A Werewolf's Secret Love Affair

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All morning Regulus had been fidgeting like a caged animal, pacing the living room, checking the wall clock every few minutes, and Quincy dared not disturb His Excellency Regulus but crouched in the kitchen, daring to peek through for a few quick glances whenever Regulus turned his back on him. It was like a little file inside him, filing his internal organs one by one, making him feel the same as Regulus. His Excellency was in such a hurry because he was waiting for Miss Doreen and said they weren't lovers ...... Quincy thought sourly. He must be like one of those careless men who often appear in works of literature and art, who clearly have a crush on someone and don't even know it. Ah, how fortunate this magical lady is to have the admiration of a man like Don Regulus! Quincy clutched his apron thoughtlessly with both hands, jealousy gnawing at his insides like termites. It was almost noon when the telephone rang in the study and Regulus rushed off like a monk with a divine revelation, Quincy wanted to sneak up and listen to the wall, but finally gave up. He guessed the call must be from Miss Doreen. He would have gone mad if he had overheard His Excellency's intimate conversation with Miss Doreen! In a few moments, Regulus returned. The anxiety that had surrounded him before had vanished, ...... replaced by a sombre look of disappointment. "Your Excellency? What happened to you?" Quincy leapt out of the kitchen. Regulus looked at him listlessly and quickly looked away. "Doreen said he couldn't come today." This must be a revelation from heaven!!! Quincy felt as if the dark clouds hanging over his head had suddenly lifted and the bright sunlight had descended upon him, shaking him from his wits. Of course, Quincy knew better than to show his joy, or Lord Regulus would think he was gloating and never speak to him again. So he made a face of shock and regret, "How did this happen?" "I don't know... Before, if she hadn't had time, she would have quit, but today..." Regulus rubbed his hair anxiously, messing up his carefully groomed hair. Quincy was so worried that she wanted to help the wizard pull his hair back. "Last week Doreen said she was going to an old school friend's wedding, perhaps the wedding has been postponed? Or maybe there was some unforeseen situation? I'm not sure, she seemed reluctant to say much and I wasn't in a position to ask." "So ...... is sure she's not coming?" "Well, I'm sure she's not coming." "In that case, I'll start preparing lunch." Quincy immediately continued, "But it's a bit late, you'll have to wait a bit longer than usual ......" "No need!" Regulus said. Quincy was stunned, "Huh?" Was Lord Regulus so disappointed that he went on a hunger strike? The wizard hung his head, his hands in his pockets as if brewing something, one foot kicking the floor once. After a few seconds he coughed a few times, cleared his throat and said quickly and slurred, "Let's go eat. Quincy didn't catch his words. "What did you say?" He walked towards the foyer without looking back, his footsteps so heavy they looked like they would leave holes in the floor. "Are you coming or not?" Quincy's eyes widened, and if he were in wolf form now, his tail would have started to wag from side to side. He followed quickly, reached the foyer, turned around and fumbled with his apron: "I'll do it! Please wait for His Excellency!" Regulus's house is on a low hill surrounded by dense forest, and a twenty minute walk along the road through the woods brings us to a small town called Larder. Quincy had lived in Regulus' 'isolated' house for so long that she thought it was surrounded by wilderness, but she had no idea there was such prosperity so close by. It was surprising to find such a bustling city so close. "This is a nice place!" Quincy looked around curiously, wanting to go into every shop along the street, but not daring to wander without Regulus' permission, he had to follow the wizard, like a large dog taken for a walk by its master, curious about everything, but only within the confines of its leash. "Why don't you live in the city and have to stay in that remote villa?" "Is it wrong for a wizard to prefer seclusion in a remote place?" "No!" How dare Quincy say that Regulus was wrong. Although he liked places with lots of people, his heart was now completely with Regulus, and whatever the wizard said was true. Of course, he thought, Lord Regulus liked quiet, that's what wizards need to do their research undisturbed! As for Lord Clare, who lived in a fancy flat in the middle of Metropolis ......, he must be a heretic among wizards! Quincy snapped out of her tedious thoughts and was shocked to see Regulus gone. He was standing alone in the crowded street, disoriented and completely unaware of where he was. A sudden feeling of dread came over him: he had seen on television how a heartless owner had deliberately taken his pet to a strange place to abandon it, and then left in a hurry. Could it be that ...... he had been abandoned by Regulus, that the honourable Regulus had deliberately taken him to the city to abandon him? No, no, how could that be, His Excellency Regulus was such a good man, how could he have abandoned him? But how could His Excellency have disappeared in the blink of an eye? The young werewolf looked around in confusion and was on the verge of tears.
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