Chapter 3

1028 Words
[Kris’ POV] The day I first bumped into Mary, I knew exactly who she was. Mary Claire, cousin to William and Freya Claire. My former best friend and girlfriend in high school. They were the ones who learned, to me, that you can’t trust a Claire, no matter how innocent they might seem. Eventually, they will stab you in the back, and that I learned the hard way. After Freya and I broke off, she told her brother some sick lies. That I had beat her up and r***d her, but that was all lies. The only reason I broke up with her was because she cheated on me, and she then did everything to ruin my reputation. Furthermore, her father, John Clair, almost got my father’s life destroyed, he was fired from his work, and we had to move away from the city we lived in, the one I grew up in. Everything I had then been ripped away from me in seconds, and neither William nor Freya cared. Thereafter, I stopped trusting people and became this cold guy with no feelings attached. I built quite a reputation, as I started at Brown University, and over the last three years I became feared and envied by everyone at the school. But the moment I saw Mary, all of my suppressed anger and pain was brought to the surface and I felt the only way to get rid of it, was to take my anger out on her. Was it fair? Probably not, but as a niece to the rich John and Anita Clair, she most likely had it too good in her life. How would she know how it feels to suffer? Every time I started to feel the slightest feeling of regret, I reminded myself who she was deep down – a Claire! “Are you coming, man!?” Lukas yelled. I looked up at him. “Yeah, relax man! I’m almost done!” I laughed at him, as he stood in the doorway to my room, as I was tying my shoe. “We will be late!” He growled as he threw his head backwards. “Late for what?!” Stephanie stuck her head forward, looking at us. “Nothing you have to butt in at, baby sis!” I replied in a slightly teasing tone as I sent her a smile and a wink. She stuck her tongue out at me before she giggled and walked by. I shook my head at her childish behavior. I really couldn’t believe she was going to college the way she acted. “Your sister’s looking fine, man!” Lukas exclaimed as I narrowed my eyes at him. “You stay far away from her, Lukas!” I warned him. He quickly put his hands up in surrender. “Hey man, just stating the obvious.” He chuckled nervously. The soccer team knew my sister was off limits, and I wouldn’t hesitate to knock some teeth out if anyone was to hurt her. “I don’t care, you don’t mess with my sister, okay!?” I hissed, and he quickly agreed before we headed down. “Bye, mom, we're heading to practice now!” I stated as I kissed her on the cheek. She gave me a quick hug and smiled. “Okay, honey, have fun, here is some breakfast to after practice!” She chimed as she handed me a bag with my name on. “Thanks mom!” We walked out to the car and I threw my bag in to the trunk before I hopped in next to Lukas as Tommy and Nicky were sitting in the front. “What’s up man?” Tommy spoke, giving me a fist-bomb. I returned it and sent a small smirk. “Not much man, ready for some sweating?” I asked as I hit Nicky on the shoulder. “Yeah, it’s going to be awesome to practice without Coach Miller constantly yelling at us.” Tommy laughed, while I just shrugged at his statement. “The only reason why he is yelling is that your slow ass, can't keep up with the rest of us!” Nicki joked, making all of us laugh our ass off, before we drove off towards school. “Hey guys, look who is here, and before us for once!” Lukas laughed. I turned to look out of the window, to see Mary standing on the field sitting everything up. She seemed to be in a rush, probably to avoid us, if I should take a guess. We walked over to the field and I could see she hadn’t noticed us yet, so she almost jumped when Lukas finally spoke. “Are you trying to avoid us today, chubs?” He laughed, as she turned around with big eyes, taking a step back. “No, I-I'm just busy today, so I’ll just leave you to it!” She quaked as she started walking away, but I quickly grabbed her by the arm. “Busy with what? Stuffing your face or what?” I snarled. She tried pulling her arm free, but I wouldn’t let go, not right away at least. “Kris, let go of me!” She yelped, while she was avoiding my gaze. “Or what? You are going to call someone to clean up your mess?” I sneered at her, but then she became erratic, as she kept fighting me, so I decided to let go of her, which resulted in her losing her balance and bumping into the bench with the water tank and everything on it. As she fell to the ground, the water tank tipped and hit her in the head and everybody started laughing as she once again was wet from top to toe, but I became more serious as I saw she started bleeding from her head. I tried to step closer to her, to check how bad it was, but she immediately pulled her hand out, frantically. “Stay away from me!” She cried, before she got up and ran off. At that moment, I knew that I had fücked up.
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