
Please Check for the Full Naked Werewolf Delivery

another world

Regulus, a wizard and a geek, lives alone in a dense forest hut.

One day, he receives a huge package by courier. When he opens it, he finds a naked werewolf inside.

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1. Working days (Mon-Fri): 2-3 episodes updated daily

2. Rest days (Saturday-Sunday): update as you go, may not update if you have other arrangements, new chapters will be dropped randomly

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Huge Delivery Boxes
Regulus, dressed in his robes, hair dishevelled, sleepy eyes, toothbrush in his mouth, white foam spilling out of the corners, opened the door in bewilderment and confusion to find an impatient courier and a huge box standing outside. "Your parcel and mail, sir." The courier rudely shoved a letter at Regulus and stuck a pen in his eye, "Please sign for it!" Regulus took the pen and hastily signed his name, but the courier, as if he had a grudge against the delivery note, tore it off, stuffed it into his pocket and threw it through the door with a bang. Regulus looked down at the delivery note and searched for the name of the courier company, vowing not to use their services again. The parcel and letter were from Clare, his friend (or rather, the kind of friend he'd rather never have to deal with again and who likes to play practical jokes on him.). It was a box big enough to hold a corpse, what kind of strange stuff had he sent? The wizard Regulus muttered his way to the toilet, dropping the letter on the coffee table in the living room. He brushed his teeth in the loo, washed his face casually and went into the kitchen without shaving. When he opened the fridge, there was nothing in it but rows and rows of tinned milk. Regulus closed the fridge door sadly, then think about making himself simple meal, but dismissed the idea quickly. It was too much trouble and he wasn't going to waste his magic on such a trivial matter. Doreen had visited yesterday and made him a nice dinner, and there was half a roast chicken left over. That would make a good breakfast. He put the chicken in the microwave to heat it up. If Clare had seen what he was doing, she would have shouted, "Shame on you, magician! How dare you use the microwave instead of using magic to heat it! How am I supposed to know a friend like you? I don't know you! Please pretend you don't know me when you see me in the future, thank you! Aha, that's great. Next time we should invite Clare over and show him sixteen easy ways to cook in the microwave - standard as a manual! Regulus then returned to the living room and opened the letter on the coffee table. The letter was indeed in Clare's handwriting and the ton was as unpleasant as his character. Dear Regulus: I was shocked to hear of the recent burglary at your home and would like to express my outrage at this unfortunate incident and my deepest sympathy for your tragedy. As I have been away on business recently and have not been able to visit (crossed out the words 'visit' and 'enjoy') your home, I would like to offer you a small token of my sympathy. Yours sincerely. Clare P.S. If you can take care of this boy's once-a-month problems, I guarantee he'll make the perfect housekeeper. Regulus knows of only two creatures in the world that have monthly problems on time. One is a woman and the other is a werewolf. He thinks Clare is talking about the latter because he doesn't believe that women can be called "he" or defend property. From what he had seen and heard of some of his female witch friends, they were very fond of squandering their possessions on various luxuries.. The wizard calmly rolled his friend's letter into a ball, laid it flat in the palm of his hand and summoned a flame to burn it to ashes. He thought to himself. If he dares to "kindly" give me a werewolf as a good helper to keep the house. Next time I invite him over, I'll cook for him myself and shove every disgusting thing in the pot into his disgusting mouth.. Then Regulus made a whirlwind dash to the foyer, ready to cast a locking spell on the werewolf that had been packed up and taken to his house. But he was horrified to find the box open and empty when he reached the foyer. Pop bang! Regulus kicked at the empty box to vent his anger and hurried back into the kitchen. The sight inside made the wizard want to blast his best friend a hundred times over with his magic fire cannon. A naked young man was sitting in a chair, holding a roast chicken leg (from the half-cooked chicken Doreen had given him yesterday) in one hand and a glass of milk (a souvenir from the college the year Regulus had graduated, with a graduation photo of him with a silly smile) in the other, gulping it down like a cow and slurping it in his mouth as if he hadn't finished. When he saw Regulus, the young man put down his glass and waved in a friendly manner: "Hello! Are you the owner of this place? Nice roast chicken, any more?" If Regulus were a normal wizard, he would have cast an offensive spell, such as a sleeping spell or a locking spell. But he wasn't a normal wizard, so he used his summoning spell to summon the Encyclopaedia of Magic Spells from the bookshelf and, as the young man looked on curiously, he lifted the hardback brick book, which was a thousand pages thick, and