Chapter 7 Sneaky Suprise

3334 Words
(((Warning Explicit Content Warning))) Melanie's POV I prance up the stairs away from my man.. how weird is that to think I actually have a man.. Most men don't even take the time of day to even get to know me let alone want me to be with them.. and then when I do give them a chance they take it and throw it back in my face by cheating, hitting or ditching for the most part. So for him to take the chance and actually try to prove it to me is weird to say the least, not what I was expecting luckily for me.. because he is an amazing kisser and tastes so good I couldn't help but French kiss him first chance I got. I thought he was just being nice but now he wants to come hang out with me and my siblings.. baffling to me really.. Most of the men that have stuck around longer than two seconds after they figure out I'm not an easy peice of ass. They normally run at the first sign of kids and responsibilities.. whether they are my kids or not. Here Liam is asking if he can hang out with them and with me. I get up to my apartment door opening it quietly hoping everyone is asleep so I won't have to deal with anyone. I step in and shutting the door just as quietly. I pivot around and almost run straight into my step father... who looks pissed to say the least. "Where the f*#k have you been w***e? I heard your work had to shut down for the night and yet you're coming in now." He spats at me with so much anger laced in every single word. The smell of the alcohol on his breathe is overwhelming.. I could get drunk off of how strong his breathe smells it's so bad. "That's none of your business where I was at." I say back to him as he slaps me instantly throwing my face to the side. My cheek throbs and I can feel it heating up from the aggressive contact. "You were with that guy I saw you talking to earlier today weren't you? I saw you hold his hand and I saw the way he looked at you. You are being a little w***e aren't you? You go around that guy again and I'll really teach you a lesson. You think you have seen mean from me you have not seen anything yet sweetheart. Keep pushing my buttons and you will wish you hadn't.. I promise you that." He says with so much threat and malice in his voice that I can't help but shiver from the unease that consumes my body at the moment. "It's none of your business what I do with my life and if I want to see him again I will and there's nothing you can do about it. I spat back with so much confidence in my voice as I hold my head high. I push past him and keep walking towards my room as he yells back at me. "See him again and you will regret it." I flip him off going into my room and locking the door behind me. I lean up against the door letting out the breathe I didn't know I was holding in as I start to strip down, I decide to just get dressed into some dry pajamas instead of taking the shower I want, mostly because I don't trust my step father when he is drunk like this. So I would rather just be behind my locked door that he doesn't have the key to because I have the keys to it.. I changed the locks right after mom died and I'm the only one with the keys. But I didn't get the bathroom a new door knob so every now and then I have had to deal with my step father coming and trying something on me.. but I have stopped him every time before anything happens.. getting away and back into my room. He says because he is my step father trying anything with me isn't wrong but of course it is, he is disgusting in every single way. I get into my bed snuggling up and thinking about my interesting night. I don't really understand how to feel about everything going on right now but at least it's not all bad, at least there is something to be happy about... Liam. I close my eyes thinking about the delectable kiss with his soft lips and the way his strong arms wrapped around me pulling me close.. it was so protective and safe that I just want to be in his arms all the time.. Is that so wrong? I don't care what my step father says I'm going to see Liam again.. he is amazing I don't see why I wouldnt.. I just think my step father is jealous of him and afraid this great guy will ruin his way of life.. I don't know if that would really ever happen but one can only hope. This is what dreams and movies are made from. I just hope this is neither one of those things and I can have this for as long as he will stand me. I let out a calming breathe trying to relax my body and mind since it's all getting so excited thinking about Liam again. I just can't help it I'm just so mesmerized by his gorgeous green eyes and his soothing husky voice all the way to his somehow perfect stature. He is one of the youngest Asistant General Managers in our company and just seems like a smart guy all around. I can't get him out of my head and I don't know how to feel about just that. I have never had someone make this type of impression on me and what if that means I'm really starting to like him?.. what if I give myself to him and he dumps me?.. I can't be with him and not put my heart in it, which means if I'm going to try to be with him that means my heart will be at risk of heartbreak, on the line and that scares the hell out of me.. terrifies me honestly. I grab my phone looking at his number that I put into it earlier today when he gave me his number. I never knew if I would actually use it then, but that was before he asked me for a chance.. I just want to send him a message