Chapter Eight

1232 Words
Miles POV I almost freaked out at the sight of the blond petite lady crawling all over me. The Events of yesterday night rushed into my memory. She was the third slut of the day. Well this has been my life for a month now since that incident happened. Yes, the incident with the most beautiful and sexiest woman I have ever met. Remembering that incident which I have been doing for a month now brings along a sour feeling. Yes I hated lies but I shouldn't have treated her like that. I vividly remember the look on her face when I shove her out naked, throwing her clothes on her. I regret doing that to her and I know I should have searched for her and apologized to her. But I can't bring myself to. That word doesn't exist to me and besides she hates me. So I did the only cowardly thing I know by sleeping with different ladies including models, actresses and sometimes regular sluts. What difference does it make anyway, they are all whores. I drown myself in alcohol most of the time making it difficult to work. I was very particular about my women thinking the best will help me erase the thoughts of her. Yet none of these women could satisfy me. One thing I know for sure was that she left behind this hunger for her. She seemed so different. Thinking about her right now is making me so hard. A hard on only she can satisfy. Why didn't I see the difference I'm seeing right now. I let my stupidity and anger get the best of me.  "Do you want another round babe?" I was brought out of thoughts by the once amusing voice of the blond lady whose name I didn't care to ask. Her voice sounds anything but amusing to me right now. I was disgusted by her. And as if on impulse, I pushed her off me. "Here is your money" I said passing her 100 dollar notes, "dress up and get lost".  "B-bu-but " she tried protesting  "But nothing!" "I don't want to see you here when I get back!" I said reaching out to the door leading to the bathroom of my hotel suite, finding the need to distance myself from this clingy b***h. She seems not to understand the no string attached stuff. I care less, I don't have anything to do with a lady like her except for a one time s*x. I just realized my very painful hardon feeling the urge to jerk off. The things she does to me. Even in her absence she still makes me have so many unfamiliar feelings. What has come over me?. I am not the type to care about a lady let alone think about her. Women are trash and I treat them as such. I have seen less of Alexis over the past month. Seeing her makes me feel obliged to do something that I don't want to do; That is to marry her. She has been forcing me none stop to make a date for our wedding. But I made it clear I was not interested. She claims she is giving me some space so I realize that she is the perfect choice for me. She gets so delusional sometimes. There is no way she is perfect, maybe not for me. she is a hypocrite who claims she loves me but fu*k others behind my back. She thinks I don't know all her slutty moves. I will have married her two months ago if she had asked me by then. But I don't feel like it now. My mysterious lady has changed so much about me without her knowing it. All she took to tame my heart was one encounter. Thinking about it right now, I felt a sense of emptiness. Gosh! I have never felt this way before. I consider myself as the guy who has no feelings and a heart. But why am I feeling right now.  Mel's POV Mum has refused to speak to me even at breakfast. Not even a word. I try to engage her in a conversation but all she does is nod or shove me off completely. She was really making me feel bad as if I had done the worst thing anyone could do. I know what she found out yesterday was too much for her to take in but at least she could try for me. Sitting here at dinner is making me so uncomfortable especially when she has been avoiding me the whole day. I felt like a stranger in my own parents house. We heard the door open revealing dad's well built figure. "What is wrong with my favorite girl?" Dad asked worry written all over his face. "Aurora what was so urgent that you couldn't wait for me to come back?" I looked at mum with the ‘I thought we agreed to wait’  kind of look. I knew she asked dad to come and his question only confirmed it. "Your dear lovely angel has something to tell you". Dad stared at me with concern evident on his face "Go on sweetie,tell your dad that you're pregnant". Here goes mum again. She will never cease hurting me. Just when I was searching for a nice way to break the news to dad she lets it out the worst way possible. Dad switched his attention to me looking maybe for an explanation or denial. When it was clear I wasn't going to deny,his expression changed from that of concern to disappointment and hurt. I understand if he feels this way because I was clearly a disappointment and shame. At least mum has pointed that out already. I have been thinking lately about what dad will say or behave when he finds out. But what I didn't think about was him walking away without saying a word to me. And believe me that hurts more than words. Dwelling in silence in this crucial moment really sucked. Any attempt to get dad to speak to me proved futile. He was really pissed with me.  3 DAYS LATER These past three days have been very awkward and bad for me. It was simply pure torture. I was having very bad morning sickness coupled with my parents avoiding me. I have also refused to answer any calls from my friends in case they are calling to judge me. I ought to be alone and to think about my situation. I was becoming used to the fact that I was in deep s**t with my parents. They treat me like a stranger who wasn't needed in their home, an uninvited guest. I have stopped taking meals with them. Instead I wait for them to retrace into their room after meals before taking mine, today not being an exception. I was therefore taken aback when I heard mum standing outside my door telling me dinner was ready as if everything was normal. I was excited thinking they have decided to try for me. I got to the dinner area to see dad already seated, gesturing for me to sit down.  "I know the harm has already been done and we can't change that. You are my daughter and I love you as such. Although I'm disappointed and hurt, I have decided to forgive you on one condition". Dad's words made me so happy but I was worried that he placed an ultimatum "What is it dad?" I asked dreading for an answer "That you have an abortion". "Abort that little bastard you have in there".
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