Chapter 10 Let The Lesson Begin

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(((Warning Explicit Content Warning))) Melanie's POV Let's let this cooking lesson begin. To say I'm excited is a complete understatement. I have wanted to learn how to cook for a long time and even bake.. so this is exciting for me even though it might sound a little boring to others. My mother was always a wonderful cook and I looked up to her for her cooking skills and was always hoping that she could teach me how to cook just like her but that was before she had passed away.. so since all that happened, I figured I would never really be able to learn how to cook. So having Liam cook and want to teach me how to cook sounds like a wonderful way to spend the afternoon. Liam takes my hand into his and leads me into the kitchen. We head straight for the refrigerator. He opens it up and starts grabbing ingredients, I start to take the ingredients from his arms to help, and he grabs the rest. I turn around taking the ingredients to the kitchen counter and setting them down gently waiting for him to start showing me what I need to do. He starts separating the ingredients he grabbed and collecting all the supplies that we need to put together this meal. I watch him glide around the kitchen as if it's just natural for him, he looks good, very comfortable in the kitchen like it's just instinct. He grabs everything else that we need and we pile all the ingredients together side by side on the counter top. he looks over at me and says, "we are going to need all these ingredients diced up if you want to start dicing those up over there." I'm nod in understanding as I turn walking over to where he has set the cutting board and knife down with the ingredients around it. I grabbed the peppers and start trying to slice them as I feel his eyes on me, making me a little more nervous than before. I hear him coming up behind me as his scent invades my nostrils.. that's before I even feel his arms around me.. he takes my hands into his as he states softly into my ear. "if you angle the blade to the side it helps slice the ingredients evenly and makes it so you can see it a whole lot easier.. so you don't cut yourself.. like this." he slowly guides my hands showing me how to cut the ingredients, dicing it like he likes.. I just let him take the lead just enjoying his comforting embrace along with the constructive criticism. I let his manly musk fill my nostrils completely as I try to concentrate on the task at hand which is easier said than done at this point. I glance back and forth between him and the ingredients trying to concentrate on the task but I can't take my eyes off of him for too long. Every single inch of me is like a magnet, that's completely drawn to him no matter how much I fight it. I look out my peripherals and stare at his handsome features as he concentrates, trying to teach me how to dice.. But I can't seem to concentrate on anything else at the moment as I just stare over at his beautiful green emerald eyes. He gives me encouraging words telling me, "you're doing a wonderful job baby keep it up go as slow as you need there's no rush I don't want you to cut yourself but you're doing a great job." I let out a nervous breath that I didn't even know I was holding in.. So I try to keep concentrating on the dicing before I do cut myself accidentally of course. He leaves me to dice on my own to my dismay since I guess apparently I'm starting to dice up everything right. This actually makes me want to start dicing wrong again just to get him back around me to show me again.. but I really do want to learn so I'm not going to play that game just yet I'm going to actually try to concentrate and learn how to cook. I decide to start conversation as I dice to try to keep me from throwing myself at him. "So Liam why don't you just open up your own restaurant?" I glanced up at him and he has a look of confusion upon his face as he asks curiously, "why would you think I would do that?" I shrug my shoulders before I state, "well because you obviously know what you're doing when it comes to sales at our work and with cooking, you obviously love to do it and I'm sure everything that you make is great because it looks yummy.. so since you have your degree in business why don't you just start your own little restaurant business?" He has a mind blown look on his face at me as if that idea never crossed his mind. He smiles at me then states back, "That's not a bad idea at all.. I just wish I had somebody to help me run the place like it needs to be ran you know.. somebody who can run the front while I run the back, that alone would probably make that idea perfect." I reply without even thinking, "I could always run the front.. I can run all that on my own. I do it everyday, no problem." My eyes go wide at realization of what I just suggested. It's not that I'd have a problem with that idea at all.. I just don't know if he'd like that type of commitment to me since we just started dating and he barely knows me. I glance up to gage his reaction to my statement.. But he doesn't look too bothered by the comment at all actually.. I would even go as far to bet that I think he likes