Chapter 6 Dancing

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Liam's POV We all agree to go out dancing for a little bit to top the night off right since it hasn't been the best or easiest night for any of us. The place they are talking about is on the other side of our building a couple more buildings down. So not far away at all which is very nice. So the big group of us make our way across the parking lot to get into the club. We get in and the main lights are low with different colored lights flashing all over, while the loud music bumps the whole room into a fun upbeat rhythm. You can feel the bass in the ground vibrating the place to life. We all get into the main dancing area, following each other like a train to the center of the room. We let the music take over our bodies dancing to the beat. I watch Melanie sway her hips to the beat loving every hypnotizing move she makes. I make my way to her, around the group of people just wanting to be closer to her, even if it's just for a moment. She sees me and smirks my way using her pointer finger to gesture for me to come closer to her swaying body. You don't have to ask me twice when it comes to her. I quickly make my way to her as she wraps her arms around my neck pulling me in closer as she continues to dance rubbing her body on mine. I put my arms around her pulling her into me more, moving with her body to the beat just loving this much wanted time with her. She turns around, leaning back, melting into my frame, rubbing her voluptuous curves all over me moving down then up instantly making me hard at the invigorating contact. She really knows how to move her body but I don't want to push things with her so I need to calm down before I do something I will regret ruining what I just started with her. I lean down whispering in her ear, "Hey beautiful I'm going to go get us some drinks." She smiles back at me and nods still dancing and I can't help but just watch her move loving the sight before me, almost having to tear myself away from her. I slowly back away through the crowd, across the room to the bar. It takes a couple minutes until I'm taken care of. But I finally get to grab a couple drinks turning around.. I gaze across the room to see the same guy from our work before, that Melanie said was one of those f*#k boys that hurt her. That guy is trying to dance with her from behind. I think she can tell something is wrong because she quickly turns around, shaking her head and sending the guy away, looking irritated. You can tell that he reluctantly walks away from her as she goes the opposite way towards the bathrooms. I watch the guy she just sent away stop, turning around and following her into that area. I start to get a bad feeling about that guy so I decide to follow into that area as well just in case. That's my lady now anyways, so why not be over protective of her especially since this guy doesn't seem to want to quit no matter how many times she tells him no. I make my way through all the gyrating waves of people across the room towards my lady. I turn going down the long dark hallway leading to the bathroom. I hear them before I even really see them. "Get away Connor I told you I didn't want anything to do with you anymore." Melanie says as I hear, "You don't mean that Melly. You're just still mad at me, but I promise I can make you feel better." He says pinning her to the wall under him. "No, your disgusting and I don't want that at all. Get away from me." She says hitting his chest and trying to push him away. He just chuckles and says, "I love this feisty side of you Melly it makes this game way more fun for myself." He says leaning in looking like he is trying to kiss her, she turns her face as she pushes him away. This sight before me pisses me off beyond belief, so I make my way quickly across the hall grabbing this guy Connor by the shoulder flipping him around and shoving him off of her and down the hall. "Hey man what the f*#k! I'm just trying to have some fun calm the f*#k down." This Connor guy yells at me from down the hallway as I put my arm out behind me guiding Melanie's small frame behind mine. I don't take my eyes off of him as I feel Melanie's hand gently drifting down my arm gripping my hand tight into hers as her other arm wraps around mine securely. This alone makes me feel tougher than concrete as I puff my chest out more saying, "It's not any fun for her, she told you no. So stay the f*#k away from her." The guy glares down the hall at us as he locks his gaze on our intertwined hands. "What is this tool your guy or something Melly?" He yells at us as I quickly respond for the both of us. "It doesn't matter what I am to her, what should matter is the fact that she told you no and you still were trying to force yourself on her. What the f*#k is wrong with you man?" He scoffs and yells back, "Don't act all innocent over there being the knight in shining armor for her.. I know you're just like me and just want her to f*#k with as well. She is just a hot piece of ass nothing more nothing less, so stop playing dumb." "No the reason I'm here is to help her because I promised her if she gave me a chance I would. You're wrong though, I'm nothing like you, I won't take advantage of her or force her into anything. She is here with me because she wants to be. She trusts me enough to know I won't do any of that to her because she is a sweet and amazing person. Even an i***t like yourself can figure that out. So just leave her the f*#k alone because if I see you harassing her again I'll kick your f*#king ass. This is your last final warning, take it or leave it. I don't care either way." I spat back at him. He stares over at us for a moment thinking of his response. "Fine you win... Melly when you want a real man give me a call." "No thanks I've already got one." she yells from behind me, tightening her grip around my arm as he grunts and leaves us in the hall by ourselves. I turn around looking down at her locking instantaneously with those deep ocean blue eyes. I just want to dive in, I don't even care if I drown when it comes to her stunning orbs. "You ok Mel?" I ask softly being in such close proximity