Becoming Roommates

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Regulus swallowed the food Selena handed him with hatred, feeling that he had never been so humiliated in his life as to throw himself in front of meat grilled by a vampire and a werewolf. The most humiliating thing was that he found the meat so delicious that Regulus argued with the young werewolf about it when Selena put a few skewers on the barbecue, regretting that this was the last of them. He used his precious magic to cast a binding spell on Quincy, leaving him dead on the terrace lawn for ten minutes before grabbing the last of the roast. He chewed on the roast, leaving a dry-eyed Quincy and Selena, who was bossing him around and telling him to clean the grill, to go back into the house, then realised: "Damn, what's there to be proud of! We have to get rid of this werewolf! He retreated to his study, rubbed his hands together and came up with a plan. Werewolves were not easy to deal with, they were agile and going at them head on was definitely not an option, so why not tie him up and put him in a box while he slept? Yes, let's do that! He immediately and gleefully searched for the magic that would render the young werewolf so unconscious that he wouldn't even notice if Pompeii erupted under his arse, and secretly copied the numbers of a couple of courier companies from the phone book that would pick up the goods at night. He didn't want to wait a second longer than necessary to get Quincy out overnight! When he was done, he looked at the spell he had copied down with satisfaction and glanced at the wall clock - it was already midnight. Unlike most wizards who liked to stay up late and start their day at the crack of dawn, Regulus kept a good routine and would normally be in bed by this time. But werewolves don't necessarily share his habits. Taking into account the sleeping hours of ordinary humans, Regulus decided to do it at two in the morning. Until then, he would simply rest and relax. He tiptoed behind the door to his study and crept back into his bedroom. He didn't even turn on the light so as not to alert anyone and made his way to the bed in the dark. He gloated as he lifted the covers ...... "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what the hell!" The wizard shouted and backed away as two cupped hands of crimson magical fire flared in his hands, ready to burn the contents of the bed to ashes. An object rolled off the bed and fell to its knees, screaming at the top of its lungs, "Don't kill me, Lord Regulus! Have mercy!" Regulus fixed his eyes on it, "You are ......? The fire glowed and he could see the other man's face - it was Quincy the werewolf. Regulus extinguished the magic fire and switched on the light with a snap. The bedroom was brightly lit. The bed was a mess of bedding and Quincy was on his knees with tears in his eyes, naked and with no underpants. "What are you doing in my bed?" Quincy was shocked, "I ...... I'm warming your bed!" The wizard felt as if a blood vessel in his brain had burst. "Who told you to do that? I didn't give that order!" The young werewolf puffed out his chest proudly: "You can't say that! If you had to give me instructions before I could do anything, wouldn't I be a robot? As a loyal servant, I have to think what you think and do what you want and get things done before you ask, so that ......" "I don't even want anyone to warm my bed!" Regulus interrupted angrily, "It's spring, not winter, what's the point of warming the bed! Even in winter there's something called a 'heater', you know?" Quincy looked at Regulus with wet blue eyes, like a dog that knows it's made a mistake. "But you don't seem to have a heater in your house." He said miserably, "Do you need me to warm your bed in the winter?" Regulus punched his chest to keep himself from fainting. Stop obsessing about warming the bed! He warned himself. This guy will beat around the bush on a question and bring you down to his level of intelligence! You're sure to lose that way! "I said no bed warming!" He said firmly, glaring at Quincy without question, "And why aren't you wearing clothes again?" "Because heat transfers faster without clothes on!" Quincy gushed, as if he had finally done something great that deserved recognition. "Get out! Get the hell out of here! Don't ever come into my bedroom again without my permission!" Regulus pointed at the bedroom door and barked at Quincy to leave. The young werewolf got up and walked away, not bothering to hide his vital parts, Regulus slamming the door behind him with a loud thud to show his displeasure. He returned to the bed and looked disgustedly at the crumpled sheets and bedding Quincy had slept on; it was a good thing he didn't have a problem with cleanliness or he wouldn't have been able to sleep. He changed into his pyjamas, snapped his fingers to turn off the light and climbed into bed, thinking irritably that he had to send the werewolf away! Send it back where it came from! Besides, he had to 'thank' Clare, who had given him this great gift, for making him regret such a 'wise' decision. Regulus was in bed, gnashing his teeth in hatred, when suddenly the bedroom door creaked open. The wizard sat up sharply and switched on the bedside lamp, glaring cautiously at the doorway, ready to blow the entire door and the person behind it to the Isles of Galilee. A furry head poked ghostly through the door. "Don Regulus," Quincy said in an airy voice, "may I come in?" "No." Regulus refused coldly. The door opened a little wider. The werewolf youth, dressed