Chapter 14 Everything I Imagined

4089 Words
(((Warning Explicit Content Warning))) Melanie's POV This has been a crazy day so far, that I don't even know how to feel right now. I of course have had stronger feelings then ever expected for Liam but for him to confess how strong his feelings really are for me, completely suprised me and that's an understatement. I'm so afraid of getting hurt since I have never done this before.. I don't even know what the normal red flags are of a relationship so what if I'm just falling head first into the water just to drown. But how could I ever resist his charms that pull me in everytime.. and he makes me feel so special, safe and amazing in so many ways that I just don't even want to leave his side. What am I going to do. I know this might seem stupid that I'm just so scared of getting hurt. But I'm just completely torn. My fight or flight is kicking in and I want to run for the hills at my feelings for him but I'm so encaptured by his every trait that I can't help but day dream about him every chance I get since he seems to always be on my mind.. I just don't understand what these feelings inside me mean but I'm so afraid it's love.. I swore I would never fall in love after seeing what my mother's love did to her because I was so afraid of being betrayed.. but I really don't think he would do that to me and the fact that he is so great with my siblings makes me want him even more. He could have been a complete d**k but he wasnt and he just wanted to do something out of his comfort zone just to spend time with me. He is somehow perfect for me and I feel like and i***t to be scared of that. But he is just making me feel so many things that I never imagined I would and I don't know if I could ever really resist him at this point. I let out a wavering breathe because I can't seem to get him out of my head and I'm starting to get riled up again. I feel a hand on my leg rubbing back and forth just slightly as I look over and it's Liam. He has one hand one one steering wheel and one on my leg as he glances over at me and says, "Are you ok baby?" I nod vigorously at him not giving him an actual answer because my actual answer right now is to give myself to him completely right here right now, because my hormones are going nuts just wanting him and only him right now after everything today. I glance over and he has a suspicious look on his face so I smile at him and look away quickly. He doesn't push it but I can still feel his eyes in me. He pulls up to Grams Diner since it looks like it's the only place open right now which I don't mind and neither do the kids. I hear him park and turn off the engine as I have to force myself not to look at him.. I don't know how I'm ever going to resist him, but I really don't want to look like some easy w***e either no matter how irresistible he is. We get out of the vehicle and the kids run inside grabbing a booth for us. Liam tries to stop me but I continue quickly into the diner, trying to resist him.. he seems to stick to his word of never forcing me into anything.. even talking.. at least for now. We walk in as I see Grams and she has the biggest smile on her face as she runs up to me, pulling me aside. Liam smiles and keeps walking past us and to the kids taking a seat. Grams watches him sit down as she turns and says with so much excitement. "I'm glad you gave handsome a chance he seems so great. You deserve that Mel." I don't know what happened to me but I feel all my emotions spilling out of me to her, maybe it's because she is like a mother to me after my mother passed.. I don't know but I can't put a lock on my mouth at this moment. "Oh Grams I don't know what to do.. I'm so scared he is going to hurt me but I like him so much and he just told me tonight he thinks he is falling for me but doesn't want to scare me but now I'm scared not because I don't like his feelings for me, but because I love them and I feel the same.. but what if he just hurts me what if he destroys my heart? What if.." I say as she completes my sentence for me, "What if it's the best thing that's ever happened to you? Mel.. I have to tell you this is normal.. these feelings you're having are completely ok. You want to know what makes love worth while?" She asks me as I nod vigorously awaiting her answer. "What makes love worth while is the journey to getting there no matter how long the journey is.. You guys will experience so many things together and sometimes they don't work out.. but being able to experience those feelings with someone special is the most amazing feeling you will ever endure. Don't resist the feelings you have, just give in because it's ok.. we have all felt the exact same way and I just hope with all my heart that it works out for you but if for some reason it doesn't there are always other men out there.. but I have no doubt in my mind that he will be amazing for you and once you get a nibble of that exquisite taste you will never