to her. "Never better, thanks to you."She says letting out a nervous breathe, biting her lips staring up at me with an anticipation. I hesitantly lean in slowly inching towards her until I make contact, pressing my lips to her soft ones. She presses her lips back as my hand goes to her cheek, deepening the kiss. My lips open just enough that I feel her tongue going into my mouth massaging my tongue with hers. She tastes so good that I can't help but to moan into her mouth and she moans back pressing her body into mine. I let go of her hand, putting my hand onto her hip pulling her into me as she let's out a whimper of pain so I break the kiss, "Are you ok? Did I hurt you?" I ask this with a little more panic laced in my voice. "No it's OK Liam I just have a.." She stops and doesn't finish the sentence as I curiously feel the spot under my hand. I lift the bottom of her shirt to see a straight cut, new wound. It's red and swollen as if it's irritated right on her hip. "Gosh that scared me, I thought I hurt you but I just irritated your wound. What happened? It looks like a stab would." I say sarcastically to her as her eyes go wide and she doesn't respond. She looks away nervously as I realize what it was. "Wait is this an actual stab wound?" I ask as she doesn't answer me again still looking away. I lift her face making sure she looks at me so I can tell if she is lying or not. "This is a new wound. Did this happen last night when I heard those sounds? When I came to your place Mel?" She doesn't say anything again, she just nods her head at me. I let out a deep breathe, pulling her into me hugging her tight into my protective hold. Her arms wrap around me just as tight, locking us together. I kiss her head and say, "You can't do this to yourself, letting this happen and not saying anything. Who is doing this to you?" She doesn't answer me as I answer for her, "Your step father?" I ask as she stiffens in my hold answering the question without even knowing it. "Someone who treats you like that doesn't love you Mel. You don't deserve this treatment why don't you just leave?" I ask her as I hear her sniffling, "I can't." She whispers into my chest. "Why not? What good reason do you have to literally get beat and stabbed?!" I ask in a lecturing tone as I stare into her eyes so she knows how serious I am. She gets mad shoving at my chest in frustration, not at me I think she is more mad at the situation as the tears pour down her cheeks."He will hurt them if I leave, just out of spite for me.. because he knows what those kids mean to me. I can't let him hurt my siblings because of me. They don't deserve that." She says to me with so much determination as I watch those passionate eyes gloss up letting the tears, falling more. My hand goes to her cheek instinctively wiping away the tears as I respond sweetly. "You don't deserve that treatment my love." She leans into my gentle touch that's still cupping her cheek. "I would take a million beatings for them over and over again to make sure they stay safe. I promised my mother I would take care of them as she died in my arms. So I won't ever go back on my promise to her." She says so protectively to me. "Then there has to be something we can do. Why don't you call the police and report him. He can't hurt you if he is in prison." I say to her as she shakes her head vigorously in response. "No if he gets reported or arrested, child services will get involved taking my brother and sister away and separating them. I can't have that. I'm just trying to save up enough money so I can get my own place and a lawyer so I can try to get custody of both of them.. but I have to have both of those things.. that are expensive.. hence why I have the two jobs.. I still pay all the rent and food for our place on top of trying to save, so I'm doing the best I can right now." She explains to me as I pull her closer saying, "I can't let you go back to that hell to get beat. You're not bulletproof Mel.... wait is that why your sister said you're a superhero? Is that because she was worried about you getting hurt and you told her you can't get hurt?" I ask curiously looking down at her as she nervously nods biting her lip. I let out the breathe I didn't know I was holding in pulling her into my protective frame more completrly closing the space between us as I kiss her head once again. "How are you the sweetest most selfless person ever when all you have had is a tortuous life? You deserve the world my love. This is the most unfair set of life cards dealt." I say to her softly. "As long as my brother and sister are fine I'm fine." She whispers to me, then continues. "I have to get going. Thanks again." Melanie gets on her tip toes kissing my cheek as she turns and walks out the back door. But there is no way in hell I'm letting her walk out by herself to her home. So I send Shawna a message letting them know we are headed home safely so they don't worry. I run out the back door to catch up to her down the sidewalk. She turns around hearing me then seeing me running to her as she stops and says. "I'll be fine Liam you don't have to worry about me." I scoff and say, "I'll never stop worrying, let alone thinking about you no matter what you say Mel." She smiles at me as she scoffs grabbing a handful of snow packing it together and throwing it at me. Hitting me right in the chest suprising me completely. "If you don't want to get white washed then I would recommend to stop worrying about me." She states smirking at me getting another snow ball in her hand, ready to go. "I'll never stop worrying." I say softly as she tosses the other snowball at me, hitting me straight in the chest again. I lean down to grab a snow ball as I instantly get tackled from the side onto the snow covered ground. Rolling across, through all the wet cold snow, getting covered head to toe. She stops our rolling with her legs, when she is straddling on top of me. She reaches all around, covering me with the cold wet handfuls of snow, completely white washing me as promised. I grab her by the hips flipping us quickly over so I'm hovering over her now. She squeals in excitement as I throw more snow on top