Chapter 12 Ice Skating

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Liam's POV The whole drive to the Ice skating rink was fun we talked and joked around the whole time. I really like us all as a unit. We mesh very well together and I would spend every day with them if they would allow me to. But I will have to win them over first and this is the first attempt given to me by them and I would like to think I'm doing pretty well so far. With Melanie's direction, we are lead to the ice rink in no time at all, pulling in and parking the vehicle. Everyone piles out of the car and quickly head to the line for the ice rink. I quickly make my way in front of my little group, paying for the ticket bracelets for entrance even to Melanie's objection. "Liam?! Why did you pay for everything? I don't want you to think everytime we are together that you have to pay for me or my siblings, I can do that. I want this relationship to be equal between us." Melanie says to me as she pulls me off to the side. The kids leave us behind, running over to get their skates and to begin ice skating. You can tell they know their way around this place for sure. I bet these guys come here all the time. I look at Melanie as I grab her hand in mine, pulling it up and pressing my lips to the back of it. I watch as a rose red colored blush develops on her stunning face. I love her blush, it so innocent and let's me know I'm doing something right whether she wants to admit it or not. "This is my first time hanging out with you and your siblings Mel, I just wanted to take care of everything to make this night as stress relieving as possible for all of you. I'm sorry if I made you mad, if it makes you feel better you can pay for the next time, ok?" I explain to her as she smiles and has a look on her face that says to me. I want to be mad but I can't be mad at you. That look alone makes me happy because that shows me that I'm starting to get under her skin and wiggling my way into her heart like she already has done for me. She let's out a breathe before retorting, "No I'm not mad at all. You're too sweet to get mad at.. I just don't want you to think that I'm absolutely useless and you have to do everything for me. I promise I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself.. and my siblings.. I have been for years." I pull her closer to me with our interlocked hands, keeping them together on my chest, making her gasp from the shock of not knowing I was going to do that. I smirk at her before responding."I can honestly say I have never thought ONCE you were useless. I know you can take care of yourself because you have been doing it for a long time now and I know you don't need me to do anything for you. But could you just not fight me wanting to take care of you? I just want you to relax with me, taking your mind off of all of your stresses.. Is that too much to ask, to spoil you every now and then, taking the load off of your shoulders even if it's just for a little bit?" I wrap my other arm around her back holding her to me, with her open hand laying on my chest. I stare at her and I can see the wheels turning in her head as she is thinking about everything I have just said. I can feel her hand moving gently on my chest as she says back softly. "I'm sorry Liam, I'm just so use to doing everything by myself it's hard to let go of the reigns and accepting any type of help. But I do appriciate the thought and kind gesture of wanting to take care of me. I really appriciate it, you're so sweet. I really don't deserve you.. but fine you can have the reigns for tonight but I'm taking care of next time." I nod at her replying, "Sounds great to me. Now let's go get our boots on so you can show me the fun of ice skating." She smiles big and nodding, but she doesn't move a muscle she still looks like she is thinking about something. Before I can even pick her brain about it, she steps up on her toes kissing my cheek. Sending chills all down my spine. Since we are still holding hands she pulls me towards the ice skates booth, to get our skates so we can participate with the others. We rent our skates and sitting down off to the side of the rink on the benches they have available. Melanie's gets hers tied up really quickly as she gets down on her knees in front of me lacing up mine. I chuckle at this as I stare down at her saying as if it should be obvious, "You know I can tie my own shoes right?" She scoffs at me before retorting, "You know you can accept some pampering from me too right? Just let me help you Liam, don't you know what pampering is?" I smile and laugh responding, "Of course I know what pampering is I have lived with my grandma! But you're right I will accept your extra attention anytime you want to give it.. thank you." She smiles back at me in victory as she finishes lacing up my skates. I move my feet around trying to get use to this and honestly it doesn't feel so bad. I stand up with Melanie as she leads the way, opening the door to the inside of the rink. I watch the people of all ages skating around in circles making it look so easy. Caleb and Emily smile as they pass just waving at us making me feel silly about being worried about this, it looks too easy I can do this. "Ok Liam let me go first so I can help you onto the ice " Melanie states as I wave her off saying, "It's fine I got this." I quickly step out onto the ice. Without a second to lose my feet hit the ice and slip out from under me. They fly in the