the idea.. he smiles over at me as he asks with suprise laced through his words. "would you actually be willing to do that with me?" "Yeah of course I would, I will always be a person of my word. No reason for you to think otherwise." I state because I really don't have a problem at all with anything like that, especially when it comes to him, oddly enough.. he humms in response obviously thinking about the idea to mull over, that I've thrown out there. He smiles meekly at me and says "that's really not a bad idea at all, we'll definitely have to talk more about that." He says as I wink at him and continue to dice the rest of the veggies up. He starts cooking up some meat before throwing everything together, with my help of course, into a big pot to cook it all. He grabs the seasonings and spices somehow elegantly sprinkling them into the pot as he stirs, smells and tastes adding more here and there, then tasting again. He moans after trying a spoonful. So he grabs another spoonful turning to me blowing on it as he brings it up to my lips. I stare at his up close and personal features. He looks so good cooking that I would try anything he brought me. I lean it taking the spoonful into my mouth as an explosion of flavor hits my tongue and I can't help but moan at the suprisingly pungent flavors. "That is amazing." I say with shock as he smirks over at me and says, "There is a tone of suprise in your voice." I shake my head as I state, "Not suprised that it tastes good, just suprised at how you're amazing at everything.. how do you not have a woman locked down yet?" He smirks at me, then winking as he says, "Oh I'm working on locking a woman down for sure. Even as we speak." I blush at his comment as I state as if it's obvious. "No I mean how do you not have a woman locked down already.. you just seem too good to be true, I just keep waiting for something bad to happen but nothing has happened yet.. it's suprising." "Too good to be true? I haven't been told that in my entire life.. hmmm.. it's nice to know I'm doing something right by you.. but I was never a ladies man by any means and I meant it when I said you're the first woman I have actually been interested in.. I tried with other woman, there was just something about them that I never liked.. the reasons always changed with the women but there was always something I didn't like.. but with you.. I love everything I know and just feel so comfortable as if I have known you for a long time.. Everything you do just mesmerizes me that I just want to be around you all the time.." He says this so sweetly to me as he shyly looks away to my dismay because I would get lost in those green eyes if he would let me. "I know exactly what you mean because I honestly feel the same way." I decide to confess these feelings of mine as well, so he doesn't feel so put out there and exposed with his feelings. He looks back at me with suprise on his face as we stare at each other for comfortable silent moment. He steps closer to me so there is almost no space between us, leaning down pressing his lips to mine and I can't help but run my hands through his hair making our kiss deeper. He wraps his arms around my body pulling me into him. I feel my heart beating a million times a minute just loving this intoxicatingly breathless moment with him. He could kiss me forever because I just love the way his lips and even body feels pressed against mine.. He sends chills all over my body giving me so many feelings.. what terrifies me most about all this is that I could see myself giving my virginity to him.. but that thought alone scares the s**t out of me. I don't want to have my heart broken especially after something as great as that but I really don't think I have much of a choice because I think he is already starting to hold my heart in his strong but gentle hands. I just hope I don't end up regretting any of this just because this does seem too good to be true which is why I'm weary. I feel his hands go to my hips picking me up and setting me on the counter. He scoots in between my legs pressing against me more with my legs now wrapped around him. We didn't break our kiss once and we deepen it even more being in closer proximity. He breaks our intense kiss as we both pant trying to gain our breathe. "I don't know how you do this to me all the time Mel.. You turn me on instantly just by a look or saying something to me... I swear I'm not trying to pressure you into anything sexually at all.You just somehow turn me on all the time. But I swear I can control myself.. it's just harder when I'm with you." He says confessing his feelings as I smirk up at him wiggling my eyebrows as I state, "Mmmm.. Everything is harder when you're with me." I hear a purring vibration coming from his chest as he says, "See that right there.. yes.. I'm always hard when I'm around you. It's so hard to hold back because you're just so tempting." I giggle as I scoot to the edge of the counter pressing myself into him more. I feel his grip tighten around me as he stares intently at me waiting with an anticipation in his eyes. There is a part of me that doesn't want him to hold back because I have been waiting so long to find a man I actually