want to give it up.. take what you deserve honey because let me tell you, you out of everyone deserves to be loved and treated like a queen." She says to me as I smile and nod but retort. "But my father has warned me to not see him.. I don't know if I should take that risk because what if something happens to him." I say with so much worry in every single word for Liam. "Honey.. love always finds a way and love is always worth fighting for.. if he is worth it like I imagine he is, then you need to fight with every inch of your mind, body and soul for that man.. but only if you feel he is worth it." She says to me rubbing my back as I nod more thinking about everything she has said.. It is nice to know my feelings are completely normal. "He really is worth it." I say to her softly and she whispers to me, "Then go get your man honey. don't let him slip through your fingers.. you could be happy with him." I smile and nod hugging her so tight as I say, "Thank you for always being like a mother to me, you make my feel so normal when my mind has just been going nuts.. thank you." "Always honey, you can talk to me anytime. Now get back to your adorable family unit, your man has had a look of worry on his face the whole time.. he looks so cute being worried for you.. at least he is watching over you like I asked of him to." She says to me, making a confused look appear across my face. "Wait when did you say that to him?" I ask as she smiles and responds, "He came back in the other morning and I guessed he was here to see you and he confirmed it so I told him if he was going to be with you he better watch over you.. and he promised he would. He seems so sweet, I really hope that's how he actually is and it's not an act." "He talks like that with me all the time and taught me how to cook today, took me and the kids out for ice skating even though he had never been before and now here.. he really is so.. genuine." I say to her as I look back at me and he winks at me making my face blush instantly. "Well ride that wave as long as you can honey.. if I was 30 years younger I would have given him a run for his money, he is handsome! But you have to tell me how it is." She says as I smirk up at her saying, "I don't know what your talking about." "Oh don't you? I figured you have had some fun with him so far and when it gets to that special time because I know it will, just don't fight it give in and have the time of your life my dear. Then you have to tell me all about it!" She says playfully as I giggle and shake my head. "Now get over there, we have wasted enough time.. I'm sure your Littles are hungry!" She says to me as I smile and make my way back to the booth as my brother and sister are sitting on one side as Liam is sitting on the other with his arm across the top of the booth just opening a spot for me to sit with him. I can feel my face heating up at that idea alone.. I sit down as I feel his arm wrap around my shoulders, bringing me in closer and all I can do is smell his manly musk that tempts me so much right now. I love the way he smells and with how comfortable he makes me feel with him I can't help but want to be in his embrace all the time, I know that's not realistic but I can dream. Grams gets our orders for drinks and food as she walks away. "Thanks so much Liam for going with us tonight I had so much fun!" Emily says as Caleb nods vigorously agreeing with her statement. "Well if you guys aren't too busy tomorrow we should do something else together.. as long as everyone is ok with that." He says as the kids erupt in cheers. I can feel his eyes on me but I'm too nervous to look his way. He makes the heat inside of me erupt with one look before so I'm sure he could do it again. After a good amount of small talk with the kids, Grams brings our food over and as usual it's amazing and we all eat almost every last bit of food on our plates. Once we are done somehow Liam snuck Grams his card at some point so he pays for dinner to my dismay... but to my disappointment he kindly pointed out I did agree earlier that he could have control of tonight so fine I'm paying for anything we do tomorrow then.. I'm so nervous to even be around him tomorrow I don't know how I'm going to keep up this charade of resisting him when I know there is no way it can last. We all give Grams a hug as we make our way out of the diner and driving back to our building grabbing all of our things as we start to make our way into the building with heavy feet.. I can tell the kids don't want to go back as much as I don't want to.. I think they feel just as safe and relaxed as I do with Liam. I stop at the bottom of the stairs as Emily hugs Liam and Caleb gives him a fist bump.. they start their forced trek ascending the stairs slowly. I smile down at Liam as I creep up the stairs step by step backwards then say, "I can't wait to see you tomorrow.. and thank you so much for today.. you really don't know what it means to me." I say to him