Chapter 16 Hide and Seek

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Liam's POV I trail behind the kids and right next Melanie. I see her in my peripherals, glancing at me every little bit with a big smile on her face and I can't help but be happy about that. It's nice to know I make her smile just as much as she makes me smile. We get to the school in no time at all as Emily hugs Melanie and then gives me a hug as well to my suprise.. which makes my heart feel so big because she is so sweet. I watch Caleb hug Melanie until he separates from her then looks at me saying, "Thanks for last night again." I wave it off as I say, "No problem like I said if you need anyone to talk to about any guy stuff.. feel free to hit me up man." I see his eyes trail to something behind me as he smirks so big and replies, "Thanks man I'll probably hold you to that.. but you have fun with your soon-to-be busy morning.." I'm confused at this statement and I'm sure it's evident across my face as I ask, "What do you mean?" He is still smirking as he explains, "Have fun playing some hide and seek." "Thanks?" I say as more of a question so I turn around and barely see the hood on Melanie's jacket disappear behind a big tree. I can't stop the smirk that covers my face as I fist bump Caleb and turn to find my lady. I jog over to the tree I saw her run behind and sneakily peak around but she is not there. I glance around trying to see if I can get another glance at her, but none. How am I suppose to find her? I don't know my way around this area.. I keep searching behind the trees nearby and nothing.. except I can kind of smell her perfume, it's fading but still there. I try to follow the scent and I can hear snow crunching but I can't pin point where the sounds are coming from. I keep peaking around and in between trees in this forest looking area. We have wandered enough that you can't even hear the cars or the kids from the school anymore. The trees and snow seem to muffle all the outside noises that are surrounding us. Giving this area a calming but also erie feeling. I feel a smack to my chest as I jump and look down seeing a broken up snow ball on my chest. I look up and I don't see anything but I can hear her giggling. I keep creeping forward towards the muffled sounds of giggles. I can tell I'm getting closer because I'm hit more and more with snowballs to the chest. I still can't see her and everytime I get a glimpse of her I run to that spot and she is not there. I never would have thought that a woman in a black jacket could hide so well on the white snow. But she can, she is like some sort of ninja with the type of stealth you wouldn't expect from the likes of her. Another snowball hits me in the chest as I look up and see a glimpse of her jacket float behind this big tree followed by muffled giggles. I decide to try to see if I can catch her off guard so I try go on the other side of the tree where she won't be expecting it, hopefully to sneak behind her. I peak around the right side of the tree and she is waiting there in anticipation not noticing me yet. She peaks around the left side and doesn't see me so she peaks more around the left and doesn't of course see me at all. I inch closer behind her as she quickly turns around and walks straight into my chest suprising the both of us on contact. My arms instinctively wrap around her to steady us as I feel a wet on my chest. I look down and she has crushed the already made snow ball in between our bodies. "Holy f*#k that's cold!" Melanie says as she tries to get all the snow out from her exposed cleavage. I chuckle at her as I say, "That's what you get! That's almost instant karma for hitting me with all those snow balls!" I say playfully to her as she smirks and runs away from me. I try swipe and catch her in my embrace before she gets too far. Of course I miss her, but I'm not losing her this time. I continue to follow close behind as we make it to the park that's right by our work.. I didn't know these two areas were one big area behind all the buildings.. mostly because it's all hidden. I follow her to the swing, as she jumps on it and swings towards me. I grab both chains trapping her on the swing as she giggles and wraps her arms around my neck. "Did you really think you could ever get away from me that easily?" "Well yes.. I wasn't trying to get away, if I wanted to get away I could have, I know this area very well my love." She says softly to me. I lean down and puckering my lips as she puckers hers in anticipation for what's to come. But before I press my lips to hers I say quietly, "Your love huh?" She scoffs and playfully hits my chest a couple times. "Oh don't get cocky, I was just being nice since I almost ditched you but decided to stick around.. just because you're hot." She says so humorously in such close proximity. "Oh is that right?" I ask joking with her, as I lift her higher in the swing so she squeaks and giggles, "Oh yea for sure that's right.. you're so hot." She squeaks out between giggles just as humorously. I grab the swing spinning it around as I continue to hold onto it. I stop once I get it pretty twisted up and say, "I guess I'm lucky I'm hot then." She shakes her head laughing and says, "No baby I'm the lucky one." I lean down actually pressing my lips to hers this time. She moans into my lips as I break our kiss and whisper in close proximity, "No I'm the lucky