in his pyjamas (which looked tight on him, with a short sleeve and pant leg, as they had originally belonged to Regulus) and clutching a fluffy feather pillow in his arms, sprawled ghostly on the floor. "What do you want? I told you not to come in!" Regulus tensed. "Can I, can I sleep with you?" Regulus clutched the covers to his chest and said in horror, "No! What's going on in your head!" "Don't get me wrong!" Quincy shouted, "I mean, you sleep in the bed and I'll sleep next to you ......" "That won't work either!" "I'm scared to sleep alone, I'm scared ......" "Oh my God, how old are you? Do you have to have Mummy sing you lullabies before you go to sleep?" Quincy flattened her mouth in resignation, "I don't have a mummy, she's dead." Regulus choked. The young werewolf continued, "My brother slept with me when I was a child, and when I grew up I lived in a group home, but I was still afraid to be alone. My brother said it wouldn't work, he wanted to train me, so he sent me to work with Lord Clare, who in turn sent me to you ......" he said, looking at Regulus with an expectant face, "You ...... don't mind me, do you? I'm just afraid of the dark, nothing else, I'll do my job well, please don't send me back." He choked back a sob and looked extremely miserable and pitiful. Regulus was moved in his heart and could not help but feel a little sorry for him. Regulus, who had the same status and reputation as Clare, had often been strangled by Clare and left speechless. Even if Quincy was left to fend for himself in a wilderness full of natural enemies, it would be better than sending him back to Clare. The wizard remembered the pile of spells he had prepared. Casting spells was a pain, said a lazy voice inside him. Sending them by courier is also a pain in the arse... I hate to spend so much on courier fees! If he makes the recipient pay for the postage and Clare refuses to pay, the courier will return it and then he'll have to pay for the postage... it's just not worth it! Besides ...... there's nothing wrong with having another person in the house, this werewolf can help him with the washing and cooking and housework, his quality of life will go through the roof and he'll be able to free up his time for research, and he probably won't need Doreen and Selena to visit him so often to look after his life (them) - when you think about it there's a lot of advantages! Regulus covered his mouth, coughed twice, cleared his throat and said quickly, "I'm not sending you back." "Really!" Quincy's eyes lit up. The wizard sat cross-legged on the bed and nudged the front of it, "You can sleep on the floor." The young werewolf let out a cheerful "Ow!" and placed the pillow in Regulus' designated spot, marking it as if to say "Keep Out", and brought a bedspread from the next room and spread it out on the floor, getting under the covers as quickly as he could. Regulus shivered. He was used to sleeping alone and the sudden addition of someone else to his room was uncomfortable. "I won't disturb you, Your Excellency!" Quincy promised with conviction. Regulus sighed and let him go. "Good night, Your Excellency." "Good night." Regulus turned off the light. The bedroom was dark and he couldn't see anything until his eyes adjusted to the darkness, but he could feel the werewolf boy's torch-like gaze fall on him, sending shivers down his spine. "Lord Regulus," Quincy said again in a light voice, "you are so kind to me." The wizard rolled over, suddenly feeling his face burn a little. "Shut up and go to sleep!" He barked. The next day, Regulus awoke on time, as usual, to the call of his biological clock. He sat up in bed and looked sleepily at the floor next to his bed. It was empty, no bedclothes in sight, let alone any werewolves. A werewolf had indeed been couriered to my house ...... yesterday, hadn't it? he thought dazedly, covering his head. It wasn't a dream, it was real. But where had he gone now? He sniffed the air and unexpectedly caught the scent of fried eggs. In an instant, two thoughts flashed through his mind: "Something is wrong" and "How could this happen? Without bothering to change, he rushed straight into the kitchen in his pyjamas and found Quincy working on the stove in her apron. "Ah, Don Regulus, you're awake?" Quincy's vibrant voice mingled with the sizzle of fried eggs, "You're up early, I heard Lord Clare say that most mages don't get up until almost noon." Regulus stared at him in confusion. "What ...... are you doing?" "Making breakfast!" "You actually know how to cook?" "What the hell do you take me for, ...... a mere omelette or will you make it?" Quincy said as he tore a piece of paper from the cupboard, "Don't worry about anything else, Miss Selena left me the recipe and according to her," he imitated the shrill voice of the vampire, "anyone can make a delicious meal if they follow my recipe. delicious food, unless you're an i***t or Mr Regulus." ...... that terrible vampiress! "By the way, Your Excellency, I've decided to move into the guest room next to yours," Quincy added, "you don't mind, do you?" For a moment, Regulus had trouble keeping up with the werewolf youth's rapid thinking. "Huh? Fine, but why? I thought you said you were afraid of sleeping alone?" Quincy looked embarrassed, "Because ...... Your Excellency, you grind your teeth at night and it's really loud ......" "Get out! Get out now!" Regulus thundered. "Oooh, Your Excellency, I was wrong, I'm moving back into your bedroom, please don't kick me out!" "No moving back!"
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