as he winks and watches me walk away. I get to the top of the stairs as I see my siblings waiting for me. "So I have to know.. what do you guys think of Liam?" I ask them as they both say in unison, "He is great and so nice.. he is going to stick around right?" I smile at their answer as I say in almost a whisper, "Please don't tell dad about him because dad doesn't want me to see him but I like Liam a lot and of course I want to keep seeing him so please promise me you don't say anything about Liam to him." I ask as they both vigorously nod their heads. I unlock and open the door as I creep into our place slowly. I look around and see our stepfather is passed out on the couch with a bottle in his hand. So I quietly direct the kids towards their room so we don't wake him up, locking the door behind me. The kids sneak into their room as do I. Opening my door with so much precision, sneaking in and shutting my door quietly behind me, then locking it. I turn around and hit a wall of manly amazing smelling musk.. with a hand going straight to my mouth making me panic. I start hitting the chest of the man that's in here as I hear, "Baby, it me." It's Liam's voice in the darkness as I quickly turn on the light. He takes his hand off my mouth as I smack his chest as I whisper yell at him, "What is wrong with you? You gave me a heart attack!" He looks me in the eyes saying, "I'm sorry I scared you I just had to come talk to you." He says with a stern tone I don't like at all in his voice. "Wait.. are you breaking up with me?" I ask as he looks confused and shakes his head, so I let out a sigh of relief. "Mel, did I freak you out with my feelings before? You have been acting weird ever since and I told you.. This is why I didn't want to say anything I was so worried I would scare you away.. but I can't help how I feel about you. You're so amazing and sweet and just drop dead gorgeous. I'm sorry I should go. I shouldn't have snuck into here." He says turning around as I grab his hand quickly before even realizing it. He turns back looking at me as I pull him to me kissing him so passionately gaining all of his attention before I explain. "I'm not freaked out about your feelings I'm freaked out about mine for you. I can't get you out of my head and you make my heart beat a million times a minute. I'm so scared to give every part of me to you but at the same time thats all I want. I don't know how to feel.. I thought trying to resist you and your charm would help me figure out if it's how I really feel about you or if it's the influence you have on me with your charm." I say to him as he whispers back in such close proximity. "What did you find out?" I swallow nervously as I just decide to rip this badaid off. "I found out that part of your charm alone makes me feel safe, comfortable and relaxed and I also found out I don't want anyone but you to give myself to because of the undeniable attraction I have for you and I'm just going to hope and pray you don't break my heart because I want this with us to last forever." I say to him as he crashes his lips to mine. We both kiss so aggressively as if we are just trying to possess each other with every single type of contact we make. We both quickly undo each others pants as we continue to kiss as we take them off at the same time. We are almost in some type of haste to just be with each other, it's almost like a desperation I feel craving his touch in every single way possible. I won't resist the feelings anymore because I'm going to take Grams advice and get me everything I deserve. He quickly takes his shirt off as I do the same. We attack each others lips again as I feel his hand on my back undoing my bra in one swift move so I let it slip off of my arms to the floor. I break the kiss to grab his boxer briefs by the waist band and start pulling them down exposing his all ready to go member. I pull my thong down throwing it to the ground as he attacks my lips and picking me up quickly into his strong arms. I wrap my legs around his waist instinctively securing me to his frame. He takes us to my bed as he lays me down on it. He looks down at me a little hesitant as he asks, "Are you sure Mel? I don't want you to do this unless you think you're actually ready for this." I look up at him locking my gaze with his as I say. "I don't know what these feelings for you honestly mean.. but I would like to think they mean love and the fact that you make me feel this way when no one else has ever come close, makes me want this with you even more.. You make me feel comfortable in every situation with you and you have been respectful the whole time but most importantly you have completely won my heart over in a short span of time and I deserve to be selfish so I want to give you all of me. I think we both need this and God I want this so bad with you." I say to him as he presses his lips to mine as he starts kissing down my jawline to my neck. I feel his hand work it way touching