Chapter 5 One Chance

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Melanie's POV I walk into my second job of the day putting my bag away and changing into my work long sleeve shirt. I apply some make up to my neck to make sure you can't see the bruise my father left from last night, because I really don't want to hear about that. I walk out to start my shift as I heard from behind me, "Mel? We need to talk to you hun." Shawna says as I smile and nod at her but she doesn't reciprocate my gestures which is odd. Shawna and I have always been pretty close so I don't know why she wouldn't smile back unless this talk is not good. I walk into the office nervously and there are almost all of my managers including the man I can't get out of my mind currently. He seems to be everywhere so I can't concentrate on anything but him lately. "What's all this? Did you finally figure out a reason to fire me for?" I say humorously as no one says anything to me so worry is now evident all over my face. "wait.. are you guys firing me?" I ask worried now as Shawna steps behind me saying, "Please have a seat Mel." I shake my head crossing my arms as I state, "No I would really just like you guys to get to the point and tell me what's going on." "Melanie everything is going to be ok.. but we just need to talk to you... So we have some news that you need to know about and somethings that need to change.." Shawna says to me as I nod and curiously look at her. "Ok so I was informed this morning by the police department that James was bailed out from jail.. so he has been released until the court date can commence." She says to me as my eyes go wide and I start to panic. "What am I suppose to do?! You saw how obsessed he was with me.. he will come after me again." Shawna hugs me instantly and I don't even know when the tears started but I feel them pouring down my cheeks as I shake my head. "Don't panic Mel.. we want you to still be here with us because you're family.. so you will need to be escorted from work to home so no more walking on your own.. and since you live in the same building as Liam, he has volunteered to take you to and from work if he can.. We have also informed the staff because we don't want you making trash runs outside by yourself and we needed to make sure everyone knows this is a sensitive situation and we need to keep an eye out for James. If you or anyone else sees or hears from him you need to tell anyone of us and we will call the police.. you do have a restraining order against him so we are hoping that's enough to keep him away but with how obsessed he was with you before, we are just taking extra precautions." Shawna says all this to me still hugging me and rubbing my back as I just try to calm down. "Everything will be ok Mel.. You're part of our work family, we won't let anything happen to you. We love you." I let out a wavering breathe as I nod and hug her back saying a soft, "Thank you." "Ok now that the hard conversation is over with you can start your shift.. unless you need a breathe of fresh air because I could go with you." She says stepping back from me as I wipe my eyes saying, "I need some fresh air thank you." Shawna takes my hand and pulling me behind her and out of the office to get us both a breathe of fresh air. We walk outside towards the bench behind the building. The both of us sit down as I bend over putting my face into my hands. I feel her hand on my back rubbing up and down trying to help me calm as she asks, "Are you ok Melanie?" I nod and respond, "Yes I'll be ok I just wish there was something to take my mind off of this stress." "Well what about Liam? He seems to have taken a liking to you.." Shawna says to me as I roll my eyes at her and reply, "Yea he is sweet.. but we will see how long that lasts.. you know how guys are with me.. they never want to stay longer than a week around me, except for the crazy obsessed man that I'm completely avoiding." I state as she retorts back to me, "I don't know Mel he seems different.. he doesn't act like he is looking for a peice of ass like the others.. he looks at you different.. I don't know." I look over at her curiously as I ask, "Aren't you suppose to be telling me to not date my new boss?" She laughs at my question as she answers, "Yea I'm probably suppose to be doing that.. but when have I ever really done what I'm suppose to do as a manager?.. and besides, he is your age just an entrepreneur. I don't care what you do outside of work.. just don't make out with the new hottie at work.. but have fun. You need something or someone to help take the stress out on.. and I think he is what you need right now." She says to me as I smile and respond. "I'll think about it.. he is nice, sweet and very good looking to say the least. But you know I don't ever have any time to do anything for myself." She nods at my comment thinking about my comment for a moment before responding back, "But it wouldn't hurt to do something for yourself even if it's just a little bit.. you should try.. you never try anything for