Chapter Nine

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Mel's POV   "What! you mean I should murder my child?"   "Not when you put it that way".   "But dad, it's all the same". I cried out my voice raising higher than I intended.   "I don't care, you are going to do what I say if you don't want me to disown you".   "No dad I won't, I will never kill a part of me.”  “How can you suggest something like that? It’s  your own flesh and blood and it really hurt me this is coming from you". "Look dad, I respect you a lot and I know what I did was wrong but this is not the way to correct it". Killing an innocent child isn't an option".   "Respect?, look who is talking about respect. Did you think about respect when you were doing your shameful deeds?, did you when you were slutting around". Did you ever think of my reputation? how will people see me now".   "Oh so it's all about your reputation. So you think about your reputation more than the health of your child and grandchild?".   I asked with anger evident in my voice finding it painfully hard to believe he really said that. I have never argued with dad before,at least there was no need since I always did  whatever he wanted. But not this time, I'm not losing this to him.   "Dad, I am an adult now, why don't you allow me to make my own decisions, why are you trying to live my life for me? ".    I asked in a much lower and calm tone wishing he will understand.    "Shut up young lady!"    HE yelled, looking gravely at me, losing the calm facade he was putting on since this conversation started. He thought I would just agree to his absurd condition but he was wrong. He is yet to see a new side of me. I will do anything for those I love. I love him but I'm more in love with the creature inside me. I know it's complicated but I will try to make dad see that I have a strong connection with my unborn child.   "Dad please I'm ready to do anything for us to be okay, but I'm sorry I can't sacrifice my child. I love him and I'm ready to work to take care of him so you don't have to worry".   "Then not in my house!".  he shouted, losing his cool completely.    "If you feel you are old enough to raise a baby and so you don't do what your parents say anymore, go and live by yourself. Get out of my house, It's my house not a family house to raise bastards".    "Dad please you can't possibly do this to me".   "Don't call me that, from now on you cease to be my daughter. You have lost that right when you refused to do the little condition I gave you. Pack up your things and leave my house. You have overstayed your visit. You are a stranger and an uninvited guest in my house. You are no longer welcome here".    The man I knew as my dad all my life has just disowned me. His words hurt me so much and nothing could kill me than the hatred and anger he spoke them with. I turned to my mum who has been silent throughout for support but I died a second time when she refused to look my way, turning her gaze away from me. More tears ran along my weary face when I realized that not even mum, who has gone through labor and is aware of motherly love will stand by me.   "I don't want to see you here when I get back, your presence irritates me". With that he dashed out through the door.   "Mum" I called completely broken   "Shhhhh!" There is nothing I can do. Since you refused the condition, we cannot continue to feed you and shelter you. I am in my husband's house; go to yours. I mean who ever got you pregnant. As for your dad, I don't want to have any problems with him, so you better be out before he comes back. I need my peace and I can't have you take that from me. You are my daughter and I love you but there is nothing I can do".   Wtf, I stood there completely shocked that mum actually said that to me. Is this really my mum or some alien has come to take over her body. No, this is not mum. She will never do this to me.   "I can even help you pack if you need additional hands, Mama bear".   she said sarcastically    Miles POV   Time flies pass slowly and each week, days, hours, minutes and seconds that passes, I felt  like I have left an important part of me in the past. There was this huge empty void within me. I feel lonely. A feeling that I was never used to.  I couldn't even look up myself in the mirror. I have become a zombie version of myself. I've not shaved for a little over a month. Angie, my matured help always cleaned up my mess. Thanks to her, I have not stumbled over any of the beer bottles that I waste every day. My house is the only normal thing for me right now as it is well kept even though I mess up everyday. Poor Angie, it is a lot of work for her considering her age. She is a mother figure for me and tends to worry too much about my recent drinking habit and she doesn't fail to voice it out. I couldn't blame her, I haven't been eating anything and I have lost a lot of weight, not my usual self. I never ceased to bring in women everyday. I hardly spend time at home and if I do, I rather be drinking or holding on to the memory of her. I couldn't believe how one woman has destroyed me completely. For now I was a living dead. I couldn't concentrate on work as if I had even been going. Dad has been calling countless times to voice his disappointment and what is even his problem because the company is doing great. He needs to understand that he is no longer the boss, I am and I can do whatever I want with it. I made a mental note to find whoever was feeding him with the information and to deal with them. Can't I have my privacy?. This is my problem and I don't need my family to interfere. Speaking of family, my younger brother called to let me know that he will be coming over. I have not seen him since two months ago when he left to attend a conference on behalf of the company as the company’s attorney. He also owns his own firm which is making it big time with highly competent lawyers that  hardly lose cases. It's a big achievement especially at a young age of twenty seven, he is already heading people who are much older than him.
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