Chapter 17 Second Day Off

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Melanie's POV We spend hours cleaning up Gram's Diner, mostly just water that got on everything.. Thankfully because all the smoke trace that was left, washed off pretty easily after a good scrubbing and the kitchen equipment wasn't damaged just a little burnt. We're still trying to be light hearted about this whole situation because it could have been so much worse.. So we have to appriciate what didn't go wrong that could have. We have to just make sure everything gets dry, so mold doesn't get created because of the mess.. Luckily there is no carpet or anything to see the moisture locked in but We are drying the s**t out of of tiles and booths. So we have borrowed and bought so many fans propping them up to get the floors dry as fast as possible. "Ok we are at a stand still point.. just waiting for the floor to get dried.. so have a good rest of your afternoon and thank you so much for all of your help you both are the absolute best."Grams says. We both smile and give her hugs as Liam is the first to answer. "No problem, if you need anymore help don't hesitate to ask, we have the whole day off." She touches Liams cheek saying so sweetly, "You're so kind I can just see the genuiness in your eyes.. I love it... I will let you know if I need anything.. go have fun." Grams says waving at us as we walk away to head back towards the school.. we will be just a little early to get the kids but not too early. We spent so much time cleaning that we almost lost track of time, so I'm glad Grams kicked us out. We get back to the school property in no time at all. Liam takes my hand in his, as is tradition at this point for him to drag me around. I might sound like I'm complaining but I really love it.. as much as I don't want to admit it outloud because feelings scare the hell out of me. He leans his back up against the big tree that's starting to become our little hiding spot together. He pulls me into his frame wrapping those strong arms of his around my waist and my hands instinctively go to his cheeks. He stares up at me with so much happiness in his eyes as I say softly, "Thanks for being so sweet and helping Grams with me, it didn't just mean a lot to her but also meant a great deal to me.. Grams is the closest I have to a mother since my mom passed. She stepped up making advances at motherly advice and helping me when I needed it. She will be the closest you will get to meeting any of my family, besides my siblings of course." "Grams is sweet who wouldn't help her but I'm glad I could help ease both of your minds with that one act.. Anything for you my love." He says making my heart increase it's pace but not overwhelming just yet. But give it any second and I'm sure he will get it pounding, he always does somehow. I lean down kissing him as I feel his tantalizing touch run slightly under the sides of my shirt to my hips. He pulls me closer to him, as I moan into his touch wishing we had a more covered area to take care of this urge right here right now because it has been building up all morning and afternoon.. But I won't do it out in the middle of the school yard.. I'm horny but not that horny. I feel his tongue roaming around my mouth and I can't help but suck on it loving his taste earning a moan from him. I like that even the fun s****l stuff I instinctively try he likes, that's a confidence booster for sure. I kiss him deeper as the last bell rings and kids start to empty out of the school doors so we are forced to seperate. "Oh you are so lucky you were saved by the bell because I was about ready to take you right here right now." Liam says to me with lust in his eyes as I smirk and retort, "That sounds unlucky actually.. maybe you can make up for this unfortunate interruption later." I say to him, hearing a purring sound as I feel the vibrations from his chest pressed against mine.. it's a husky baritone of a sound and that alone gets me excited. "Whatever you want my love.. I'm game for sure, you don't have to ask twice."I smile as I slightly back away before my siblings see me in the provocative embrace, I don't want to scar them for life no matter how much I love Liam's touch. Perfect timing I guess because right after I back away I can hear, "Hey Liam guess what? I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes." Caleb says with so much excitement to Liam, not even caring I'm here. Liam gets excited for him as he says, "Yes man! that's great!" He fist bumps Caleb. "I'm here too if anyone cares." I state to Caleb as I feel Liam's eyes on me as he says, "Oh I care baby." I smirk back at him as we hear, "Hey guys I was wondering if Billy could come with us to do whatever we are doing today." Emily asks us as I smile and retort, "I don't have a problem with it but I'm sure we would need to ask his mother." I respond as they both smile. "What are we doing anyways?" Caleb asks as I have a confused smile on my face as well.. we never talked about anything to do for the day and it's stupid that I just figured this