yourself Mel." I smile and nod at her as we hear a knocking on the door gaining both of our attention. It's Liam at the back door smiling shyly at us before asking, "Hey sorry to bother I just wanted to make sure you ladies were alright?" I open my mouth to reply but before I can even reply Shawna answers for me. "I'm ok of course, but I do think Mel needs some comforting at the moment." She says to him as she looks back at me winking before getting up and leaving us to be alone. I don't look up at him, I just don't really know what to do or say right now. I hear him walking over as he sits down next to me. "Hey beautiful, you ok?" He asks sweetly as I glance over at him, locking my gaze with his gorgeous green eyes. "I don't know honestly.. there is just a lot going on for me right now.. I feel like a complete mess and I can't stop stressing." I tell him so honestly because I needed to get that off my chest. "I can help out with whatever you need." He says scooting a little closer to me but I try to act as if I didn't even notice because I want him to be closer. He makes me feel comfortable and safe with him when he is near. "You can't help me.. no one can help me.. this is just my luck that makes my shitty life like this. You better run while you have the chance, before you get drug into this chaos." I say probably too honestly to him. I like him but he needs to know what is really happening before he gets unknowingly involved into something he doesn't want or can't handle. "I'm not going anywhere and in my defense you never gave me a chance to help, by telling me what's all going on, so I can try to help.. I want to help you and there is nothing wrong with that.. superheros needs help too sometimes." He says to me as I look up at him quickly. "You don't want to really know I swear.. and I'm not a piece of ass so if that's what you want from me by being so sweet to me, then you can find someone else." I state still staring at him trying to read his facial expressions from my honesty. "Well then I guess it's good that I'm not looking for a piece of ass then huh?.. and I'm being sweet because I really do want to know." He retorts staring back at me as I raise my eyebrows, not expecting that answer. "Well I'm sure you have heard all the details about my stalker.. so what else is there to say and inform you on?" I reply as he looks at me c*****g his head slightly then stating. "That's not all I was talking about beautiful.. and I think you know that.. Just so you know, I use to get bullied a lot in school and believe me I can notice a make up cover job, even a good one, from a mile away." I feel his hand touch my neck gently. I feel my eyes watering up filling with tears but not falling, knowing exactly what he is talking about. "I told you, no one can help me.." I say softly. I feel his hand touching my chin softly, then lifting it, making it so I look up at him. I match his gaze staring into those stunning green orbs once more, that are so calming in some weird way. "I can help." He states to me as I stare at him for a moment. "I don't want anything to happen to you too and there is nothing you can do about.. that.. if anything, you might make it worse. No matter how bad I would like your help, I can't accept it. I'm a waste of time and energy I promise." I try to explain to him but by the look on his face, I don't think he believes me. "I appriciate that you care about my safety, but I care more about your safety, at the moment.. Just give me a chance to try to help you at least, before you shut me down. I don't think it's a waste of time or energy, I just want a chance to prove it." He says to me placing his hand from my face to on top of my hand. "What makes you any different from any other guy who has come around sweet talking me, then treating me like s**t by cheating, ditching or hitting me when I finally give them the chance?" I ask still holding my gaze with his as he says without hesitation, "the difference is you haven't given me the chance to prove otherwise. I can tell you and say all I want, but you won't believe me until I show you. But I have to be given a chance first." I'm sure my face is filled with suspiciousness as I stare at Liam for a moment. "Ok.. ok.. You're correct I haven't given you the chance, but you need to be patient with me as well I'm going through a lot of s**t right now and I need someone to help me feel better, not worse.. you get that?" I ask staring into his eyes as he smirks and nods at me so I continue, "Ok you get one chance and that's it.. I'm not a person to be lenient in these types of situations." I state as he smirks at me standing up from the bench and extending his hand to me. I put my hand into his as he helps, pulling me to my feet, kissing the back of my hand, as he states, "Thanks for giving me a chance." He says softly to me making me smile and say, "Don't thank me yet, you don't know what your getting into.. especially with you being my new manager. I really don't want to get you in trouble but Shawna did say we can do whatever we