air sending me to the ground landing harshly on my back. I groan so loudly to myself as I slowly open my eyes. I instantly see Melanie above me and smirking down at me before she extends her hand. I take it as she helps pull me up, then onto my feet holding me steady. "Ok let do this your way beautiful." I say with a groaning tone. She smiles then giggles saying, "My sentiments exactly... Now just walk with me across the ice.. Each time you take a step slide with it and keep going. I will guide you the whole way, holding your hands so don't worry." She says as I look at her like she is crazy. "Mel if you hold my hands the whole time I'm going forwards that means you will be going backwards and I don't want you to fall or get hurt." I state as she smiles at me touching my cheek softly and says, "Awe that's sweet that you care about me, but I won't fall I haven't fallen on my own in a very long time. I know this rink like the back of my hand, I practically lived here when I was younger don't worry about me baby I can skate backwards with my eyes closed." I c**k my head not expecting that answer so I nod as I grip her hands tight in anticipation for the next fall but taking her instructions and trying to walk across hoping I don't hit the ice too hard. I take my first step as I wobble and slip around but to my suprise I don't fall she does keep me steady. I take another step doing the same wobbling around motions and she helps hold me up once more. I have to say I don't mind all this extra attention from her even if I look like a baby fawn that's taking its first steps. I continue to walk with her and she wasn't kidding she doesn't look back once and I can't help my gaze going all over the rink in anxiousness, worried we might hit someone. I'm still shakey and wobbly but getting better as I feel her increasing our pace across the ice. "Good job Liam you're doing fantastic. Better than anyone I have taught before." She says with so much pride and excitement in her voice for me. "Have you ever taught anyone my age or all younger?" I ask as she smiles shyly and says, "You're the oldest for sure but that doesn't matter. You're doing great baby... now let's try to turn. Just follow my lead, lean and turn with me." I nod as she starts to turn us slowly but I guess I leaned too far into it because I feel my feet slipping out from under me once more as I instinctively pull her into me, falling back down to my back with her on top of me. "Oh Liam are you ok??.. If it's any consolation that was the best you have done!"She asks with some panic in her voice. "I told you I would gain some bruises from coming here but still worth it if I get to have you with me like this. I'm ok though I knew what I was getting into." She smiles shyly getting up off of me to my dismay. I hear Caleb right next to me saying. "Hey Liam! That was the best you have done! Good job man." He says extending his hand to helping me. "Thanks man." I say as he helps me stand up. I lean in asking with so much humor, "Do you think I'm impressing her at all with my awesome ice skating skills?" Caleb chuckles and says. "Well she never falls and she fell with you when she could have easily ditched you and let you fall on your own.. and she was concerned for you.. so I would say you're leaving some type of impression." I humm as I say back, patting his shoulder, "I like your logic, it makes me seem like I actually have a chance with your sister.. That's right I have her right where I want her." I say with even more humor having Caleb laughing even louder retorting. "And where is that? Doing laps around you?" I look up and he is correct Melanie is skating around on her own look more graceful then I have ever seen. She is going so fast that it looks more like a dance instead of a run. She elegantly but naturally moves across the ice with a finess making her look like some kind of professional. She spins quickly and lands, skating backwards barely looking behind her because everyone just makes room for her watching her in amazement. She quickens her pace spinning faster this time as she lands on one foot gliding across the ice. She starts to run more across the top if the ice, until she spins so quickly but somehow slowing down her actual pace. She inches closer to us continuing to spin until she abruptly stops in front of me. She is panting and smiling at me as I'm sure my jaw is to the floor in amazement. "Wow that was absolutely stunning to watch Melanie.. what a beautiful way to show off." I say playfully as she scoffs and retorts. "Well someone had to show you how it's done so I guess why not me?" She says just as playfully back to me. "Touche." I say back as she grabs my hands in hers and I smile and wink at Caleb who is still giggling at me, as Melanie pulls me with her. "What's that smirk for?" She asks me suspiciously as we start to gain some momentum but still going slow enough for me to keep up. "You're just amazing." I say as she rolls her eyes and retorts. "No I'm not, you're giving me way too much credit Liam." "Well you're doing a great job teaching me and just know I wouldn't have wanted anyone else to do so." I say so honesty to her as I watch her smile get bigger and bigger even with her fighting against it. "Well you're a wonderful, too sweet for your own good, student.. but I'm glad I get to be the one teaching you too because look at how good you're doing when your not even thinking about it." She says to me as I realize we are in the