help but look at her, but at the same time I wondered what she was looking for. “Hey, what are you doing in here!?” I called out. She gave a small jump as she froze. When she didn’t turn around, I took a step closer. “Who are you, and what are you doing in here? — turn around now!” I commanded, before I heard a sigh coming from her, as she turned around, making me almost drop my jaw. “Mary, is that you?” I asked in a surprised tone.
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