Chapter 11 Meeting the Siblings

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Liam's POV I stare down into Mel's mystifying blue orbs that stun me, locking me in every single time. I feel my heart falling hard everytime I get closer to her.. not even physically, but mentally and even how we feel personally. I feel like I could talk to her forever and our conversations would never get dull. I can feel myself falling so hard for this girl but I'm afraid to say anything since we barely know each other and since she has never really had a relationship. I'm worried I will push her away or into something too fast and if this is anything that I'm hoping it to be, then I will have forever to get to that point in our relationship.. so I guess what's the rush. I lean down slowly hoping to quench my thirst, getting a taste of her lips to mine. Just any type of contact suffices me even if it's just for a little bit. I inch close and closer as I watch her anticipate the contact, closing her eyes and puckering those already plump lips. I get to her lips, but before I can make contact. I hear Melanie's phone ringing. She takes the phone in her hand shutting it off. "You can take your call if you need. I can move or give you some type of space. I swear it's no problem." She smiles and shakes her head responding instantly. "That wasn't a call at all baby it was my alarm letting me know it's time to get the kids from school. I knew I would probably get distracted with you because time really does fly when you're having fun.. so I made sure to set an alarm." I smile at that thought alone as I nod at her then ask, "May I come with you?" She gets a nervous look on her face as she asks, "Are you sure about this? There is no undoing this, once you meet them." She says with worry in her voice, pointing back and forth between the both of us, as my eyebrows scrunch together. "Why would I want to undo anything with you?" I ask curiously. "I'm just confirming once more.. that I really am what you want.. because if you meet my siblings and hurt them I will break you.. so I don't want to pressure you at all Liam, but I need to know if this is what you actually want with me..If you don't it's fine s**t happens and we can both move on but once you meet my brother and sister, it's their hearts that will also be involved in this, not just my heart in your hands.. and I'll be damned before I let anyone hurt them." She says with so much warning and protectiveness in her voice. Gosh I love the protective big sister that she is, I just know she is going to be a wonderful mother someday. I reach up gently touching her cheek before I respond. "Mel, you would be so suprised with what I actually think of when it comes to you since the moment I saw you and.. I don't want to freak you out at all.. but I swear there is no pressure, I just want to be with you no matter what that means." I say to her with so much honesty and without missing a beat she wraps her arms around my neck pulling down and crashing her lips to mine. I tighten my grip around her making her moan into my lips. We have another heat filled kiss but only for a moment before I have break our kiss. In my close proximity I just decide to whisper, "Come on let's go get your brother and sister." She let's out a wavering breathe as she nods at me. I sit up, then stand and extending hand to her. She takes it so willingly, letting me pull her up. I don't let go of her hand at all as we make our way through my place and out the door. We trekk across the streets and down the sidewalk to our destination. I tighten my grip on her hand as I pull her forward making her go ahead of me then I pull back spinning her. She giggles and playfully slaps my arm as she gets back to walking but coming right beside me. I can tell she is nervous about being out with me and I think that's because it actually makes us official to go out and do things together where other people can see. I don't know if she has really ever had this but I don't mind at all. I'll give her all the best firsts if I can help it. She takes the lead, guiding us all the way to the school. The kids aren't out just yet so I pull her behind me to the big tree out front of the school. I lean up against the tree and pull her into my protective frame hugging her tight. I can feel her small arms wrapping around my torso as she lays her head on my chest. I take in the calming smell of her coconut shampoo as I feel her let out a deep breathe just relaxing her body in my hold and that alone makes me so happy that I can help her feel even a little safe and relaxed. I press my lips to her temple as I tighten my hold around her. I love all of this moment except for the fact that I feel like I'm being stared at, I hate that feeling and since we are the only ones out here at the moment I just don't understand why I'm feeling like this. My gaze trails across the school grounds area until they meet with an older man's