middle of turning and I had no idea just letting my body do it's natural reaction to staying balanced. "Huh you're right.. I'm turning without even realizing it.. I think that makes you the most amazing distraction out there." I say flirting with her as she smiles and shakes her head at me. I don't know when she did it but she let go of my hands at somepoint when we were talking and now here I am skating on my own. I can't help but feel pride in doing something like this without even thinking about it, but it's pretty easy to do when you're not thinking too much into it. I can see how this can be relaxing just letting the feeling of the cold air with the music playing over us, as we glide gracefully across the ice... it's the perfect combo for distraction in every sense of the word. I can't help but just follow Melanie all over the rink taking her lead and not really thinking at all just following her to wherever she may lead me. She starts to pick up her pace as she circles around me with the biggest smile on her face I stick going straight and turning slightly to the left when I need to turn. That's the best I have got as of right now so I will stick to what I know, because I know I will fall again if I try to go backwards or spin or anything like that. Everytime she passes me I get a whiff of her perfume and that gains all of my attention.. I smile at Caleb and Emily who pass me by but I don't care because I'm now moving at a pretty good pace not feeling to slow anymore. Melanie makes her way in front of me again as she turns to face me taking my hands in hers.. she slowly starts to spin me with her. I grip her hands tight in anxiousness about what's to happen if I lose balance. I think she can tell this, as I feel her thumb rubbing on the back of my hand making me feel better in her company with her being my only lifeline at the moment. I have to admit the spinning is a lot of fun and I can definitely tell what appeal it has to be at this speed and spinning. After a little bit I feel us slowing down until Melanie gets us to come to a complete stop. "That was fun right?!" She asks with so much excitement that I can't hide the big smile on my face that I acquired just by looking at hers. Her smile is so infectious that I can't help but smile around her all the time. "It was exhilarating for sure.. but I don't think any of this would be half as fun for me if it wasn't for you. Thank you for helping me and letting me come with you and your siblings tonight." I comment shyly to her as her eyes light up more. "No problem at all I promise.. I don't think I would be having as much fun if you werent here with me either Liam. You're really starting to wiggle your way into my heart, way quicker than I ever anticipated." She says leaning in and kissing my lips gently as I feel my knees go weak with that one kiss, almost causing me to fall. My feet slip around as Melanie quickly breaks our kiss and grabs me, trying to steady me. "Hold on to me and I'll steady you." She says so sweetly to me as I reply instantly. "Oh baby it would take a crowbar to seperate me from you." She laughs her beautiful melodic booming laugh as she says, "Ok Romeo, Just grab a hold of me before you fall again." "Yes ma'am! You don't have to ask me twice." I say playfully as I grab her by her hips pulling her into me as she squeals and giggles not expecting all that. But she was right about one thing... that helped steady me instantly. "Good idea beautiful and you're right it did work." I say to her as I notice her face changing to a redder shade in my close proximity and maybe because of the fact that we are in public.. I'm sure she is not use to public displays of affection especially around her siblings. We stare into each others eyes for a moment until she breaks our eye contact and she clears her throat suggesting. "How about we go get something to drink I'm thirst after all that." "Sounds perfect to me.. wherever you may lead I will follow." I say as she smirks and rolls her eyes at me saying, "You know you don't have to play the prince charming card all the time." "But I like being like this with you and you alone..and whether you admit it or not I can tell you like it too.. I think you just say this because it makes you nervous.. But I also think you like the feeling of nervousness that I give you." I say softly then leaning in as I hear her breathe hitch as she softly says back sounding a little nervous, "Yes I do." I smirk and wiggle my eye brows at her as I lean closer to her ear saying, "I know you do.. I'm sure I could give you plenty of things to be nervous about." I say to her as I watch the goosebumps emerge across her skin as she let's out a nervous breathe and replies just as softly. "I bet you could too." I take in her amazing scent and stunning features up close just loving our close proximity as she says, "I'm really thirsty now.. I need a drink.. but not any kind they have here so I guess water will have to do. Come on before you start something you can't finish." "Oh I know how you feel.. but just know anything I start with you, I will make sure to finish.. but.. if you insist, lead the way beautiful." I say so casually as I watch her throat move up and down from her swallowing out of nervousness. "Ok follow me." She opens the door and points to a side bench for us to sit at as she states. "ok I'm going to go grab us a couple waters I'll be right back handsome."
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