Chapter 15 Keeping Secrets

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(((Warning Explicit Content Warning))) Melanie's POV I slowly open my eyes and I have to say I'm feeling a little sore.. down there.. but other than that, I feel f*#king amazing like a whole new woman with so much stress relief in that one night. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I gaze across the room at my clock and it's about an hour and a half before my alarm goes off. I don't know why I'm up so early but I feel completely refreshed and ready to go for the day.. I could take on the world if I wanted to. I glance up and see Liam is smiling down at me. I smirk up at him as I snuggle more into his side. He rubs my back as I hear him whisper, "How are you feeling beautiful?" "I'm a little sore but other than that I feel like a million bucks." I say to him as he lets out a nervous breathe. "Why what's wrong?" I ask Liam curiously since he now has a relieved look on his face from my answer. "I was honestly worried you would regret doing this with me and I'm so happy you don't." He says to me so honestly as I reply. "How could I ever regret anything with you especially something as amazing and memorable as that?" "I just never want you to regret anything with me and that was such a big step for a new couple but I'm so happy you gave me that trust.. you don't know what that means to me." He says so sweetly with sincerity wrapped up in every single word that I truely can feel what this means to him. "Well don't worry about it I haven't regretted one thing with you and I'm sure I won't ever. Because you don't know what you mean to me." I vaguely confess to him as I can feel his green orbs boring in mine until he says softly, "I think.. no I know.. I love you." I scoff and playfully hit his chest. "Don't joke around about those kinds of things Liam." I state as I hear him let out a wavering breathe before he says, "What if I'm not joking?" I feel my heart rate rising as confusion is evident across my face. "What? There is no way you could possibly love me Liam and it's not nice to mess with my emotions like that." I say as I try to get out of his hold but he tightens his arms around me and doesn't budge still staring deep into my eyes. "I'm serious, there's something in the way you do everything that pulls me in and makes me want to be around you all the time.. you have invaded my mind every second of everyday since the moment I saw you and I'm a firm believer in love at first sight from all the books I have read and movies I have watched. I have felt like this since the moment I met you and I thought it would go away and that I was just being foolish.. but all it has done is the complete opposite. My feelings have become way stronger for you and only you. You don't have to say any of that back, but after our moment together last night, my feelings were confirmed." He confesses this as my mouth would be dropped to the ground if that was physically possible. "Really? How do you know? for sure?" I ask with so much nervousness anticipating his answer. "Well you're all I think about and even dream about and all I want to do is be with you every moment of everyday.. I just wish I could wake up to your beautiful face every morning and fall asleep with you every night. I want to do anything to make you smile and I want to be with you until my last day..You give my heart reason to beat every single day and if that's not love then I don't know what it is." He spills every last detail of his confession and it takes my breathe away instantly. I can hear his heart beat accelerating at his confession and mine feels like it's about ready to beat out of my chest. But luckily I'm not a classic cartoon character and that's not physically possible. I slide my naked body up his since I'm still laying out top of him, just so I can reach his lips. I press my lips to his not knowing how to respond to his confession except for a kiss. I don't want to say I love him unless I mean it and I don't know if I completely mean it yet since I have never felt that way before.. but I do feel just like he describes. So maybe I'm just being a chicken s**t, coming up with excuses to not put my heart out there like him, when I could say it to him, but choose not to. His hand trails to the back of my head and running through my hair pulling me in more as I feel myself getting a little light headed at all the intoxicating feelings he is giving me in this one mind blowing kiss. I feel my body heating up just aching for him once again. I feel his shaft hardening up at our invigorating contact that is getting both of us riled up. I have been loving trying so many new things with Liam already that I just want to try more... and since I'm laying on top of him why don't I try something else on top of him. I spread my legs now straddling him and bending down as I continue to kiss him with a hunger for he knows what. I position myself over his member as I sit up on my knees and grab it, standing it straight up touching my entrance. I slowly slide myself down