Chapter Forty-Two

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Donna “You…you…” “Yes, roof girl? Do you need anything? Some tea? I don’t know, ummh apples?” Tea? Apples? What was wrong with this guy? Why would a vampire who had been poisoned by a werewolf want tea or coffee? Wait, did he know who I was? What I was? “You…p-" “You want Pete? Pete! Pete!” Gods of ages! No no stop trying to finish sentences for me! “I can’t believe it, she’s awake!” I caught a whiff of multiple scents. I could tell who was hovering around me, trying to see if I was alright. It warmed my heart, how much they cared, the trouble they must have gone through…wait, how exactly had they managed to cure her? Was father here? In the human realm? I tried to sit up, tried to scan the room and see whether I would catch familiar grey eyes staring intently at me, perhaps even happy that I was alive but a hand gently held me down. I snapped my head towards the source of that hand, once again, it was Jimmy’s. I suddenly recalled what I had wanted to say to him earlier. “You prick!” The room suddenly went silent safe for the nervous shuffling of that human boy from school. What was his name? Stephen? Serrogaus? Yes Donna, a human parent named their child Serrogaus. Oh, I see that you survived the wolf bite too. Where you go, I go baby. I grimaced at the endearment and averted my attention back to Jimmy the prick whose face was scrunched in confusion. Why did he look so damn good when I was this furious? “Prick? Prick! I’m the prick? How does wanting to know how you are make me a prick?” There was that familiar sound. That trembling anger in his voice. He was irked, truly and utterly. How exactly was I going to explain that his meddling had cost me vital information? Whatever it is Lory had wanted to tell Pete or rather what Pete had been forcing her to share? I paused. Everything suddenly slowed down, I felt a wave of nausea engulf me. I had recognized another scent in the room. Something woody, well-polished, easy for you to get overwhelmed by. The leader of the VA was here. I had been too curious to pay attention to the obvious. The obvious being that the human who had set all this in motion was here in this very house. “So? Tell me again why I am a prick-" I stopped listening. Every noise, down to people’s breaths, faded into the background. Through the use of my heightened abilities, I managed to locate that bastard within seconds. He was at the edge of the room, bounded by chains, a cloth shoved in his mouth. I lowered myself to his level, his eyes twinkled. “You almost killed me. You’ve come close twice now. You went after my Hand, I am certain you have nurse Diana locked somewhere, you sent an army of humans to attack your own kin, you almost killed your son, and apparently, you will not stop until my kind is annihilated…So here is what I am going to do, I will remove this cloth and give you one chance to defend your actions. You hear me? One chance.” I did as I promised, trying to suppress my rising anger. His death meant a lot of things but only one truly mattered, my kind would be safe. I heard movements in the background. I heard muffled screams- I had forgotten about Jimmy. This was his father, monster or not, his father was his family. I slowly turned to regard him. He was pinned onto the makeshift bed by Pete, his head raised, his eyes wide with alarm and unshed tears. Shit. I had used vampire speed. I had been so consumed with the thought of killing this wretched human that I had exposed myself and Maria in the process. A muffled sound came from the opposite direction. The human, Andrew, flickered his gaze to the cloth. Was he not concerned about his screaming son? Not once did the awful human attempt to get a peek at Jimmy. My anger started rising in my gut. Soon I would not be able to swallow it. I yanked the cloth out and spread my fingers under his chin. I then proceeded to apply pressure on either side of his cheeks. My fingernails dug into his skin, soon he was bleeding. I ground my teeth, desire filling my insides. “Tell me why I should spare your life…” “Anghnghnghngh…” “What?” “Anghanghangh…” I withdrew my hand. “I am saying, because I saved yours.” I stared at him with what I imagined was my impassive face. “Did they not tell you? I was under the impression that they did. But oh well, what did I expect from liars…Can you imagine? My sister promised me something in return for your recovery but instead, I am bound here in her home with chains no less! I have a life, Lory! I am about to be the Mayor of Scanton! I have places to be-" I punched him. At first, I had thought about a slap, a good slap meant to send pain waves through his body but then I decided that was too soft. A good punch would loosen his bowels and tear glands. Except, it did not. I stared at my folded fist for a second, wondering whether I had weakened because I had not fed but, but no. That would not make sense. I had used my vampire speed, I had caught whiffs of every scent in the room, and I was not irritable, or even…weak. Why was this fucker still steady? “Ah, you are now wondering why you are still a strong vampire despite the poison that is, well was, in your system. Again, it is me you should thank…you’re welcome.” I banged my head against his, hard. I heard a bone c***k. A ghost of a smile appeared on my lips when I heard a soft groan. When I pulled away, I felt a delicious shiver sear through my spine. My eyes rested on the trickle on the monster’s forehead. I wanted a taste, I needed a taste. Donna, no, don’t do it! Too late. I was unable to fight the pull and besides this bastard deserved it. The thing is, after I dug my teeth into the flesh of his neck, it was not he who screamed. It was me.
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