The First Kiss Taken Away

1976 Words
"Ah, so I was wrong." After some fumbling explanations, Selena finally and half-heartedly accepted the fact that the strange young man was a 'gift' sent in a parcel, and not a bed partner to play S&M bondage games with Regulus. "I knew it, how could a freak like Regulus, who is not too young, suddenly play such exciting 'games'!" Selena grinned, but her face not quite convinced, Regulus looked to her more like a pervert in a life of constant repression. Regulus' mouth twitched, "Now that you understand, come and help me pack this guy up and send him back." "No!" The young wolves noticed that they were already on the same page and were all intent on driving themselves back and immediately began to whimper, "Please don't throw me out! I'll take care of you! I'll look after your house! I don't want a salary, just three meals a day! Don't throw me out!" "Mr Regulus, the tapes and courier boxes is ready!" Selena suddenly helped with extra enthusiasm. "Thank you, Ms.!" The boy looked at her with teary eyes, "Beautiful vampire lady, please ......" Selena was indifferent to his compliments, "Hurry up, Mr Regulus, I can't wait to box him up." "Why are you being so aggressive?" Regulus wondered. The beautiful vampire showed her sharp teeth, "If he's as competent as he says, won't I be out of a job?" She turned to the foyer to get her suitcase, "How hard is it to find a job for a vampire when unemployment is so high ......" Once the courier box was brought, Selena slowly approached the young werewolf, tape in hand, along with Regulus, like an army marching towards an enemy camp. "Mr Regulus, please untie him first." "That would be too dangerous!" The wizard said. "Do you want to send him away in the chair?" The vampire raised his eyebrows, "You untie him first and I'll tie him up immediately. ......" "Fine!" The young man looked terrified and tried in vain to move backwards, Regulus muttered an incantation and the ropes around the youth disappeared with a "snap". Before Selena could subdue him with the tape, he jumped up and grabbed Regulus by the shoulders! Bloody werewolf, how dare you attack me! Enraged, the mage immediately dropped her old reserve and decided to use her precious magic to teach the ungrateful werewolf a lesson. An attack spell came to mind and the wizard opened his lips, but before the chant could be uttered it was blocked by a pair of cold lips. The boy sealed Regulus' spell with his own lips, deepening the unexpected kiss as the wizard stared in shock. Regulus quickly recovered from his shock and pushed the boy away - if he hadn't, he would have stuck his tongue in! "Unbridled! What do you want?" The wizard covered his lips and took a few steps back, bumping into the cupboard. How dare that damned man just kiss him! It was ...... his first kiss! The boy was annoyed. "Lord Clare told me to do it." He laid all the blame on the Archmage, who wasn't there: "He said that His Excellency Regulus' misbehaviour was entirely the result of a lack of care from his childhood. If he insists on sending you away, you will kiss him until he agrees. That's what he said. Regulus' blood pressure shot up to critical levels in an instant. "And you believe him when he says that?" The boy said pathetically, "How do you know until you've tried ......?" Regulus had a real problem communicating with this guy, so he turned to Selena, "What are you waiting for? Get over here and get this guy ......Selena?" The vampire whose name had been called looked at her with a crazy expression and a very ambiguous smile, "I don't know why, but suddenly I think it's good to keep him ......". Regulus watched as Selena said to the young man in a commanding voice, "You can stay if you want, but be a good boy and do what I tell you, and work hard and don't drag your feet, or I won't mind tasting werewolf blood ...... "Then she showed her fangs. Realising that his position was secure, the boy immediately began to sell his good behaviour: "Of course I will do as I am told! But ...... what about you?" Regulus could only interject, "Exactly! Do you want Selena to lose her job?" "How can you lose your job? It's a promotion!" The vampire cupped his cheek, "I've been promoted from regular housekeeper to housekeeper, how congratulatory." "Hey! Find out who owns this house! It's me! Don't make decisions for me without permission!" Selena and the boy came out of the kitchen laughing and talking. "I haven't asked your name yet." "My name is Quincy." "Ah, I'm Selena, of Lillith blood. By the way, I have to find you a dress to wear first. I know Mr Regulus has some clothes he never wears, you could probably wear them. He has very odd tastes though, do you mind?" "Of course I don't mind!" I do mind! Regulus shouted softly in his mind. "Doreen! Come and help me! I'm going to die if I don't hurry!" In the study, Regulus cowered behind the curtains, calling his friend (or 'bestie' as Clare mockingly called her), the witch Doreen. "Jesus, Regulus, did you know I'm on the other side of the ocean and there's this thing called 'jet lag' in the world?" Doreen yawned on the other side of the phone, her voice breathless. "Of course I know that! But it's an emergency!" "Alarmism. What you call an 'emergency' is probably on the level of 'Selena's on strike again', right? Alas, sooner or later it's going to be hard for Selena to look after a giant baby like you when she's hundreds of years old, I'd