want outside of work just not at work." I state as he smirks bigger at me, "Well as your new man I'm excited to hear that you were already talking about me.. but as your new manager I'm going to need you to get back to work." He says smirking at me as I playfully slap his chest making him chuckle. "Don't get cocky I was only talking about you a little bit.. here and there.. and I will get back to work, yes sir, Mr. Liam sir." I say playfully, saluting him then turning around on my heels, walking inside with Liam in tow chuckling behind me. I walk into the building to start my night. I take as many tables as they will let me to try to make as much as I can to keep me distracted from everything right now. I run around the room getting all my tables everything they need at the server station as I feel a grip onto my hip. I freeze as I hear in my ear, "Hey Melanie, I have missed you baby girl. Where have you been? Avoiding me?" I roll my eyes because I know that voice all to well.. one of the f*#k boys I was talking about before to Liam. "Oh Connor there is no reason to avoid you because you just ditch me every chance you get to be with every other girl in this town." I say so spitefully pushing his hand off my hip and walking away. I hear him jogging behind me to catch up to me with my quickened pace, he prances in front of me, putting his hands up to try to stop me, while saying, "Come on Mel, I didn't ditch you for every girl just 2... no 3 girls, that's all but I'm done with them. Come on give me another chance baby girl." "I would rather not, thanks.. and don't call me baby girl." I retort as I keep walking past him, dropping off drinks and putting in orders trying to ignore him. He continues to follow me through the restaurant trying to talk with me. I walk up the the computer as he steps up besides me, leaning against the computer to get my attention. "Come on Melly, You know you want to give this another try." He says into my ear as I shove him back with my forearm saying, "No I really don't want to give it a try. Stay away from me Connor I mean it." I state staring at him seriously.. Until I hear, "Hey Mel is everything alright?" I look to see it's Liam glaring at Connor and this makes me smile as I state. "No actually Liam.. this is one of those f*#k boys I was telling you about that only sweet talks me then ditches me for every girl out there.. and now he thinks after all that, that I would want to still be with him because I'm his last resort." Connor puts his hands up in surrender as he replies in his own defense, "You're not a last resort and it was only 3 girls I ditched you for Melly and yes I was just hoping you would give me another chance." He tries to say sweetly as I sarcastically chuckle stating, "Not a chance.. now leave me alone Connor." I walk away smirking up at Liam as I pass by him. I hear him talking to Connor for me saying, "Sorry sir you're bothering Melanie so please leave or we will be forced to call the cops to escort you out for harassment." I smirk to myself that Liam would still be professional and protective at the same time, that's sweet. I keep taking care of my tables closing them out as the computer's system shuts down then tries to reboot. I look around and every computer is doing the same thing. That's weird. I see Liam and Shawna across the restaurant trying to get the systems to work again calling I'm assuming our tech services to help. They call back and forth as we make sure to try to take care of our tables.. trying to wait for the systems to reboot. They reboot for a moment so I close my last table out as the systems go down once again. We groan and I see Liam on the phone and Shawna's still trying to take care of it with the instructions given to her. Nothing is working so we have to use the old fashioned ways of paying with a credit card to get everyone taken care of since the systems aren't coming up anytime soon. We wait for as long as we can as I see Liam hanging up the phone looking frustrated. He turns to us and says, "I'm sorry guys we are going to have to shut down for the night. The tech guy doesn't know why our system isn't coming back up yet, but he can't get here until tomorrow morning so nothing else we can do tonight." "Except Dance!" My friend yells making us all laugh. "Come on I mean it! Let's go out dancing to top the night off the way it should be."She says making us smile once more. Everyone except for myself nods, agreeing to go as they all stare at me anticipating my answer, hoping to have the crew all together tonight. "Come on Mel, we need to stick together for your safety so why not stay together at the club, what better place?" I look back and forth between everyone as I reluctantly nod and everyone cheers. After cleaning everything up and closing the restaurant down, we grab our things taking off to the club to have a great night together, trying to relax and let off some steam that's been building from tonight and everything else lately.. at least for myself.
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