gaze, farther across the way. His gaze, is honestly giving me the creeps, he continues to just stand there and stare at us, A malicious looking smirk appears across his face as he stares at me.. without missing a beat he turns walking into the treeline behind him and out of sight. That was weird.. I wonder what that was about. I can feel Melanie tighten her grip around me, sucking in a sharp breath. "Mel you ok baby?" I ask her curiously since nothing has happened to her to cause any of these reactions. She nods and says, "It sounds stupid but I just got a weird feeling of being watched but I have been getting that feeling a lot lately.. I think I'm just thinking too much about this whole stressful situation I have been going through.. but you keep me distracted from all that making me feel so safe.. thank you." I look back up to the area where the man was standing and of course he didn't come back so I decide to not say anything to her. I don't want her to worry about a creepy old man, when I'm making her feel better about this situation.. but I'll investigate to see if I can figure out who that man is.. maybe I'm just worried over nothing but we will find out in our own time not when I'm with her though. "Of course baby that's why I'm here. I want you to feel safe with me." I say into her ear as she replies. "Well it's working and I love it." I humm in response as I hug her tighter before we hear from besides us. "Sis?" We both quickly look over to see her brother who is staring at us curiously. He keep squinting his eyes at me as Melanie jumps out of my hold to my dismay. "Caleb.. hey... um.." She stutters nervously so I decide to take the lead. I step forward extending my hand to him saying. "Hello Caleb my name is Liam I am.." He interrupts me to say with a little bit of protectiveness in his voice, "..Oh I know who you are. You're the guy who was eyeballing my sister in our apartment building the other day." I'm a little caught off guard with that comment so I clear my throat still leaving my open hand extended as I continue, "yes that's true.. but I'm now your sister's man." His eyes go wide as he looks between the two of us. "You hurt her and I'll hurt you... She doesn't ever get to do anything for herself so it's nice to see that.. but she gets hurt enough, you hurt her you get your ass kicked." He says this with so much warning as I hear Melanie from behind me. "Caleb Daniel!" I put my hand up stopping her statement as I state. "Caleb just know I won't take your warning lightly and you have me sufficiently intimidated.. But if I have anything to say about it, I'm going to be with her for a very long time." Caleb looks suspicious with me as he takes my hand shaking it hesitantly. "Ok you heard my warning and now it's up to you to figure out what your going to do with it." I nod at him before leaning in closer to him as I whisper for just him to hear, "Well it's not me who needs convincing, I would marry your sister if she would ever approve if it.. I'm pretty sure I'm falling for her already and I only just met her... but don't tell her please because I haven't told her yet.. I don't know how, just yet." I say so honestly to him as his eyes go wide with suprise. He leans in closer saying. "She is a tough girl to live with but she is the nicest you could find.. I won't say anything to her about your feelings because I know how you feel. But you better be good to her." I smile and nod still shaking his hand. "What are you guys talking about so quietly?" Melanie asks curiously from behind me as Caleb speaks up still staring at me intently because I have worry in my eyes wondering if he will spill the information to her."Guy stuff sis you wouldn't understand." She scoffs at him as she says in defeat not trying to argue, "Fine don't tell me then.. Just remember I'm the one taking you ice skating tonight." He nods and smiles at me responding, "Will do." I watch Caleb's eyes glance to the side then light up as he stares out across the schoolyard. I follow his gaze and it meets up with a cute girl, I'm assuming around his age, 10 or so. She smiles at him and waves. His eyes go wide in shock as I whisper to him. "Wave back man and give her a small smirk.. nothing too big, leaving her wanting more." He takes my advice doing exactly as I instructed. She keeps smiling at him as she walks away looking back every now and then. I watch his gaze still locked on her frame as she leaves out of our sight. "Hey Mr handsome guy that stares at my sister a lot. My name is Emily and this is my boyfriend Billy." I hear from besides us."Boyfriend?" Melanie asks so playfully as Emily nods. "Well I guess it's nice to know what I'm known for around here.. but it's ok I can't deny it, I do stare at your sister a lot.. But hello little lady it's nice to officially meet you my name is Liam I am your sisters.. Boyfriend." I say to Emily as she smiles big and hugs me saying, "Oh I knew I liked you! Be nice to her