smashed it hard on the young man's head. The young man said "OW!!!" The young man fell off his chair with a loud bang and landed head first on the floor, not knowing for a while whether he was dead or alive. The chicken leg he was holding also fell to the floor. Regulus picked up the chicken leg and rinsed it under the tap. Food can be picked up and eaten within three seconds of being dropped on the floor! This is scientifically proven! The wizard hypnotised himself and ate with gusto, ignoring the fact that the floor had not been cleaned for days. That evening, Regulus, who had eaten only one meal, came into the kitchen, dizzy with hunger. The young man he had knocked unconscious and tied to a chair was just waking up. He opened his eyes with difficulty, at first with a blank expression, as if he did not understand what had happened. He was clearly in shock when he realised that he was tied up (with a rope still attached with runes) and unable to move. "What ...... do you want?" He shouted at August. The wizard scratched his shaken ears and glared at him, warning him to shut up. "I should be asking you that question!" August pointed a silver dinner fork at the boy's nose, as if he were a brave hunter with a silver dagger in his hand facing a vicious vampire, "Breaking into my house, eating my food without my consent, and being completely naked and shirtless and knocking you out is good enough for you!" "How can you say that!" The young man's innocent eyes widened and Regulus noticed that he had blue eyes, somewhat unreal in their pure colour, "Aren't you Lord Regulus-Bell?" "Obviously I am." "Then there's no problem!" The youth tried to straighten his chest, deflated again by the stranglehold of the magical rope, "I was sent by Lord Clare and you signed for it yourself, so I was not 'trespassing' in your house; and since you welcomed me in yourself, I am a guest, so what's wrong with eating a little of your food? " Regulus choked. His instincts told him that there was something logical about the boy's words, but for a moment he couldn't find the flaw. So he grunted, "What about ...... the dress?" Let's see how you explain that! The boy replied, "Isn't that simple, not wearing clothes reduces the weight of the parcel and therefore the shipping costs." --Clare! Next time we meet, I'm going to beat you to death!! Regulus almost spat out a mouthful of blood. Covering his chest, which ached with anger, he stumbled out of the kitchen, desperate to get to his book of black magic and curses, copy some of the evil spells that would make the recipient's life worse than death, and throw them at Clare one by one, as well as... "Where's the delivery note? Where's the bloody delivery note? I'm packing up this bloody werewolf and sending it back!" "No!" The boy cried, "Don't send me back! Lord Clare will make a wolfskin shawl out of me!" Regulus said coldly, "That would be illegal, and Clare, as a civil servant and Deputy Director of the High Office of Magic, could not possibly break the law." "He certainly had the guts to do it!" The boy struggled, dragging his chair across the floor with a creak, "Don't throw me out! I'll help you catch the thief, wasn't your house broken into recently?" "Thank you for your enthusiasm, but I have increased the magical protection around the mansion, so don't worry about burglars." "I can also cook and tidy up the house ......" "That's a shame, I've hired a housekeeper to come and clean regularly." Regulus didn't give him a second thought. "...... I can warm the bed too!" There was a fishy sweetness in the wizard's throat. "Get out! Get out now!" There was a click. There was the sound of a door opening in the foyer, followed by the thud of heels on the floor; the sound stopped after a few rings, and the owner of the heels seemed to have changed into slippers. The soft footsteps circled the living room and then came to the kitchen door. "Good evening, Mr Regulus." A mature female voice rang from the door, "I assume you have not eaten dinner, so I brought ......" The door was flung open with a flourish and an alluringly beautiful woman with pale skin and long curly black hair cascading over her shoulders appeared, her ruby red eyes scanning the two men in the kitchen, lingering on the 'naked' youth with interest for a moment before slowly moving away. "Looks like I came at a really bad time." The beautiful woman gave a subtle and complicated look, "Sorry to interrupt you both." She pursed her lips, looked at the bound and naked youth and continued teasingly, "But I didn't expect Mr Regulus to take such a special interest... ......" She turned gracefully and pulled the kitchen door behind her. Regulus and the boy looked at each other. "Who is she?" The boy asked. "Selena, the maid I hired." The wizard replied. "A vampire?" The boy asked again. "Oops, you found that out." The wizard replied again. Then he noticed that his vampire housekeepers seemed to have misunderstood something and immediately grabbed the door. "Selena, you've misunderstood, we're not in the relationship you think we are!" "Ah, stop it Mr Regulus, I'm not three years old, I understand." The female vampire's voice was tinged with laughter, "And I don't discriminate against gays, I don't care ......" "Who cares anymore!!!"

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