one." I step back letting go of the swing so it untwists quickly with her squealing as she unspins, until she completely untwists ending with her laughing and hanging slightly off the swing. She stands up making eye contact with me. walking over as she pokes my chest saying, "You're so lucky I like you or I would kick your ass for that." "Bring it on baby." I say inching closer so we are only centimeters away. Her smile gets bigger as she says softly, "I'll let you get away with it this one time.. but that's just because I'm nice." I laugh at her retorting back, "Thank you for taking it easy on me.. you must really like me to let me get away with that, huh?" "Hmmm wouldn't you like to know." She says as the smirk is getting bigger, then I notice she is backing away. "I really would like to know." I say inching forward as she inches back. Before she can get away again I quickly pick her up and sit her on the playground equipment that's behind us. We're almost face to face with her on the playground equipment and me being taller than her. She wraps her hands around my cheeks trailing them to the back of my head and through my hair staring at me with the sexiest look I think I have ever seen in my life and I think that deep gaze means love. With this look in her eyes, the blues just sparkle and bore straight into my heart with that one look, taking my breathe away instantly. She leans in kissing me as I wedge myself between her legs with my arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her into my body more. We don't break our kiss at all until I hear her stomach growling pretty loudly. I break our kiss so I can ask, "Did you want to go get something to eat baby?" She groans and says. "Yes I'm hungry but I like being here with you like this. This is nice." She says to me, pouting but still playing with my hair in her hands as I nod and bring her into me hugging her tight. I kiss her cheek and say, "We can come back here anytime you want because this was nice." I glance to the side and see someone in my peripherals. I look back quickly and there is no one over there.. that was weird maybe I was just seeing s**t. I keep glancing around as Melanie sits back with questioning look on her face. "What's wrong?" She asks with a concern and I respond, "I just thought I saw someone but obviously not so don't worry baby.. let's go get us something to eat and we can come back if you want." "Um.. ok. Sounds good." She says a little more hesitant to me. I grab her by the waist and help her down to her feet. I take her hand in mine as I start walking us towards the nearest restaurant. It seems like Grams is the closest besides our work and I don't want to go to our work when we are not working. So I turn to her and say, "You ok with Grams since it's right here or would you like to go somewhere else? I don't care either way baby." "I'm always fine with Grams." She states as we continue our trek across the street and to the diner. Melanie's POV We walk to the one place that I will always feel welcome in.. Gram's Diner. We walk in and I hear "There she is! The most beautiful girl in town." I turn to the side to see our cook Mike yelling from across the room startling me. "Oh hey Mike since when do you think I'm the most beautiful girl in town? You never say stuff like that to me." I say to him suspiciously. "I.. um.. have always thought that.. but just felt like I had to say it today.. for some reason." He stutters through his answer almost sounding nervous. He quickly walks over and hugs me as I say again, "Mike? What has gotten into you? You never act like this around me.. oh by the way this is my man Liam.. so have some respect for him please." "Oh.. um.. nice to meet you Liam, I'm Mike." He says shaking Liam's hand then walking away, looking ashamed. "I'm so sorry I don't know why he is acting like that." I say apologetically to Liam as he shrugs it off. "You can't control how other people act baby, so don't worry about it." I look across the room and see Gram's talking with Mike and pointing at the I phone. Mike walks over to the phone, picking it up and putting it to his ear. He is looking irritated by whoever is talking and is shaking his head but I can't hear what he is saying back in response. He looks mad as he slams the phone down. Looking up, he locks his gaze with mine as he gets a guilty look upon his face. He lets out a deep breathe as he walks over to us again and says to me, "Why don't you ditch the douche and get a real man Mel?" My mouth drops open as I say, "Mike?! What has happened to you?!" I ask in total shock. "I don't know what your talking about Mel this is how I have always been. So how about you just come with me and I'll show you a good time today." "I don't appriciate you being disrespectful to my lady.. you can say what you want about me but nothing to her. Now you need to apologize and leave before there is a real problem here." Liam demands with so much warning and protectiveness I can't help but get turned on by it. Mike looks conflicted with his eyes going back and forth around the room as he says, "I'm sorry Mel." Then storms away, back to the kitchen. I'm so confused about this whole situation that I don't even know how to react. He has never acted like that ever in almost 6 years.. why today? I have to know. "I'm sorry Liam, Mike and I have been friends for 5 almost 6 years and I need to make sure he is ok