go on strike too". Doreen said, "Well ...... actually humans can live for a month without food and only water, hang in there until I bring you food next week ......" "It's worse than that!" Regulus cut her off, "That old bastard Clare sent me a werewolf! Now he and Selena have formed an alliance to take over my house! Everything has fallen except the study and the research room!" "Oh ......" Doreen trailed off, "Do you need me to teach you a foolproof countermeasure?" "Teach me! Please!" "You go out now." "No problem!" "Find Selena." "Okay!" "And then surrender to her." "...... What good is that?" "At least it'll keep you alive." "I'd rather be dead!" Regulus dropped the phone angrily. He couldn't rely on an unreliable woman like Doreen when it counted! He had to learn to save himself! The wizard brought a ladder and climbed up to the bookshelf, intending to find the most powerful of all in his row upon row of heavy magic books. The fiercest witch-women of all time and their curses? These witch-women were as unreliable as Doreen. A list of ancient evil curses? Half of these curses don't work. The history and future of dark magic? Bah, what's there to look forward to. Make Your Opponent Suffer - Archmage Mobius teaches you a hundred practical curses. This one sounds good. While it was tempting to explore why Moebius would write a book about curses, the priority was to regain lost ground. Regulus pulled out the book and couldn't wait to open it. But the book was too thick, like a heavy stone, and it threatened to break his arms. The wizard, who had spent so much time at home and was so weak from training, lost his balance the moment he opened the cover and fell from the ladder. If Regulus were a normal wizard, he would have cast a spell to reduce the speed of the fall, such as a feather fall or a cushion spell. But he wasn't a normal wizard, so he cast a spatial transfer spell as his mind wandered the moment he fell! Bang! "Ah!" Two loud bangs rang out simultaneously. Regulus patted the dust off his clothes, satisfied that he had once again managed to save himself with his spell. The object of the spatial transfer spell, Quincy the werewolf, was pinned to the ground by him, acting as a human air cushion. The young werewolf had just been happily cleaning the living room with Selena when he was instantly transported to the study and promptly crushed by a heavy object - for the second time today! "It hurts! It hurts! I'm going to die!" He cried out. Regulus slapped him on the head, "Shut up!" Quincy kept his mouth shut. He watched in tears as the wizard rose from his back, straightened his pyjamas as if nothing had happened, and then said in a tone that was not in the least bit apologetic, "You're so thin, it hurts." The study door opened lazily and Selena, the vampire, leaned against it in style, "I wouldn't mind feeding him a little fat." "Don't waste my family's food!" "Come on, talk like you cooked it yourself." "Even if I didn't make it, it was bought with my money!" Selena thought for a moment and waved at the werewolf, "Well then, let's go and let the great Lord Regulus do his own bounty." Quincy rose from the ground, rubbed his sore back and followed Selena in resignation. The two men soon disappeared down the stairs and moments later the door slammed shut, signalling that the two men had left the house. Regulus froze for a few seconds, grimoire in hand. What the hell, he thought to himself. I haven't done anything yet! So easy to regain lost territory? How can it be so easy? This must be a conspiracy! The wizard put his books on the desk and turned to run downstairs, checking all the windows and door locks to make sure the vampires hadn't tampered with them. He even went so far as to cast a small detection spell at the expense of his magic, for vampires were all natural wizards and there was no guarantee that Selena wouldn't set a magical trap. All was well. It seemed that the vampire and her werewolf henchman, who had just made herself a housekeeper, had indeed retreated. Regulus, intoxicated with his victory, flew back to his study to give Doreen ...... a good report. Then he smelled a strange odour. Fragrant, inviting, sweet, with the strong scent and natural taste of the sauce - the smell of roast meat. Regulus rushed to the window and was horrified to see that Selena and Quincy had built a bonfire in his yard and were masterfully roasting meat! How dare they have a barbecue in his courtyard! And to roast the meat so well! The smell of the roast reminded Regulus that he hadn't eaten for almost a day. He was ravenous and his mouth watered at the smell of meat. Calm down, the wizard warned himself. I am Regulus, who once challenged the Sixth Way with Clare and came close to winning! Even Doreen had said that a man could go a month without eating! All he had to do was last a week and Doreen would be there to help him! He wasn't afraid! Selena and Quincy's laughter wafted into his ears on the wind, intensifying his hunger. "Miss Selena, you're so good at this!" "Eat slowly, don't choke. Would you like some cumin powder?" "Thank you! I'm so happy to eat your delicious food!" "You're a sweet boy! Here, this piece of meat is roasted and ready for you." Regulus was heartbroken. "You two bastards!" He pushed open the window and shouted at the two men who were picnicking in the courtyard, "Come back! I want to eat too!"
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