out. I look right at Liam without hesitation as he smirks at me and says, "I was hoping we could go snow sleding down the big hill, get something to eat and then I heard about that hot springs at the end of town from Shawna, that would help warm us up after getting so cold playing in the snow." My eye brows raise up in suprise as I smile and nod. "Ok so I will go to the apartment and grab our things as you guys get permission from Billy's parents.. and then we can meet back up at your apartment Liam?" I say as he reluctantly nods. He leans in and whispers for only us to hear, "What about your step father? I'm worried he will harass you." He says with so much worry for me. I'm sure he wishes he could go with me but he knows that would just make things worse for me. "I'll be ok and I'll go fast I swear and if I'm not out in l5 minutes then come up for me." I say to him making him nod. We all walk to the apartment building and seperate. I wave at the kids and give Liam a peck as I run up stairs. I get there and quickly open the door to see no one right away. I don't see my step father at all so I make my way to my bedroom quickly. I grab my bathing suit, gloves and hat because I have everything else on already. I get out of my room and open the kids room door, grabbing their sleds and bathing suits. I get out of their room locking their doors as I turn down the hallway. I freeze hearing right behind me, "What are you doing?" "Heading out to go sledding with the kids." I say lifting the sleds up showing them. He grunts and retorts, "Is that was this is for.. sledding?" He asks lifting up my bikini that he can see. I don't say anything to him before he starts to respond once more. "If I find out your spending time with that guy we will be having a talk about this later." He says maliciously to me as I don't respond at all because it will just make things worse no matter what I say to him and they are waiting for me outside. I turn back around and I just leave out the front door. I make it down the stairs and see my siblings with Billy at Liam's apartment.. Liam comes out with a bathing suit in hand and deflated tube in the other. He shuts his door as we make our way to his car piling into it to start this fun evening off with everyone. We drive to the Big hill on the end of town as we pull everything out. I help get the kids and my gloves and hats on. Liam is blowing up the tube as quickly as possible as I'm doing all this. The kids go out first not waiting on us at all. Liam finishes blowing up the tube as we both head to the top of the hill. He sets the tube down as he sits down on it holding it in place and pats his lap for me to join him. I willingly jump on of course. As we quickly take off with my jump momentum accelerating our pace down the hill. We fly down the hill with so much speed that I can't even open my eyes, I just hold on to Liam for dear life screaming into his chest not wanting to look. We keep hitting bumps and I can feel the tube lifting off of the ground as we are airborne even if it's just for a moment. Everytime I feel us lift off the ground I grip Liam's torso tighter, I'm not an adrenaline junkie by any means so going fast on a vulnerable tube that I can't control, scares the hell out of me. The only reason I'm doing it is because Liam wanted to and he has done uncomfortable stuff for me so why not I do some for him.. I don't mind much at all because I have to say, if I just get to hold him all day then I guess I'll do this whenever he wants to. We get down to the bottom of the hill as I feel us come to a complete stop. I lift my head and I lock eyes with Liam's playful ones. He chuckles at me and asks, "So how did you like that? Was it that scary for you?" I nod vigorously at him replying, "I don't like being on an unpredictable tube that could throw me in any direction at any point, especially under such intense speeds. But holding you made me feel way better." I say smirking at him as he wiggles his eyebrows at me in response. "Well I'm glad to be your safety net, you can hold on to me as long as you want to.. but if you don't want to do it again, you don't have to. It's ok don't feel any pressure" He says to me as I shake my head. "No let's do it again, I had fun! It's like watching a scary movie.. my adrenaline is going and I'm freaked out but still having a great time" He chuckles at my response as we stand up and grab the tube pulling it up to the top. I watch Caleb, Billy and Emily pass us up a couple times because they have smaller sleds and they are faster than us. We fly down the big hill too many times to count and I have to say it was well worth the work. I'm going to pass the f*#k out tonight after everything we have done so far. The same goes for the kids, I bet they are going to be sleeping good tonight. After hours of this fun sledding time, we get piled back into the car and make our way towards the hot springs. We are all really hungry so we stop and get some fast food on our way since we are all famished after that fun time. We eat in the car, finishing our travels to