because this really isn't like him at all... don't let him fool you. I'll be right back." I say as I stand up and walk to the cooks food window. "Mike man.. what's going on? And don't you dare say that's how you have always been because you and I both know that's a lie. So what's happening? Do you need help with something?" I ask trying to get something out of him. Mike still has a look of guilt on his face as he stares at me for a moment. His mouth opens then shuts.. he swallows the lump in his throat before he says, "That's just me Mel." Reluctantly, as if the comment is being forced out of him. "I don't know why your lying to me Mike but I see straight through your shit.. so until you decide to actually tell me the truth of why you're acting like such an asshole to me.. when you have never done that in the almost 6 years I have known you.. then I don't want to talk to you." I say to him as he looks even sadder and nods not saying anything else. "So your just not going to tell me then?" I ask with so much attitude in my voice as he looks down, not even being able to look me in the eyes as he shakes his head. "Fine. Have it your way Mike.. If you didn't want to be my friend any more you could have just said so." I turn around on my heels quickly to walk back to the table when I hear from behind me, "It's not my way Mel.. I just want you to know." I turn back around as I retort. "It IS your way because YOU are your own strong person and YOU had multiple chances to be honest with me and YOU CHOSE to not explain anything and continue to be a d**k losing a good friend.. so that's your choice and your way." I turn back around walking away to my table with Liam. "Hey baby you ok?" Liam asks sweetly. I shake my head, "No honestly I'm a little upset he was a good friend for years so him to act like that to me and refuse to tell me why even after I threatened to not be friends with him anymore.. completely hurt my feelings." I spill my feelings with so much honestly. Liam pats the open seat right next to him in the booth as I smile and take his invitation. He scoots closer to my side and says into my ear. "I bet I know something that could make you feel a ton better." I feel his lips lightly touch my ear then my neck along with his breath fanning all over my neck. So I can't help the stupid school girl giggle that comes out of my mouth at his tantalizing touch. "Liam, stop it" I say playfully to him as he feigns shock, "What Mel?" I point at him as he says. "What? Did you think I was talking about s*x?! Mel you little pervert you... I was not talking about that I was talking about Ice Skating or cooking again.. Get your mind out of the gutter little lady." He points at me as I gasp and actually slap his hand away then on the chest. "You were the one kissing my ear and neck, turning me on!.. so you can't blame me for thinking of that! It's your fault.. you have created a monster." I say dramatizing the situation making him laugh as he shrugs his shoulders before retorting. "I don't mind one bit, and of course I'm kidding because that's exactly what I meant and we will get to that again soon enough my sexy little perv." He says to me making me scoff as I roll my eyes. "Sorry to interrupt you little love birds but what may I get for you to eat?" Grams asks I open my mouth to answer as the fire alarm starts to blare in the place with a fire in the kitchen. Smoke is bellowing out everywhere as the sprinklers start shooting everything, soaking all of us as we quickly get up and head out with Grams right behind. "What happened?" I ask outloud to no one in particular. Grams shrugs her shoulders as she says, "I have only had those go off about 10 times in 30 years.. but it should be ok and hopefully there is not too much damage or clean up.. we will find out later for sure." We stare at the building with Smoke still bellowing out the windows and doors. You can hear the fire department on their way by the projecting sirens in the distance. They pull up, running into the smokey building without hesitation like the brave people that they are. They end up not being in their too long before the sprinklers turn off and they make their way back outside. One firefighter walks up to Grams and says, "Ok Grams, so there was a fire in the kitchen that looked like oil got spilt while cooking.. the little fire is now out and it doesn't look like any big damage is done.. maybe smoke and getting everything dry... But I would shut down for the rest of the night to get everything cleaned up." She nods and responds, "Thanks for coming this way to help me Anthony, have a good day." He gives her a hug and walks away as she let's out a big groan. "Grams? Do you want some help?" I ask her sweetly as she shakes her head and retorts, "No way, it's your day off and you have your man with you I don't want to bother. You guys have a good rest of your day." Liam steps up and says. "No way are we leaving you here to deal with this by yourself.. we can help even if it's just for a little bit.. and we won't take no for an answer." Gram's eyes get wide as she slightly c***s her head from the shock of expecting that response. She looks at me as I smirk at her until she says, "Alright well who could say no to that.. thank you.. I'll make sure to buy us something to eat." We nod, agreeing and follow her inside to help out any way we can.
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