Chapter 18 Penny's Here

3114 Words
Liam's POV This week has been the best I have had in a very long time.. I have been able to hang out with Melanie, Caleb and Emily every single day of this a family and I'm really starting to live them all tryely. We have built a sort of family feeling schedule and I have to say I love it. Even if it's just for a little bit, work has been the longest part of my week.. mostly because I'm professional so I haven't been touching and feeling Melanie, acting like a couple while being there, no matter how bad I want to. But luckily I have been patient enough and it's now the weekend and better yet, it's also the day my Gramma comes to visit. So of course I'm waking up getting ready with so much pep in my step because I'm excited to have everyone together. I make sure to meet the kids and my lady at the door before they head out to get some breakfast. before I go get my grandma. "Hey Laim, perfect timing as usual.. we are headed to Grams to get something to eat.. You're more than welcome to join if you would like." Melanie says to me in a soothing tone and looking gorgeous, as the kids vigorously nod with their cute smiles besides her. Making this almost the perfect combination to get me to go with them.. But I can't, not right now at least. "I would love to, but today is the day I have my grandma coming to visit, so I have to go pick her up from the airport because I didn't want her to drive all this way by herself so I paid for a flight." I say to her as she smiles and nods. "Well maybe we can get some Lunch together if your not too busy of course.. I woukd hate to interrupt the family time..just be safe." Melanie says to me. At this point we have all walked out of the building since we are headed in the same direction. I grab Melanie by the waist pulling her into me as I say, "I'm never too busy for you.. we will for sure meet up for lunch. have a great breakfast and I miss you already." I say to her leaning in as her smile gets bigger. She leans in meeting me half way, then kissing me. We seperate as I wave at the kids and wink at my lady then heading to my car to get my grandma. I drive across the city but no traffic really which makes this go by so much faster, as I get to the smaller airport then I park and head on in. I take a look around and there are not many people here at all.. so it should be pretty easy to find her. "Lee." I here from behind me as I turn around and see my Grandmother. "Gramma." I respond as I make my way to her hugging her so tight. She pulls back from my frame, staring at me with the biggest smile on her face. "Oh Lee look at you! You look amazing and so happy! This girl has done wonders for you! You're practically glowing with happiness! I can't wait to meet her and her siblings!" She says with so much excitement in her voice. "I'm so excited you're here Gramma! I missed you so much. You look great too! Have you lost weight?!" I say back to her as she feigns flattery, "Oh you are too kind and maybe a little!" I take her bags and lead her out of the airport and to my parked car. I throw everything into my car and open the door for her, helping her in. She playfully hits my chest saying, "Yes I'm old but I'm not that old that I can't get into the car by myself.. stop worrying about me Lee." "I'm sorry Gramma but I won't stop making sure you're taken care of, no matter how old you are." I explain her her as she smiles and shakes her head. I make my way around the car and into the driver's side. getting the engine started and the trip to my apartment underway. It's takes a little longer to get back because of more traffic at this point. "So tell me all about this wonderful girl your seeing.. Melanie is a beautiful name and you have been spending a lot of time with her and her siblings.. is she just really close with them or what?" She inquires curiously glancing at me then out the window. "Um.. yes.. but she lost her mother when she was really young and she had to step up and take care of her siblings because her stepfather doesn't do anything for them.. so to make sure her brother and sister would be ok she took over the motherly duties." I say to her so honestly as she looks at me and asks, "Well she is obviously of age where she could move out and get out on her own why doesn't she do that? Getting away from this extra stress." "She refuses to leave her siblings alone with her step father because he doesn't do anything for them and he beats her.. so she is afraid if she leaves he will beat them and not take care of them hence why she stays.. until she can get enough money to move into her own place and legally take the kids with her.. but don't say anything please she barely told me.. I'm just trying to be her strength.. keep her and the kids away from that place and stress, at least until they have to go back for the night which has mostly only been for sleeping and changing lately." I explain to her as she gets a sad look on her face. "She sounds very strong and caring no wonder you love her." She says smiling up at me as I look back at her curiously. "I never said I loved her." I stateas of its obvious, staring back at her as she laughs and retorts. "You didn't have to say anything, I can see it in your eyes when you