of her giving her a taste of her own medicine. "Ok ok ok I give!" She yells as I smirk in victory down at her. I sit there for a minute not realizing what position we have ended up in. She is laying on her back on the ground, with me between her legs and hovering over her only inches away. Her hand reaches up, running through my locks, pushing my hair out of my face and to the side. Her hand trails to my cheek as she softly says, "Don't worry about me Liam. I will be ok, I'm stronger than you think." I stare into those blue orbs intently as I think of how to respond. "You don't know what I think about you, I'm sure you would be suprised by how much I think of you and how strong you are..You're so much more than I ever imagined and I'm not going anywhere my love.. I will always worry about you. Just know I'll be here for you and if you ever need to get away, you're always welcome with me." I say to her as she nods at me. "But please keep this to yourself. You're the only person I have ever told about this." She says to me, making me feel so good that's she would trust me enough to tell me when she hasn't told anyone. "Why did you tell me?" I ask her softly as she smiles up at me and replies, "Because you're different, I feel so comfortable and safe when I'm with you, I have never felt like that with anyone.. I just feel like I can really trust you as dumb as that may sound because I know we haven't known each other long at all. There's just something about you, I don't know what it is." Her hand stays on my cheek gently caressing it as I turn my face kissing her palm. I look back down at her and she is biting her lip again staring at my lips so I decide to give into her stares. I lean back down kissing her again igniting something electric between us. The natural sparks between us are something intoxicating that I want to feel over and over again because the feeling is so addicting. This time I let my tongue explores the inside of her mouth causing her to moan into my mouth, turning me on instantly. Our kiss turns to a hunger filled one as I feel her hand drifting from my cheek to the back of my head pulling me in more. I lean my body down onto hers, using our body heat to keep us both warm as we continue our invigorating embrace.. That is until we hear, "This doesn't look like your apartment building guys, but I'm glad to know Mel is not alone and relaxing a little." We both break our kiss as we see Shawna staring at us smirking. I'm sure the both of us would be blushing if our faces weren't already red from being cold. "We took a detour." I say with a cheeky grin on my face making Shawna and Melanie laugh. I feel a playful hit on my chest between her giggles. But I don't move at all I don't want to get up. Shawna is still smirking at us as she says. "Take good care of her Liam.. you break her heart then I break your legs.. now don't have too much fun. I don't want you both ending up butt naked out in the snow catching a cold." She says with so much humor winking at us as I smile and nod wiggling my eyebrows at Melanie making her face look like it's probably blushing right now. "Have fun but be safe guys." She says waving at us as she walks away leaving us alone again. I reluctantly start to stand up as I extend my hand to hers and she willingly grabs it into her tight grip. I pull her up wrapping my arm around her shoulders, pulling her into my side as I guide her to my car. I open the door for her, waiting until she gets in then shutting it behind her as I run around my car to the driver's side slipping in. "So beautiful, are you working tomorrow? Or can I spend more time with you?" I ask curiously as I see her smiling shyly turning towards the window. At least I made her smile that's all that matters to me. "Well I always have Mondays and Tuesdays off because I can't work over time at either job so I only work those other 5 days a week.. so I can hang out tomorrow if you really mean it.. but I promised the kids I would take them ice skating after school tomorrow too. So I'm a package deal, if you think you can handle it." She says to me shyly smiling back wondering if I actually want to hang out with her and of course I do, are you kidding me. "Well I can handle it and would love to hang out with you and your siblings if you are ok with that of course." I say to her parking the car and shutting it off. I turn staring at her awaiting her answer with an anticipation. She is still smiling at me as she nods and says a little shyly to me, "Well we could go out to lunch just us two and then get the kids after, taking them to the ice skating outdoor rink.. and maybe dinner if you haven't gotten tired of us by then." "That sounds like a wonderful day... count me in." I say making her smile bigger. I love it, I want to make her smile every chance I get. Her blue orbs just sparkle with her long dark eye lashes making her eyes pop out more as her luscious lips curl up, showing her shy porcelain smile framed by those pink almost heart shaped lips. I could just stare at her stunning features forever. "Ok sounds like a plan I'll meet you down here at 11.. thanks again for tonight.. it was memorable." She says leaning in as I meet her half way without hesitation. She nervously presses her lips to mine and I enjoy every second of her close proximity.. Her smell calms me almost instantly because she smells so good. Her being so close just makes my heart race but I get light headed as if it's slowing at the same time. It's crazy how she makes me feel, I don't understand one bit of it but love every second, not wanting it to ever stop. I wonder if she feels the same or if it's just me but by the sound of her wavering breath I think I make her just as nervous as she makes me. We kiss for a moment until she breaks the kiss, looking up at me with those big doe eyes I adore. "Well sweet dreams handsome." She says opening the door and climbing out of the car leaving me with a hard on in a two second span. I will have the sweetest dreams as long as I can actually get to sleep because I don't know if I can even get her out of my head long enough to get to sleep.
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