and I'll be nice to you." I chuckle at her threat of a statement hugging her back saying so playfully, "She is the one that's mean to me.. you have to worry about her!" Melanie scoffs from behind me saying, "I'm not being mean I'm just giving you a run for your money making sure you know what your getting into." I smile as I stand up and turn around facing her before stating, "I like what I'm getting into, no complaints here." She blushes and smiles saying, "Let's get going guys." She grabs my hand pulling me behind her and I don't fight back one bit, as the kids follow close behind. We get close to our apartment as Melanie stops then turning around. "Bye Billy see you tomorrow." Emily says as the Billy kid waves running over to the apartment building and inside. "Are you guys hungry?" I ask them as they both nod vigorously. "Well that's good because your sis and I made some homemade chili that we didn't get the chance to eat yet. We could have some then head over to go ice skating." I state as they both look suprised at that statement. "You're going with us?" Emily asks as I nod and say, "I have never been ice skating and since I taught your sister how to cook the chili she is going to teach me how to ice skate." "Oh she is a good teacher, she taught us how to skate!" Emily says with so much excitement as I lead them into our apartment building but straight to my place. They look a little confused as I take my keys out unlocking my door before saying, "This is where I'm staying if either one of you need anything don't hesitate to come here ok?" They both nod as I open the door for them to enter. They take a look around and sit down on the couch. I walk into the kitchen to grab everyone a bowl of chili so we can get eating then going. I'm reaching up into the cabinet grabbing bowls as I feel two very familiar arms wrapping around my torso. I smirk to myself as I turn around in her hold. "Hello beautiful may I help you?" I ask so nonchalantly. "Thank you for being so nice to them, I know they came off a little strong but you were sweet thank you." She says a little shyly to me. I shake my head as I respond, "They came off strong because you're strong.. special and something to be taken care of and there's nothing wrong with that. I love it they seem nice." She smiles and nods letting go of me to grab some spoons. I fill each bowl putting crackers, onions and cheese out in the table. "Hey guys come on in and sit down." Melanie states a little loudly as they both walk in looking around and taking a seat at the kitchen table. I pull Melanie's chair out for her as she takes a seat, I grab some drinks for all of us, then I sit down at the table after her. This is nice I like having a family to eat with like this.. I have never done this before.. it almost feels like I'm a father and I don't mind that at all. "So Liam.. how have we not seen you before?" Caleb ask curiously. I smile and explain, "I just got a promotion at work but I had to move here to get it, so I packed up and moved that same day. That actually was the same day I saw you guys for the first time." They both nod as Caleb asks, "So do you have any siblings, where are your parents?" Melanie gets a little sad as she says in my defense, "Caleb don't be so nosey." "It's ok Mel, he is just making conversation and curious about me.. But I do have a couple brothers that are years older than me and my parents died when I was really young so my grandma took care of me, that's how I learned how to cook." I state casually so they won't feel bad about talking to me. I want them to feel comfortable with me just like I have been doing for Melanie. "Our mother died when we were young and Sis has been taking care of us since." Caleb says to me as I nod. "It's a hard thing to have to deal with death so young but as long as you have the right support system it will all work out." I say as I see Melanie smiling at me so I grab her hand in mine squeezing it for reassurance. "This chili is yummy! It warms me right up, good job Liam." Emily says as I retort without hesitation. "Thank you Emily but I didn't do it by myself your sister helped." She laughs at my comment, "Good job sissy." She says sarcastically as she shovels another spoonful of chili into her mouth. "What? I did help!" Melanie whines playfully to Emily as she laughs more saying, "Sure you did." "Hey Em did you see these tiny little diced up onions, tomatoes and peppers?" She looks at them in her spoon as she nods, so I say proudly, "Mel is the one that chopped those up like a pro. She did help.. a little." She scoffs and playfully slaps my arm as we all laugh together. This really is nice. We finish up our fun meal as we then collect everything we will need to take with us. I lead all of them out of my place and to my car. We pile in and Melanie directs me to the Ice rink to continue our already fun day.. time for lesson number two.
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