talk about her.. I'm so proud of you being there for her, however you can right now and I'm sure she probably feels the same way about you.. you don't know how much better you probably make her and her siblings feel since they just know they have a safe place to go to." I smile and nod at her response as I explain, "Yea I assumed you would see straight through me.. I told her I'm pretty sure I love her and she looks at me like she does love me too.. and she said how I describe how I feel about her.. is how she thinks she feels about me but she is afraid to say it and I told her it's ok.. that I'm not trying to rush I just wanted her to know how I felt and that she makes me so happy." "Young love.. so sweet. Just watch over her.. you both are walking on thin ice when it comes to her father.. so just be careful." She warns as I nod pulling up to our apartment building. I run around opening her door and helping her out as I grab her bags and show her to my place to let her get settled in before I start making lunch for all of us. Melanie's POV Breakfast was fantastic as usual and Grams was even nice enough to give it to us for free because of helping her with the restaurant earlier in the week. Luckily it's like nothing had even happened because their was no real damage except for the fact that Mike our cook hasn't come back after that day suspiciously enough. I'm not saying it was him because I really don't know that but it's strange that he leaves and doesn't come back the same day the place almost burned down. We walk back to the apartment as I see Liam pulling up and parking. He is running around the car grabbing bags and leading his grandmother in.. I want to say hi but I don't want to intrude especially since she obviously just got here. We walk in and I decide to stay quiet and let him have as much time as he wants with his grandma. But the kids have other plans as Emily yells "Liam!!!" He turns around and locking his gaze on all of us as his smile gets huge. He sets the bags down and turns to us as Emily runs to him jumping into his arms. He hugs her tight and hugs Caleb from the side. "Caleb, Emily.. this is my grandmother Penny.. When my parents died she is the one who took care of me." Liam says so sweetly setting Emily down, as Penny bends down and gives them both hugs. "It is a pleasure to meet the both of you.. I have heard so many good things." Penny says making both of my siblings smile so big. I watch her stand up as she locks gazes with me. "Come a little closer dear don't be shy.. I'm old, have horrible eye sight and need you to be closer to even see you." She says to me as I hop into action coming to her side, with not a moment to spare. She starts laughing and states, "I'm just kidding dear, I just wanted to see you a little better, and may I say you are absolutely stunning. I mean look at those eyes.. I can see why Lee has fallen head over heels in love with you." "Gramma!" Liam says unlocking his place and pushing open his door, as she laughs and retorts, "What Lee? I thought you said you told her already!" "I did.. just.. not to that extent.." Liam responds shyly as his face turns to a light shade of red in embaressment. "Thank you Penny it's wonderful to meet you, I have heard so many great things." I smile at Penny as she smiles even bigger in response, before inquiring. "Wow that voice of yours is melodic.. do you sing?" I shyly nod as I watch Liam's eyes widen in suprise. He takes Penny's bags inside and invites all of us in. We single file making our way into his apartment accepting his invitation. Penny takes a seat talking with Caleb and Emily distracting them for long enough. I feel a hand trail down my arm and to my hand, grabbing hold and pulling me backwards and into the kitchen. I of course willingly follow where I'm directed. It's Liam smirking so big at me. I can't help the naturally huge smile he spreads across my face, without me even realizing. "Hey I missed you." He says to me shyly as I giggle and respond, "Well of course you did, I hear your head over heels in love with me.. it's nice to know I can even subconsciously knock you on your ass." He chuckles pulling me into his comforting frame as he wraps his arms around me. "You really do." He says softly to me as I smile and retort, "I can't believe you told your grandma you love me." I say blushing at the thought. "Funny thing.. I didn't tell her. she guessed it because of the look in my eyes when I talked about you.. but I was planning on telling her anyways because I tell her everything." He says so sweetly as I stiffen and gesture between the two of us as I respond, "Everything? Between us?" He laughs shaking his head as we hear another laugh entering the kitchen.. "No he hasn't told me all the details of what has happened between you two but it's easy to tell that I could be expecting great grandbabies soon.. and don't worry, I don't judge, I'm just glad Lee has a good girl that's loves him just as much as he loves her.. it's adorable I love young love. It's always so intoxicating in the beginning!" Penny says excitedly as if she is just reminiscing of the good old days. "Thank you Penny.. but I haven't said that I.. um.." I don't finish my sentence as she laughs at me again pointing at