The Wizard's Sexuality

1430 Words
It had been almost a week since Quincy had arrived at Regulus' house. Even Regulus, who was always stingy with his compliments, had praised his cooking once or twice, which made Quincy giddy with pleasure. He would have licked the wizard all over if Regulus hadn't forbidden him to lick and lick and lick. That morning, Quincy was lazily preparing breakfast when the sound of footsteps on the manor stairs made him prick up his ears. Quincy emerged from the kitchen, spatula in hand. "Good morning Lord Regulus," the energetic young werewolf greeted, "breakfast will be ready soon, after you ...... who are you?" A strange man jumped down the stairs in a panic. He was wearing an ironed shirt, grey trousers underneath, and a green tie around his neck, not yet tied. He had long platinum blonde hair, waxed and worn in a rather sharp high ponytail, his lean face was clean, his features straight, with a kind of forbidding air of a stranger, his lips pursed in a thin curve, his emerald green eyes darting about restlessly. "Quincy," the stranger called the young werewolf's name, "I had a black trench coat that I left in the living room last night and I can't find it today, have you seen it?" Quincy stared at the man in awe for a moment before his mind worked like a river finally melting in spring after a whole winter of freezing. The man's voice was extremely familiar; Quincy heard it every day and there was no way he could have misunderstood it ...... "Lord Regulus?" The young werewolf asked cautiously. The man with the long platinum blonde hair furrowed his long eyebrows, "Have you lost your memory? Does a werewolf's memory only last seven days, like a goldfish?" "No, no, no! I just ...... I ...... I didn't realise it was you for a moment!" Quincy stammered. It really was Don Regulus! Quincy could barely recognise him! From the first time Quincy had seen Regulus, the wizard had always been dishevelled, either in rumpled pyjamas or black robes, with hair so dishevelled he looked like a scarecrow with a bird's nest, and a beard that looked like he hadn't shaved in a month. But now His Excellency Regulus is so neat and tidy, with a new look, that he would not be out of place at a wedding. Was this an important day? "I hung the trench coat in the wardrobe." Quincy's eyes were glued to Regulus and she just couldn't look away. "That's what I'm wearing today, I took it out on purpose, why hang it back up?" The wizard grumbled as he clumsily tied his tie. "I'll take it out for you here ......" Quincy said, his legs not quite willing to move in step, wanting to see His Excellency Regulus like this for just one more moment, if only for one more second. "Come on!" Regulus urged. Reluctantly, Quincy went to Regulus' wardrobe and pulled out the trench coat. The trench coat had originally been covered with a dust cover, which Regulus didn't seem to wear very often. Slinging it over his arm, Quincy raced back to the dining room as Regulus finished tying his tie and helped him into the trench coat, watching in fascination as the wizard carefully adjusted the collar and cuffs. "Why are you frozen here?" Regulus found Quincy frozen and sounded slightly impatient, "Go and prepare breakfast!" "Ah! Yes!" Quincy snapped back to his senses, remembering the food in the kitchen pots. He hurried back to the kitchen and served the food, which was on the verge of burning, and brought it to the table where Regulus was already seated. "Please use this, Your Excellency." Quincy put down his cutlery and tucked his hands into his apron, tugging nervously at the fabric. Regulus gives him a sideways glance, "You've got a strange look on your face, what's wrong?" "Nothing, it's just ....... I'm curious, Your Excellency is so dressed up today, is there something big going on?" "Oh, nothing." Regulus spread his napkin on his lap, "My friend Doreen the witch is coming to visit today - she comes once a week - so I cleaned up a bit. " "A little!" The word he used was "a bit"! That's not 'a bit'! It's a lot of work, a lot of dressing up! Even Lord Clare would not have been treated with such solemnity on his arrival! This witch must be very close to His Excellency Regulus, otherwise why would His Excellency attach such importance to her? "Your Excellency, is this Miss Doreen your ...... friend?" The word 'girlfriend' brought a bitter taste to Quincy's mouth; it was not surprising that His Excellency Regulus had a lover when he thought about it, but why did he feel a sense of disappointment when he heard this news? To the young werewolf's surprise, Regulus snorted through his nose, "A girlfriend? Her? I'd be crazy to fall in love with her! We're just friends!" He turned to Quincy, "What's the matter with you? You look so strange, like you've won the $10 million lottery jackpot." Lord Regulus said they weren't lovers! It was like a volcano was building up inside Quincy. It was so close to erupting into lava! "It's nothing!" Quincy puffed out his chest and tried to pretend that nothing was wrong, while Regulus lowered his head to eat his breakfast. But if he paid any attention at all, he could see that the werewolf boy's body was trembling with excitement. "But if you're not a lover, why are you so ...... elaborately ...... groomed," Quincy wanted to say "groomed", but he swallowed the word and said something else. "Groomed?" "Doreen comes to see me all dressed up every time, I can't meet her dishevelled, can I? How rude. Besides, there's a chance we'll be going out, and that's a social occasion, not the same as being at home." "Going out!" Quincy exclaimed, "You're going out?" "What? I can't go out?" "No, I mean, the only time I've seen you go out since I've been in your house was at the barbecue, but otherwise you've never been out of the house, and Miss Selena says you're more 'out of sight' than a vampire, so I was shocked to hear you were going out..." Regulus meowed at him, "Do you think I'm a ghost who can only wander around a haunted house? Of course I have to go out with my friends once in a while. Doreen will bring food, so you won't have to cook tonight." "Okay." Quincy whirled around the wizard, rubbing his hands together. "Why are you hovering around me like a big green-headed fly in May?" Regulus put down his spoon, "Anything else?" "That ...... you and Miss Doreen aren't really lovers? Is it possible you just haven't noticed?" "What kind of question is that?" "From your description, you and this lady have a really unusual relationship! She visits you every week, brings you food or goes out on dates, and you treat her with such seriousness that it would be strange if you weren't lovers!" Regulus looked at Quincy with a strange expression on his face, "It's called friendship." "...... There is no such thing as friendship!" "Last Valentine's Day we both bought all the tickets for single numbered seats at the cinema together. What do you think that is?" "...... Friendship." "Very good." Regulus nodded. After a moment, he shook his head again. "You must have very few friends. Poor thing." He said sympathetically. "But..." Quincy still had his doubts. The wizard interrupted, "Besides, I don't even like women." Boom... The volcano in Quincy's head erupted. Lava instantly filled his limbs, sending him almost into the sky like the hot gases from a steam train. "What does it mean not to like women ......?" "I like men." Regulus replied curtly, "Your face is so red, does that embarrass you?" He raised a hand, ready to pull Quincy. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Quincy dodged him, covering her face and running back into the kitchen, screaming. Regulus' hand hung in the air as he let out a long "Uh-oh". "What is it with this werewolf today, what a strange reaction." The wizard thought to himself, then slapped his thigh, "Ah! It's because it's spring! Animals go into heat in spring, he must be missing the female werewolf, no wonder he's so worried about whether I have a girlfriend or not. That must be it!" He nodded to himself, very proud of his powers of deduction.
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