the hot springs. We get out, heading inside and after paying we seperate by genders for the changing rooms for the pool. Emily and I get outside taking a look around as Billy and Caleb run up to us taking Emily's hand and running to the little water slide and swimming area. I look up and lock my gaze with Liam, who's eyes look enticed by me and what he sees, which makes me smile pretty big, with my heart really starting to racing in nervousness. Liam takes my hand and leading me to the hot tubs where we can sit and relax while still watching the kids. Liam walks in first and helps me into the water by still holding onto my hand and guiding me in. I emerge myself into the hot bubbling water just feeling amazing within two seconds of being in here. This is an instantly calming feelings, so worth it already.. Liam leads me to the side where no one is at and I notice I just follow him wherever he may lead me at this point. He sits down first and I sit right next to him but throwing my legs over his. I want to still cuddle with him in this relaxing situation even if we can't do all that we want with each other. I feel his hand rub up and down the outside of my leg, since it's on his lap. I lay my head on his shoulder with his other arm wrapping around my waist, in one of the most comfortable embraces I have ever been apart of with him "Thanks for doing that with me even though I know you were uncomfortable." Liam says to me softly as I smile and respond. "It was not an inconvenience by any means.. Like I said before I will hold on to you as long as I can, But I did found out, I do like to be scared as long as you're there to make me feel safe." "I will be there as much as I can for you to comfort you, keeping you safe, and other sexy ways to be there for you." He says wiggling his eyebrows at me. Liam leans in and kisses the spot right next to my ear but still on my neck sending chills all over, even with me in the hot tub. "I have to tell you, I really and I mean REALLY like your bikini, it just makes me want to rip it right off of you." He whispers to me as I giggle and respond, "I don't mind you seeing me naked by ripping my bathing suit off.. but I don't want anyone else to see me and I'm sure they wouldn't want that either." I say to him as he groans and says, "You can't expect me to keep my hands off of you looking like this. I will be as respectful as possible to the people around us but there is no way I'm not touching you." I shake my head and giggle at this as I snuggle more into his hold and state, "I wouldn't expect anything else from you." He laughs at this, tightening his grip around me. We sit in each other comfortable embrace just enjoying the cold weather with the hot water.. it's the perfect combo so your not too hot or too cold. We watch the kids run around, having so much fun. "Thank you for doing this today for them.. all of us, actually.. I just know how much this time means to them and they really like you. which makes me so happy." I say to Liam as he smiles back at me and says, "I know it might sound weird but I really like being around them especially with you, it makes me almost feel like a dad and I have to admit I really like it. I have always liked the idea of being a dad though.. I hope that doesn't freak you out." He says cautiously to me. "No I think that's sexy as f*#k to watch you act like a dad, it makes me imagine what it would be like if I actually had a family with you." I respond as his eyebrows go up not expecting that answer, as he curiously asks. "What do you imagine the future to be like with me?" I clear my throat nervously responding, "Nothing short of amazing... I imagine you being just as sweet and attentive with them as you are with me and my siblings. At the risk of sounding crazy it doesn't make me scared at the idea of even getting pregnant with your baby. I think you being so amazing is making my ovaries go nuts. I'm having a little bit of baby fever when I'm with you." "Really? You would like the idea of starting a family with me?" He asks me suprised but a happy looking suprise. "Yea..? I hope that doesn't freak you out, I just think we work very well together and you're great with them.. You're so sweet and protective and make me feel really good in so many ways.. that's all I have ever wanted honestly." I say to him as he leans in kissing my ear and says into it. "That doesn't freak me out at all, that makes me want to take you back to my place to make a baby.. but I won't, not right now at least.. I just want you to know that doesn't freak me out one bit." This comment sends chills up my spine from the fanning of his breath on my neck. Emily runs up to us saying, "Sissy I'm getting tired now." I look at Liam who shrugs as I state, "Ok Em tell the guys to go down the slide one last time and we will head back before it gets too late, We don't want Billy's parents to worry about him." She smiles and leaves to inform the boys. Time to head back to the apartment after an interesting day to say the least.
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