me. "That's the thing honey, you don't have to say it out loud to be screaming it at him. All of your body language says it along with the way you look at him.. it's ok that your nervous to say it, because when you do, well everything is out there vulnerable.. But I know Lee better than anyone out there and he will make every part of this worth your while and take care of you the whole time.. he is a good man and deserves a good woman. You're perfect for each other. I can hear the wedding bells already!" She says as I blush again and Liam groans saying, "Gramma you might scare her away before I have a chance to marry her.. if you don't stop." She giggles and throws her hands up in surrender saying, "Alright I'll leave you both alone but no making great grandbabies in here, at least wait until you get to the room." My mouth drops to the floor in shock, if that was even possible. She laughs leaving us to be alone in the kitchen. "Hey I'm sorry about her, she can come off strong at times. She doesn't realize how strong.. or at least I don't think she does." Liam tries to explain as I put my hand to his chest stopping him. "She is hilarious and fun, it's fine that she caught me off guard.. it just doesn't happen too often.. and that was shocking for sure. You don't expect those kinds of comments coming out of your adorable little grandma. I hope I'm like that when I'm her age." I say to him as he smiles and laughs. "I'm glad you like her and I told you she would love you so nothing to worry about.. now I need to start on some lunch for all of us." Liam says to me. "I can try to help you if you would like.. not trying to brag or anything, but I was taught how to dice properly by a mind blowing new age chef."I say winking at him as he scoffs and retorts, "Oh yeah right.. you heard lies about the mind blowing chef." "No really I heard this new age chef is going to have the best little hole in the wall place that everyone will talk about for a long time and pay good money just to dine at." I say smiling up at him as he responds, "Did you hear anything about a drop dead gorgeous waitress that might be seen with him running this said hole in the wall place?" I giggle and respond jokingly, "Yea I guess so, there is some girl that just follows him around everywhere pretending she knows what she is doing and he mostly just tolerates her crazy personality because of the kids." "Oooh so your telling me, you're just going to follow me around forever and that you see kids in our future? I like it.. and yes I would love your assistance." Liam spanks my butt as he passes by and starts prancing around the kitchen grabbing everything we need for lunch as he grabs me veggies to dice since that's my specialty. He cooks the meat and sets everything up layer for layer for an amazing looking lasagna to bake and be done for all of us by lunch time. We spend the rest of the morning talking and getting to know each other more and I have to say I absolutely adore his grandmother. She is a relaxed, down to earth, open minded woman and I really do hope that I'm even a fourth of the woman she is when I get to that age. Liam was blessed to have her as his guardian and I can't help but be little jealous of this thought. I wish I would have had someone like that in my life that didn't get ripped away too early from me. But no point in dwelling on those thoughts now because I'm not getting that, no matter how hard I wish. We keep the great afternoon going, topping it off with that amazing lasagna and more relaxing.. but it's getting close to time for me to start getting ready for work. So we are going to have to leave soon to my dismay. "I'm sorry to have to do this, but I'm going to have to get ready for work soon. But I'm sure we will see you both tomorrow. Thank you again for the wonderful morning and afternoon. Have a great night." I say standing up as Liam jumps up to attention, making both Penny and I giggle to ourselves at his response. He goes into the kitchen quickly putting together two tubberware bowls of more lasagna for the kids for tonight. They both smile big accepting his kind gesture. "You're the sweetest, thank you." I say to Liam as he smiles big. "See you all tomorrow." Penny says giving us hugs. Liam walks us out letting the kids get out of the apartment first. Once I get to the doorway I turn around to Liam who has both of his arms out, bracing himself against the doorway almost hovering over me. "Hope you have a good night tonight." Liam says softly to me. "Thanks, it won't be the same without you, but in glad you get time with your grandma. you both deserve it.. have so much fun for the both of us.. and I'll see you tomorrow." I say getting on my toes and pressing my lips softly to his. He leans into my kiss, as I slowly raise my hand to his chin. Breaking our kiss but still touching him softly across his strong jawline as I whisper. "Have a good night." I turn around and walk away in tow of the two kids who have started up the stairs. For some reason I feel like this is going to be a long night so I just suck in a sharp breathe, then letting it out trying to calm before these nerves in my gut really start to get to me effecting my night.
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