Chapter Forty

1118 Words
Donna  I was screaming. I could feel the strain in my vocal chords; I could feel the burning in my throat. But for some reason, I could not hear the scream. Panicking, I opened my mouth, drew in a large breath and proceeded to let out a quailing scream but, nothing. Not a sound. I brought my hands to my knees, exhaustion sweeping over my entire being. Where was I? Was this the infamous limbo? Do you really think you’re dead Donna? Well I can’t hear myself scream so yes yes I think I am dead! Stop panicking, Donna. How can I not? If I am dead it means that my whole race will be obliterated. Did you not hear father? The fate of our entire tribe lies solely on my shoulders! That’s an awful lot of pressure to instill on a teenage girl, Donna. Well it’s my duty isn’t it? I mean it was written on stone even before my birth. I was to become a vampire tribe leader, ensure that our kind does not get wiped out from the face of history by humans. I was never meant to have a normal life. I was never meant to want normal things. If you had a choice, would you want a normal life, Donna? I lowered myself to the ground, my eyes adjusting to the mist around me. I had refrained from assessing my surroundings, knowing that the conclusion would only feed my already growing fear. So I trained my eyes to the ground, and concentrated on the question posed by my subconscious - I closed my eyes. The first thing that came to mind was Jimmy. I could hear music. It was soft and warm, playing from a distance. I could see Jimmy and I gliding across the dance floor- smiling even laughing. I could see us draw near, my lips puckering, his breath trembling. I could see him leaning in, I could see my feet spring up. I opened my eyes. Did that happen or was it wishful thinking? Did I want Jimmy to kiss me? Was I attracted to him or was I simply trying to serve a curiosity? The curiosity of letting another man hold me and kiss me safe from Sorokin? Yes, that was it. I was feeding a curiosity. I mean, how could I be attracted to a human? As a tribe leader, I needed someone who matched my strength, my speed, my desires. How exactly was this meant to work? He would devour fried chicken while I enjoyed a bowl of human blood? Would he not be revolted by our lifestyle? My lifestyle? Would he be alright with spending the rest of his life as a mere shadow? The vampire queen’s puppet? The council would throw a fit. The tribe would call me weak, a fool, a fraternizer of the enemy, and my father? My father would look at me with disappointment in his eyes. He would hand me the throne and cut ties with me; denying that he ever had a daughter… What do you think you are doing, Donna? What? Why are you thinking about marriage? No, I’m not! Are too! Are not! Are too! Is that all you have? Is that the basis of your argument? I will have you know that that is quite hollow! Have you or have you not been thinking of taking the poor boy to your realm with him as your arm candy, Donna? Arm candy? Where did you even hear that word? I am your subconscious Donna, what do you think? I think the term arm candy is an abomination to our language. I mean how is that even a description for a living being? Think about it- Stop changing the subject, Donna! Alright alright! I closed my eyes and sighed suddenly aware that I was feeling quite weak. I felt as if I had not fed for a couple of days, maybe even an entire week. I tried to recreate the dancing scene but my brain chose another route. Another image began to paint itself in my head. It was of me being hoisted from the ground by two strong, burly arms. I felt safe. For once in my life, I had no need to feel strong and I was okay with that. I snapped my eyes open. Well, what is the verdict? Do you want the human to be your arm candy? I laughed at that absurd word and began drawing circles on my wrist. Jimmy was human. He was also the son of the man who was trying to wipe my kind. Even if by any chance I did like him, was it even possible for us to have something? Anything? We played for different teams, teams that will never see eye to eye. If by any chance these teams go to war, I would have to choose a side and because of who I was, what was expected from me, I already knew what side that was. * * * Voices. They were low, almost murmurs but I could hear them. I tried to force my eyes open, see whether I was still surrounded by mist but I lacked the strength to do so. I chose to keep still and to use what was left of my energy to listen in on the quiet voices conversing. “…I say we kill him…” “What?” “Lory…he will come after us and he will never stop…” “He is my brother! Above all else, that monster? That despicable man who tried to kill me is my blood! I can’t just kill him!” “Even if given the chance he will kill you in a heartbeat? Even if he is what is standing between you and what you have wanted for a long time? Lory…I love that you have this big, no humongous heart that feels for every single person in your life, good or bad but your brother will destroy us all if we do not do something-" “Well, that something does not have to be him dead Pete!” “Why are you trying to protect him? Why are you hell-bent on keeping the man who wants to hurt us alive?” “I told you, he is my brother, he is blood-" “Bullshit. What the f**k aren’t you telling me, Lory?” My nails were digging into the flesh of my palms, I was eager to hear why Lory was willing to risk not only her life and Pete’s but also that of my entire species. “Hey, hey guys! I think roof girl is awake!” Damn you, Jimmy!
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