but how desperate would that seem.. maybe I don't send him that kind of message maybe something different, like a thank you.. yea that's a good idea, a thank you. Hey just wanted to say thanks again for everything tonight. I say trying to not sound desperate for his attention just being polite. I can't get you out of my head either beautiful. He responds making my heart flutter with butterflies as I laugh to myself.. he saw straight through my thank you. I hear my phone beeping again as I look at the next message. But your always welcome.. like I said you can tell me anytime you need anything and I'll be there. He is so sweet. I feel my face heat up in nervousness as I try to think of something to respond. You're too sweet.. maybe I'll have to hold you to that.. how did you know I can't get you out of my head either? I ask just wanting to talk to him more but not knowing what to say out of my nervousness of never having done this.. I had to grow up really quickly after my mother died and I missed out on a lot of things when it came to relationships.. I'm still even a Virgin because I have never had a guy stick around long enough to even get that far. I didn't know, I was just guessing and hoping.. because that's how I was feeling.. but you just confirmed it thank you. He says this sounding almost playful as I can't help but smile at his text. Well you were correct. Maybe it's not that I can't get you out of my head, maybe it's more that I don't want to get you out of my head. I say probably too honestly for my liking as I feel my heart race at my confession to him. I wait for a minute and there is no response. Did I freak him out with my confession? I shouldn't have said anything.. did I just ruin the little bit of relationship that I have ever had? Dammit I was thinking I was actually liking him. My mind just keeps racing as I hear a light knock on my window that leads to the fire escape. I slowly get out of bed and make my way to the window. I open the curtains as I see Liam sitting out there. I quickly open my window, whispering. "What are you doing here?" I ask as I can't take the smile off my face, even still in shock. "I had to see you again but I didn't want to wake anyone in your family up so I came up here and just hoped this was your room really." he says to me. I grab him by the arm and pulling him into my room where it's warm."Get in here its too cold for you to just be sitting out there." I say as he gets into my room slowly climbing through my window trying to not knock too much over. I still have his hand in mine so I wait until he is in the room before I pull him to my bed.. patting the open spot for him to sit on. "I'm sorry if this freaks you out at all Mel." He says with so much sincerity in his voice for me this makes me smile and shake my head. "No I think this is sweet.. I wanted to see you again too." I say smiling up at him as he asks, "You're not tired of me yet?" I shake my head quickly. "How could anyone get tired of you?" I asked too honestly probably. "I bet your step father would hate me." He says to me as I smile and nod. "Oh yeah he does already.. he was mad asking where I was at tonight and just put two and two together when I didn't answer him.. he also forbade me to see you and said I would regret it if I saw you again.. I just flipped him off and locked myself in here." I say to him as he gets a worried look on his face for me. He scoots closer as he grabs my hands in his. "I'm sorry Mel I never wanted to make things worse for you I swear. I would understand if you didnt want to see me anymore." He says as I shake my head tightening my grip on his hands as I state. "Dont worry about him he is just jealous because I won't give him anything.. he has hit on me plenty of times since my mom died.. he says he is my step father so we are not actually related but that's disgusting either way.. so I really don't give a s**t about what that delusional asshole thinks.. Also besides my brother and sister, You're the only good thing I have in my life and I don't want to lose you.. I'm sorry if that sounds crazy but you make me feel so good, safe and even comfortable I just don't want this to end.. unless you don't feel comfortable staying with me." I say to him nervously swallowing the lump in my throat awaiting his answer. He leans in quickly pressing his lips to mine making me moan lightly into his lips. He scoots in more until here is practically no space between us kissing me with more hunger the closer he gets. He breaks our kiss as we both are panting just trying to get some air from that breathtakingly amazing, intense kiss. "I'm going to take that as a yes you want to still be with me?" I ask curiously as he chuckles and nods. "Yea sorry I just got excited, everything you said about me was everything I wanted to hear and it made my day.. week.. no year. I like you a lot Mel and I don't know what's happening to me.. I can't get my mind off of you and I just want to be around you all the time since the moment I layed my eyes on you. I'm sorry if that's a lot to take in.. I just needed you to know how I felt too.. since you were willing to be honest with me." He says making my heart beat a million times a minute. "You really like me that much.. even with my f*#ked up life that you have only had a glimpse into?" I ask with so much shock in my voice as he chuckles answering me. "I don't know how any man wouldn't want to be around you..their loss! They are stupid.. One