would like to give myself away to..and now that I have found a guy I would do that with, I'm just nervous because I don't want him to think badly of me giving in so soon because I'm not a whorey girl hence why I'm still a Virgin.. But man, he turns me on like no other as well so I understand what he is saying.. I grab his face and crash my lips to his as he moans into my lips earning a moan back from me. He presses himself into me as I rotate my hips rubbing myself on the outside of his pants pressing myself into his hard member. I feel him getting harder in his pants as his hands trail under my shirt more. I keep rotating my hips as he groans and starts rubbing himself on me starting a very vigorously fun filled dry humping. I never thought anything like that would be sexy for myself, but it's like doing it with him without actually doing it.. It's my step in between until I get the actual guts to give myself to him. He breaks our intense kiss, Continuing his kiss down my jawline and to the crook of my neck as I moan maybe a little too loudly almost echoing in the kitchen.. but why do I have to hold back, he lives alone.. and by his purring it sounds like he likes it. He starts kissing his way back up attacking my lips with his as we hear his phone ringing loudly. He groans and tries to ignore it.. but it continues to ring. I break our kiss looking down as I see grandma across the screen. "Baby answer that.. I don't want you to ignore you grandmother for me." I state as he groans and says, "but I liked what was going on here with us." "Just answer it please." I say jumping down off the counter as he groans, taking the phone and answering the call as he leans up against the counter. "Hey gramma whats up?" He asks as I smirk thinking I want to tease him like he did to me earlier.. So I undo his pants with his eyes going wide and the phone to his ear. He looks shocked as I pull down his pants and take his very erect member out and instantly putting it into my mouth.. all of it.. as he wriths underneath my touch. "What? I'm sorry Grams I just got distracted.. what did you say?" He says as stares down at me with so much lust in his eyes trying to concentrate.. I stroke him vigorously as he bites his lip trying to not make a sound. "Oh yea... I mean yes that, sounds great." I increase my pace as I continue to deep throat him since I can obviously tell he is loving what I'm doing. "Yes I told her. Mmmm Hmmm." He says as I sucks harder and watch as he grips the countertop tightly since his knuckles are now white. "f*#k." He stutters our as he explains, "I just stubbed my toe gramma, don't worry." I keep going faster and harder gripping it tight in my hold. He puts the phone to the side as he says softly in a whisper "baby I'm about to cum." I Humm in response as he puts the phone back to his ear. His hands goes to my head as he puts the phone down to the counter as he moans loudly even trying to hold back. I feel his juices fill up my mouth as I swallow it and lick him off, kissing the tip as I wink up at him. I stand up as he lets out a nervous breathe pulling his pants up then buttoning them. I don't know what has come over me doing things I never do but it's fun, makes me feel sexy and exhilarating at the same time. He picks up the phone as he lets out a deep breathe and says, "Yes I'm fine gramma I just got it really hard and I can honestly say I wasn't expecting that at all." He says smirking over at me. "Yes that sounds great, she wants to meet you too.. and yes we are hanging out today, we're going ice skating tonight with her siblings and I taught her how to cook some chili too.. so a fun day planned." He humms as he stares at me biting his lip. "Yes love you too. talk to you later." He says hanging up the call not breaking his stunning gaze with mine. "That was.. amazingly unexpected.. I'm going to get you for that." He says as I take off out of the kitchen as I can hear that he is following right on my heels. I giggle, turning into his bedroom as I feel his hands on my hips picking me up. throwing me over his shoulder as he slams me down onto his bed. I squeal and bounce on his bed in between all the giggles. I see him jumping on the bed over the top of me as he says with so much shock in his voice. "You had to give me one of the best moments of my life while I was on the phone with my grandmother?" I laugh so loud just smiling at him as I retort back, "I can honestly say I wasn't expecting to but I knew you would like it. So I did it anyways.. I had to really pay you back for this morning." I can feel his weight gently being layed down in top of me as his hand glides up touching my cheek..I watch his mouth open like he wants to say something but he doesn't. "Are you ok Liam?"I ask knowing he wants to say something.. I just don't know what that something is.. He shyly smiles at me as he responds, "Never been better." Those are some simple words but for some odd reason the way he says this makes my heart race and flutter as if it means something entirely different. I don't understand this strange effect he has on me but I have to admit, even if it's just to myself, that I love it.
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