onto it and I cannot describe the fulfilling ecstacy it gives me just in this one movement. Oh I'm glad I tried this position, this has got to be my favorite so far... I feel in control and with the way he is looking at me as his hands trail all over my body, I feel like the sexiest woman out there. I slowly move up then down. Letting it slide out then back in as I feel his strong hands tightening on my waist helping direct me. He starts to groan as he whispers. "You feel too f*#king good baby." I smirk down at him from the little boosted confidence as I start to rotate my hips and my lord, that action alone sends strong euphoric feelings all through my body that I never want to end, so I won't let it.. at least not right now. I quicken my rotating hips pace as the chills run up and down my body along with goosebumps making me want to let out the loudest moan but I hold it back as I bite my lip and continue this exciting ride of my life. He is groaning with his eyes not leaving my frame at all, I keep what I'm doing because obviously he is loving what I'm doing. His breathing is getting harder as he groans out between pants, "Baby I'm going to cum." I feel the brick wall of euphoria hitting me so hard taking my breathe away as I gasp and get the chills all over my body. I c*m all over him as he lifts me up by my hips, taking himself out of me as he strokes his member until he shoots his c*m all over his abs. The towels we used last night are still on the floor so I get up, grabbing it as I help him clean off. "Did you like that?" I asked nervously. "You're kidding right? Of course I did! That felt amazing." He responds instantly as I can't help but smile. "If we are going to keep this up, in more ways then one, I think we are going to need to get some condoms.. something because I almost didn't pull out because you felt so f*#king good baby." Liam whispers to me as I smile and nod, at him because as bad as it may sound, I like the idea of kids with him.. He seems like he would be a great father and partner in life. I stare up at him nervously with all these thoughts of him running through my mind. Oh all the possibilities of a fun life with him that I could have. I lean in kissing him as I hear a pounding on my door. "You stupid w***e are you talking to someone in there? I thought I heard a voice." My step father yells through the door. As Liam looks pissed, he tries to jump up off the bed but I jump on top of him trying to make sure he calms down because I know he won't hurt me if I hold him back. Liam's hands grip my hips as he shakes his head at me and I put my hands on his chest almost straddling him trying to get him to calm down. I gesture him to be quiet. "So I hear you haven't learned any new words.. so how about you pick up a book before you try to come over here yelling like the i***t you are." I say so spitefully back, loud enough for him to hear. "F*#k you! If that guy is in there I will break this door down and kick his ass!" My step father yells again as I start laughing and say, "There is no way you're getting through that door you fat old man. Get over yourself." I say back to him as he bangs on the door saying, "You little b***h! you wouldn't be brave enough to say that to my face!" I go to stand up and prove him wrong, as I feel Liam's grip tighten on my legs keeping me in place. I look down at him as he shakes his head at me before whispering.. "He is trying to trick you to get you out there and your butt naked I don't want him coming around you like that he might try something.. please dont." I nod at him as I groan and say, "You're not worth the time I would waste going out there proving you wrong now let me sleep for the little longer I have." I yell at him as he groans and I can hear him stomping away down the hall. I squeak as Liam quickly sits up with me still on top of him in bed so we are face to face only centimeters away. "I just want you to know you're amazing and beautiful and not a b***h or w***e. I don't care what he says about you, he obviously doesn't know you at all, if that's what he thinks of you." Liam says so softly to me as I feel his breath fan my lips with every word he says. "You really are the man of my dreams, you know that right? You make me feel so good." I respond just as softly. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders just enjoying this comfortable naked embrace.. until I realize.. "Wait? You could have gotten up this whole time, and here I thought I was actually holding you down." I say playfully shocked as he smiles and says, "I wanted you to think that because I like your idea of holding me down. You can keep me here 'stuck' under your naked body all day." He says sarcastically to me as I smile and blush at his response. "I'm going to make my way down to my room to get dressed but whenever you want to come over just head down. I don't want you to get into anymore trouble for me up here." He says sadly as I shake my head responding without hesitation, "Any trouble would be worth it to be with you." I want to tell him how I feel as