man's trash is another's treasure right?" I smile at him as I lean in kissing him again. I lift my leg putting it over him and on his other side making it so I'm straddling over him. His hands go to my hips pulling me into his comforting embrace as I continue to kiss him. We start to kiss each other with a passion I have never felt before heating up my body and making my heart race. His hands trail under my shirt caressing my body underneath. His touch is so soft and soothing I just want him to touch more of me.. every inch to be exact. He lifts up my shirt and I let him take the lead as he peels my shirt off of my upper body throwing it onto the floor. His lips trail from my lips to my jawline and down to my neck. It feels so good that I willingly let him do what he pleases. He makes me feel so good in so many ways I just don't want any of these new feelings for me to end. He lays me down on the bed to where he is hovering over me. His soft lips trail down my chest gently kissing my cleavage and massaging my breasts that are still covered by my bra. He goes to my stomach still kissing it gently as his hands grab the waist band on my shorts, slowly pulling them down, kissing all along the way down my legs until my shorts are pulled off. This alone sends so many chills all over my body. He kisses back up my legs but stops at my thong playing with the straps. He looks up at me biting his lip, I think awaiting an objection, but I give him none. So he pulls my thong down by the waist band as well, putting all my clothing into the same pile to the side. He starts to gently kiss back up my legs and stops at my thighs, spreading them slightly as my heart just races at his close proximity. Before I even know what I'm doing I stop him and say, "Liam I'm sorry I don't have any experience in this area at all.. I'm nervous as hell and I have never done really.. anything.. I haven't had a guy stick around long enough to get past first base if you know what I'm saying." I say nervously as he smirks up at me. "Don't worry baby I won't rush you I just want to help you relax and feel good. Let me take care of you baby." He puts his hand to my chest pushing me gently back down onto the bed. I nervously but willingly let him take the lead once more. I feel kissing on the inside of my thighs, inching closer to the middle making me gasp as he licks up and down my slit. He spreads my thighs more as I feel his tongue enter inside of me as I instinctively arch my back loving the way his tongue caresses all over my clit. His hand holds me in place as he continues his assault on my body licking nibbling and sucking. I bite my lip trying to not make too much noise at all. My hand at some point ended up on top of his head, loving every single suck and tickle he makes with his mouth. I feel the chills cascade down my body as an overwhelming heating builds up inside me. I try to fight the feelings building inside of me as Liam stops his amazing touch saying. "Baby stop fighting it and give on to my touch just let the feelings take over. Take the pillow and yell into it if it would make you feel better. Just let the feelings building deep inside you take over." He attacks my clit again making me gasp then bite my lip once more trying to not be loud at his tantalizing assault. I do as he says and just let the feelings take over. The chills trail all over my body once more as I feel the building up of heat inside of me until I stop fighting and let my body hit my peak. I feel some type of euphoric feeling explode deep inside of me making me moan as the high shoots all across my body.. I grab the pillow moaning so loud into it making my cries of pleasure muffled. Once the feeling of Ecstacy has escaped my body, I feel so relaxed as the chills cover my body once more. "F*#k" is all I can get out since I don't have a thought in my head at this point. I'm almost numb, I don't even know what to do right now. I set the pillow down to the side, as I look down to see a smiling Liam. He licks his lips as he gets up, laying down on the bed next to me. "How did you like thay baby? You feel relaxed now?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows at me. "Do I ever.. that was amazing." I say so honestly to him as he smirks at me. "You taste as good as you look." He says to me making me blush at his comment. "It's a good thing baby don't be nervous I just wanted to help you relax a little and I knew the best way, for now... Now come here baby." He says laying down on my bed with his head on my pillow then patting his chest. I smirk up at him as I crawl up to him, laying my head on his chest, snuggling into his side. "Thank you Liam you know how to make a girl feel special.. but shouldn't I take care of you or something?" I ask as he shakes his head. "Don't you worry about me baby, this is all I want." He pulls my tighter into his body as he slips the covers over us. I feel him kiss my forehead and his hand trails, lightly caressing over my almost completely naked body. His touch relaxes me instantly with the soothing and really tranquilizing caressing. I wrap my arms tighter around him as I intertwine our legs. I take in his manly relaxing musk as I listen to the sound of his rhythmic beating heart calming me instantly. My heartbeat relaxes almost synchronizing with his that I don't even know when it happens but I drift off into the best sleep I have ever had in my entire life.
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