Chapter 4

1641 Words
  One week had passed after I ran away from my wedding. That week is so shameful for me, for my family and for Xian's family. We spent a lot to make that wedding happen, the media was all over the place, the cancelled wedding is the headlines for some newspapers and tabloids and we were on the news for that specific day.   I was so sorry, especially to his family. I know they planned the wedding not just because our companies needed to merge, but also because my mom wanted it to happen, for me. They know I like Xian since we were kids, and his family wanted to return the favor so they agreed to it.   I don't know what's their honest opinion towards it, but I apologized to them sincerely after that day. I asked my parents to continue the support they needed without doing the merge, I know there are other ways to help them.   My mom talked to me after the mess I made. She wasn't mad, in fact she understands me. I told her I can't marry for business, even when I like the guy so much, even when he's all I ever wanted. I told her Xian broke up with Armie, I told her I ruined the two and she was sad for me, she was so sorry.   My friends also visited me the next day, they were worried. But I told them what happened, I told them everything, that I can't marry Xian even when he wants to marry me. He loves someone else, he loves Armie so much and I know Armie loves him so much too. Maybe there's still a way for them to get back together, and I hope when that happens, they will eventually forgive me.   I will ask my parents to continually help them until they finally get back to normal. I heard the company was scammed, I heard they lost a lot and the con man ran away. Most of the shareholders are withdrawing and leaving their company, the employees are mad. The company is on bankruptcy.   Mom told me that dad bought fifty percent of the stocks while Tito Seije, Sean's father bought twenty percent. The remaining thirty percent was divided to other businessmen leaving only ten percent to the owner. Technically, we own their company now, dad got voted as the new president. He said he appointed Xian's father to be the head of one department, as well as his mom.   We own the company as of now that we are the biggest stockholder but dad said he's willing to hand it back to Tito Kysler once they manage to get back their shares. But I don't think it's gonna happen soon, especially now that they are trying to catch the scammer to get back their money.   The original plan was merging the company, so that Tito Kysler won't have to step down as the president. The fifty percent stocks we own will also be under Xian's name if I didn't refused to marry him. I guess I ruined their plan and I've been really sorry about it.   But I stand for my decision. I can't marry Xian because of that, my parents are willing to help his family even without the wedding so it's gonna be okay, it should be okay.   "Hey, are you okay? You look problematic." Naomi said beside me. She's looking at me worriedly.   I sighed, I guess I've never been really okay eversince that day. I feel responsible for all my actions especially that I know Xian's family is in trouble because of me. I can't help but think about it day and night.   "You're still worried?" Samantha asked.   I nodded. "I am so much worried, I don't know what's happening to his family now. I feel so guilty."   Xian left with his family the next day, they had to go back quickly for work. I can only imagine how I made their problem bigger. I didn't get the chance to talk to his family in personal after that day, I only sent an email to his mother, she replied politely saying that she understands my situation. She apologized for being selfish and I apologized too, but I don't feel that it's enough.   "Tita Aubrey is an understanding person, I'm sure she understands your reason. They were desperate because they're bankrupt and they badly need your family's help, they didn't think about your own feelings. I guess running away from that marriage made them realize that." Samantha explained.   "And even without that arranged marriage we all know your parents won't leave them without helping, they were friends even before Kim."   "But the problem could have been gone if I married him right? Our companies will be merging and Tito Kysler won't have to give up as the CEO. They could have focused more in capturing the con man."   Cuttie leaned on the table, "Are you saying that you regret running away?"   "I regret it not because I like him, I regret it because I could have been of help."   Samantha sighed, "You could have helped them by taking yourself for granted. You did the right thing Kim, your parents are doing all the help they can and that is enough, you don't have to do something you don't want to do."   Naomi nodded with her, I looked at them and they gave me an encouraging smile. I smiled back. Oh what will I do without them? I'll probably go crazy.   Sean and Samantha dropped me home that day because mom and dad left for Seoul this afternoon. Since dad is the new president of the Ekelund Synthetic Company, he has to join some important meetings, which means they will be on and off the Philippines every once in a while.   The ESC is one of the largest chemical makers in South Korea and also one of the leading suppliers of car batteries. Mom told me it's quite hard for dad to manage two big companies especially that it's on different countries. That reason even made me feel guilty.   I went to my room and laid in bed staring at the ceiling. I wonder if Xian and Armie got back together now that they're both back in Seoul, I wonder how things are going on now with Xian's family.   How I wish everything will be fine soon. How I wish Xian and Armie gets back together. Even when I like Xian so much, I will still be more than willing to step back if they want to be with each other. This is just infatuation, I know I'll get over him soon.   I sighed. I stood up and decided to prepare for my dinner. I should get used to this, being alone and preparing my own meals. I don't want my parents to worry about me while they are away.   I rummaged the fridge for some food. My mom must have expected they will be leaving that she filled the fridge with easy to cook food. She even marinated pork so I can just fry them. I smiled and pulled it out to cook a piece.   I am heating the pan when I heard the sound of a car's engine outside. My forehead creased. I turned off the stove to check the garage. Motion lights started to lit up as I pass through the motion sensors of our house.   I heard the opening of the door and I immediately walked towards it expecting to see mom and dad, but to my surprise, it was someone else at the door.   My jaw dropped when I saw Xian standing there, looking at me with his familiar sharp eyes. He's holding the doorknob with his right hand while holding his luggage on the left. His eyes remained on me like I did something unforgivable, like he came here to accuse me of something.   I stepped back, guilty and scared. It terrifies me to see him here infront of me, after what I've done. It terrifies me so much.   "You didn't lock the doors, all the fvcking doors are open Kimberly." His cold voice told me that he's angry.   I looked around. There are four doors that can be used to get inside the house: the double doors which is the main door, the double glass doors going to the pool area, the door at the back of the house and this door that he used from the garage.   "I..I forgot--"   "You are damn alone here, how can you forget about that?" The anger in his voice is dripping like acid.   Is he mad because I didn't lock the doors? I don't get this.   "The gate is closed, I'm safe.."   I stepped back when he glared at me. He pulled his luggage inside and closed the door. I watch him when he walked towards the switch for the doors. All the doors inside the house can be opened and closed through our main switch since they are all in some kind of advance technology. He pressed the green buttons to lock them all. Once they are locked, you can only open them through the knob inside or using your own key when you're outside.   "Y-you're here.."   He turned to me, "Why? Are you expecting someone else?"   I shook my head, "I mean.. why are you here?"   He didn't answer. He stared at me until I couldn't take it and I looked away. "I-I'll cook dinner, did you--"   "Wait for me here, I'll cook. Don't go near the stove."   He carried his luggage and left me there. I watched him go upstairs until I couldn't see him anymore. I held onto my chest when he disappeared from my sight.   I need to ask mom why he's here, did they know about this? Why is he here?    **
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