Chapter Forty-One

1254 Words
“We have to attack tonight.” Joseph caressed the gold coin in his left hand before tossing and catching it mid-air. A few of the vampires showed their awe by lowly cheering. Joseph fantasized about ripping their hearts out. He despised sycophants. “Any news of Sorokin’s whereabouts?” Poignant silence filled the room. Tyrin darted his eyes across the room, no one held his gaze. Were they seriously expecting him to deliver the news? “Shall I repeat myself Tyrin? Have you suddenly gone deaf?” Tyrin’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, he looked to the others, hoping to spot a brave man in the small crowd that had gathered in Joseph’s chambers. As he was, sweeping his eyes across the room, he heard a swoosh and felt pressure on his neck. A little tilt of his head revealed that a knife was lodged in one of his neck bones. He slowly raised his arm and curved his hand around the knife’s handle. He gritted his teeth as he pulled the silver blade from his neck. The pain shot from his neck to his legs, he resisted the urge to scream. “The next time I repeat myself the knife will go through your right eye. Now, the neck heals faster than the eye. Tell me Tyrin, are you willing to go blind in one eye for a week?” Tyrin shook his head rigidly, his head titled on one side to prevent the blood from soiling his flannel. His woman did not like the sight of blood, the irony. “He was spotted near the wall.” “What do you mean near the wall?” Tyrin played with the knife in his hand and wet his lips. “He was spotted leaving the realm.” Murmurs filled the room. Nervous murmurs. The vampires present began eying the exit; none of them wanted to be around when all hell broke loose. Joseph tossed the gold coin in the air and whipped his head to regard Tyrin. By the time the coin landed in his hand, he was aloof from Tyrin, the warmth of Tyrin’s breath fanned the base of his nose. “Where is he headed?” Tyrin was quivering, Sorokin would have never quivered. Joseph took a step back and assessed Tyrin. He noticed that the vampire was tilting his head to the side. Was he really afraid of getting blood on his flannel? Was this his new number two? “Do you want a repeat of what happened earlier?” Tyrin shook his head repeatedly before clearing his throat. “No one knows where he is headed. One of our spies in the palace saw Sorokin going into Lord Seb-" It happened so fast. Joseph elongated his arm and punctured Tyrin’s chest with his hand. Tyrin let out a deathly scream sending cold shivers down every vampire’s spine. Joseph could feel the soft beating in his hands; one twist and the cowardly vampire in front of him would be dead. “What have I always said about that title?” Tyrin tried to push the sound out of his mouth but nothing came out, just a throaty croak. He attempted another approach, blinking until he felt a tear trickling down his cheek. “Louder please…” Tyrin did try to push the word sorry out of his mouth but he just couldn’t. The pressure in his chest was overwhelming. The pain engulfing his body was unbearable. Joseph considered letting Tyrin’s heart go but he decided he enjoyed how it beat against his hand. He could feel his animosity rising and the blood that was oozing oh so deliciously from Tyrin’s neck was not helping the poor lad’s case. “Ummh…Lord Joseph Sir, ummh king?” Joseph resisted the urge to roll his eyes and averted his attention to yet another trembling vampire. Was this what he had to work with? A team of cowards? “What!” “Ummh there’s a female here, she claims that Sorokin left a message with her…” “Tell her I am busy…” “But Lord Joseph sir-" “Do you also want a hand cradling your heart lad?” “Oh for fucksakes let me through!” Joseph was ready to rip out Tyrin’s heart and make his way to the female vampire who would not take a hint. But once he saw who it was, he found himself withdrawing his arm, leaving Tyrin’s heart intact. The poor vampire used whatever strength he had left to vanish from Joseph’s chambers. “Leave us.” No one needed to hear a repeat of the instruction. Within seconds, Joseph and Busty were standing in his private chambers alone. “Are you still planning that ridiculous rebellion?” Joseph chuckled, he had always enjoyed Busty’s vibrant spirit. “Why shouldn’t we? Aren’t you tired of all the oppression? Don’t you think the low caste has suffered enough?” Busty let out a frustrated sigh before scratching her arm. Joseph flickered his gaze to Busty’s arm, Busty hid it behind her back. “Who fed on you?” “That is none of your business.” “I will only ask one more time.” “Let me be clear, that is a trick that works on your goons. Not me.” Joseph ground his teeth before whizzing across the room to join Busty. While plenty of his goons would have taken a step back, flinched, or squirmed, Busty stood still and crossed her arms. “Tell me who fed on you.” “Okay fine, his name is…” “Yes?” “None…” “How come I have never heard of this None-" “Wait, let me finish. Just so you know it is rude to cut off a lady while she is speaking…” Joseph resisted the urge to roll his eyes and gestured for Busty to continue. He found himself stealing a glance at her generous bosom. “…of your business. That is the name of the vampire who-" Joseph yanked Busty’s arm and pulled her closer to him such that there was barely any space between them. They could take in each other’s breaths. Joseph increased the pressure around his hold to prevent himself from shivering, who knows what would happen if Busty ever learned how vulnerable she made him. “Sorokin has left the realm.” “I heard.” “Do you know why?” “Should I assume it has something to do with Sebastian?” “Yes.” Joseph suddenly released Busty’s arm causing Busty to tumble forward. She had gotten a bit light-headed during the whole encounter. “Get out.” “What?” “What is it today? Has everyone gone deaf? I said get out!” “But Sorokin said-" “I don’t care what he said! He chose a side and it is not mine, from now on he is dead to me. Now leave, I have an attack to plan.” “Would you just-" Joseph grabbed Busty’s arm and began pulling her despite her protests. Once they were at the door, Joseph turned to face her. “Looking ravishing as always Busty. As for your arm, I will behead the monster who did that to you.” Busty knocked on Joseph’s door for a few minutes before letting out a frustrated sigh and stomping off. As she did this, she realized she had just accidentally started a war.
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