I open up my mouth to say more.. but my nerves get the best of me so I shut it and I touch his cheek gently still staring into his eyes. He smirks and whispers, "I think.. maybe... You're feeling exactly like I feel about you and are just too scared to admit it to me and yourself. But the way you look at me tells a different story of how you really feel about me." "I am scared shitless to admit it." I whisper out as I feel my heart race just at that little confirmation.. he smirks and kisses my cheek a couple times until he whispers into my ear sending chills down my spine. "I'll wait forever to hear those words come from your mouth.. no rush at all my love, but it's nice to hear you admitting it. I don't feel so crazy." My breath hitches at his close proximity to my neck as I feel his breath fanning off of my ears and neck. "Well just hope I get the guts before.. forever." I say with humor in my words making him chuckle into my neck as I feel his lips lightly kiss down my neck so I lean my head giving him more access. "You make it so HARD to leave." Liam says as I smile to myself. "Well I'll head right over to your place after I drop the kids off and we can spend some much wanted quality time together." I say into his ear as I suck on it lightly earning a moan from him. "I don't know if I can wait that long." He says tightening his grip on me making me giggle. "I'll see you soon handsome, I have to wake up my siblings any minute now." I say softly as my alarm starts to sing, echoing in the room as I keep smirking at him. He groans and says, "Fine you're lucky I love all three of you or I would stay right here... Not letting you leave me at all.. especially to go out there with that asshole. He is lucky you have been there to stop me or I would have beat the hell out of him for talking to you like he does." I can't help the big smile that crosses my face at his protective comment, so I kiss him again. I really don't want to tear myself apart from him but I know I have to. I pick myself off of him as I continue to kiss him. I can feel him reaching for me as I reach out blocking his hands and giggling as I break our kiss. He stands up pulling on his boxer briefs, pants, an shirt, then lastly his jacket. He kisses me with such passion that makes my heart swoon on contact, as he breaks it and crawls out of my window and down to his apartment. I hurry up throwing my hair into a messy bun with some strands of hair hanging down on the sides. I apply light make up accenting my eyes and putting on a Lacey pair of bra and thong to impress since I feel like all woman now. I get a pair of black skinny jeans on and my salmon pink colored long sleeve that's low cut. I throw on my boots before I head to Emily and Caleb's room unlocking and opening the door turning on the light saying, "Come on guys, time to get up." I hear the groans as I smirk and walk down the hallway to the kitchen. Oh great, I see my step father with his arms crossed across his chest asking. "So do you have someone in your room?" I look at him with confusion as I roll my eyes and say. "It's funny that you think I have time for a life when I'm way too busy with my two jobs taking care of your kids because you won't step up as a parent. Why do you care what I do anyways? You have called me a w***e since I was 16.. do you really care about anything I do?? Nope. So just stay out of my business." I say so spitefully to him as he glares at me and says, "I'm watching you Mel." He walks away as I hear my siblings making their way out of their room as I set up some pop tarts and fruit for them to munch on for breakfast. "Where were you guys last night my step father asks the kids as they walk past him down the hallway. Caleb is the one to answer as he says "Sissy took us to the ice rink." "Who was there with you guys?" He asks I think trying to catch me in a lie about Liam. Caleb answers once more saying, "I don't know... lots of people were there skating." I let out a sigh of relief as I watch my step father letting them pass not having anymore questions. They sit down as I watch my step father go straight into his room so I turn to Caleb and Emily whispering, "Thank you for not saying anything." They both nod and smile at me as they eat their breakfast and finish putting on their clothes to leave for school. We make our way out of the apartment as I lock it behind me. I prance down the stairs right behind the two of them as I see a smirking Liam off to the side of the stairs. I prance past him as I wink and keep walking. He wraps his arms around my torso, spinning me around as he says so playfully into my ear. "What you think you can just pass me up." I reply so knowingly to him, "I knew you would follow me." I watch his smirk get bigger as he says, "To the ends of the earth." I roll my eyes as I respond jokingly, "How about just to the kids school and back or maybe out for lunch." "Sold." He says letting my body go and following behind all of us as I open the door for everyone to head to to school.
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