every little bit of my body until he makes it to my thighs and in between them. He slips his fingers inside of me as I have to try resist moaning just to enjoy his touch. My heart races so quickly just at his touch that I can only imagine what everything else will feel like. He slips his fingers in then out accelerating this motion as I feel my body writhing underneath him until he stops and kisses his way back up my stomach, sucking on my n*****s and caressing my breasts making them perk up instantly on contact. He kisses up to the crook of my neck and I can't help the heavy breathing he is causing me. He works his way back up to my lips as I get nervous because his body is in between my legs and I can feel his rock hard shaft at my entrance. "Ok baby this is going to hurt at first, but if you sit for just a minute you will get use to it and the pain will pass and if you want me to stop at any point you just say it and I will.. ok?" He says softly into my ear as my breathe hitches but I nod, giving him all of my trust I can in this moment. He crashes his lips to mine giving me the most mind blowing kiss I have ever experienced making me feel like chills are running rampant all over my body leaving my mind completely blank. That is until I feel him enter me and I can't feel anything but a shooting pain inside of me as I gasp and squeal into his lips. He breaks our kiss as I let out a whimper of pain. He touches my cheek wiping away the silent tears I didn't know I had shed as he says encouragingly to me. "You're doing great baby I'm so sorry I hurt you but I promise it will feel better just give it another second. He says as I nod and he starts to just kiss away my tears. I feel him start to move in then out of me sending euphoric chills all over my body as I moan maybe too loudly. Liam presses his lips to mine as he continues thrusting into me, increasing his pace, making me moan into his lips. It feels so good I'm so glad I didn't resist this any longer because this feeling is exactly what I needed right now and I know exactly what Grams means when she said once I get a taste of this I won't want anything else. I feel the heat inside of me building up like a bomb.. building up to the pressure just to explode. I hear him grunting and moaning trying to be quiet just like myself. The ecstacy fills my whole body from head to toe sending goosebumps to every single inch of my body, as he crashes his lips to mine so I can moan into his lips muffling my cries of pleasurable climax for him. I feel his grunting and purring as he pulls himself out of me pumping and stroking himself vigorously over the top of me as he sprays his juices all over my stomach. I can't express how amazing I feel I this moment right now. I feel so relaxed but complete because this was with him.. I just want to do that all the time.. I don't know how I made it this long without having s*x. but I'm so happy I waited to share this with him. "My love we have to help you get cleaned up." Liam says to me as I nod and stand up with the help from him. I open the door quietly as I make my way across the hall to the bathroom with Liam in tow. He sneaks in front of me turning on the shower and when it heats up he leads me in, then he begins to rub my back topping off the complete relaxation of tonight. "Thank you Liam for being so amazing to me this made everything feel so much better. I didn't feel any pressure in doing this and I don't regret one moment of that with you." I say to him turning around and facing him he has a look in his eyes I have never seen before. He stares at me for a moment before he says, "I'm so happy you trusted me enough to give me something as special as that." He says as he leans down kissing me so softly. I can feel his hands caressing all over my body cleaning me off from our invigorating experience that I will never forget. Once we get all cleaned up we get back into my room. Liam quickly pulls my sheets off of my bed and I have no idea why. "What are you doing?" I ask curiously as he says shyly.. "When I broke your cherry you got blood on the sheets my love, but it's normal so nothing to be embaressed about." "Is that why you insisted on the shower?"I ask feeling mortified as he nods and says. "Don't worry about it baby I'll buy you some new ones don't let that bother you because I have to say this was the most amazing night of my life. I couldn't and wouldn't have asked for anything more." I smile and nod as I say, "It really was incredible." He takes my hand in his, leading me to the bed, as he lays down on my bed. So I follow suit and lay down with him snuggling up to his side. I feel his hand trail across my back being the cherry on top for relaxation tonight. He grabs my comforter and covers us up. I don't know when it happened but I give into the exhaustion and fall asleep on top of Liam with the best feeling I could have ever imagined consuming my heart.
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