Chapter 3

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  The thought of Xian driving me to school and picking me up is still unbelievable to me, it's like a dream. I'm not denying that I've been dreaming of us together, him taking care of me like my own real lover but I never imagined seeing him at the parking lot leaning on his car like a supermodel while waiting for me.   Like what I did yesterday, I tried my best to stay quiet and occupied while inside his car. And maybe he knows what I'm doing that he doesn't try to talk to me anymore.   Armie's waiting for him at the door when we arrived. I just smiled at her before going upstairs to lock myself inside my room.   Mom and dad will probably be gone for a week. They didn't ellaborate the problem with the Ekelund's company but I think it's a serious matter that my parents even had to go there right away to help. I heard from Dylan that his father also flew to Seoul last night. I wonder what's happening.   I took a quick shower before going to bed. I will have to kill time until I'm sure Xian and Armie are already asleep so I can go downstairs and eat dinner.   It's not that I really don't want to see them. I just feel so awkward to eat with them, I'm sure Xian knows that and I'm thankful that he's not trying to make me join them, he's sensitive enough.   I spent my time watching korean dramas and had fun that I didn't notice that it's already twelve and I'm starving. I sat up and stretched a bit but then almost jumped when the door suddenly opened. It revealed Xian in his plain white shirt and khaki shorts.   His eyes immediately met mine. He entered the room and closed the door quietly.   “Aren't you hungry? Let's eat dinner."   "Huh? I thought you already had dinner with Armie, why are you still up?"   "I waited for you. I told you there's no way you can possibly avoid me Kim, just quit it."   "I--I'm not avoiding you, I got occupied watching movies so I forgot the time." I reasoned out. It's partly true though, that I got occupied with what I'm watching.   He looked at me like he knows I am lying, the familiar smirk on his face makes him look like he knows everything about me, that he can read me easily. And this is what always makes tremble, the thought that he can read me, that he can understand my actions even when I try so hard to lie about it.   "Let's eat,"   "How about Armie? Where is she?"   "She's asleep, let's go." He walked towards my bed and held my wrist. My eyes widened, what is he doing? He doesn't need to drag me, I will go down and eat because I'm hungry.   "Let me go, I can walk.."   He stopped and stared at me, his eyes are pitch black and I don't understand why. His aura has been like this eversince, I can never understand the storm he has.   “I hate stubborn and immature girls.”   "I--I am really going out, you don't have to drag me.."   He stared at me, like he's reading me again. He raised his eyebrows before he left my room. I followed him to the dining area and found all the food that he prepared. I suddenly feel guilty, did he wait for me? He must be really starving by now.   "You shouldn't have waited for me.." I said when he pulled a chair for me.   "Just sit and eat."   I sighed. I chose not to talk anymore, I know he'll just mock me or what. I don't really understand why he's treating me like this, doing things unexpectedly but acting and talking like he dislikes something about me, I don't understand him at all.   I avoided his gaze while eating. I know he's watching me, I can feel all his heavy stares, it's not that hard to notice it especially when we're alone together.   Xian is that kind of guy, the quiet but observant person. His hawk-like eyes seems to see every single thing when he looks at you. He's the kind of person you cannot lie to, he will immediately read your actions, even just the simple movement of your lips can catch his attention.   We were only disturbed when Armie suddenly appeared at the door. She looked surprised when she saw me eating with Xian. Her eyes travelled to him and I am not that insensitive to realize what is that look for. I finished my meal immediately so I can leave the two of them alone.   "I'm done, thank you for the meal. I'll go back to my room now." I murmured.   I looked at him and saw his sharp eyes focused on me. I glanced at Armie and she's watching me, it's so obvious that she wants me to leave. I nodded at her when I passed at the door.   I ran back to my room and closed the door. I jumped to my bed and stared at the ceiling. I hope they don't fight because of me. I know Armie, she was always understanding, even when our friends teases me to Xian, she would just smile and laugh with them. I hope she don't get mad at me, afterall I've been doing my best to avoid Xian. I don't know why he keeps on bugging me though.   I stayed on my bed for almost fifteen minutes until I felt thirsty. I forgot to drink after eating because I was in a hurry. I wonder if they're still there or they already went to their room.   I tried to wait for a few more minutes until I can't hold my thirst anymore. I stood up and went out to drink a glass of water.   I was taking my steps quietly down the stairs when I thought I heard something, someone. Someone's crying..   I followed the sound and it led me to the door going to the pool area. The wind blew and I felt it's coldness on my skin because the sliding glass door is open. I walked closer to see what's happening until I realized I know that voice.   I stopped at the door when I heard the quiet sobs from the pool area. My heart sank when I realized it's Armie.   “I can’t.. Xian please? Kajima.”   “I’m sorry, I’m sorry..” I heard Xian's soft whisper.   I know I shouldn't eavesdrop on their fight but suddenly, something deep inside me wants to listen. Something inside me wants to stay and listen, I feel like something's inside me is so curious, like there's something I need to hear.   "I don't understand, please Xian make me understand." She cried. “Why do you have to marry her? I can help you, I can ask my dad for help. You don't have to leave me, please don’t leave me, I can’t take it. Please Xian don’t leave me.”   I felt my heart almost fainting, my hands trembled in guilt. Why do I feel that I'm involved here? I haven't confirmed it but why do I feel like I know what's happening?   He's marrying someone and it's not Armie. He's marrying for something, what is it? Tell me what I'm thinking is wrong, tell me.   “It’s my decision Armie, I want to return the favor to her family and I want to save our company. The merging can only happen once I marry her."   My eyes watered. It's like my world shattered, it's like my world shattered with them. My heart ached, my chest suddenly felt heavy. I realized I couldn't breathe properly, my tears are falling down my cheeks. I covered my mouth to avoid my sobs to come out.   “How about me? You told me you love me? Are you breaking up on me now Xian? You’re leaving me for her?”   “I-I’m sorry but I’m afraid we really have to end this Armie. Yes, I love you, but my family is my priority. I can’t stand seeing everything go down the drain, I can't let our company die. I am the only hope my parents have, I am the only one who can save us from falling.”   “No! Marry me instead! I can save you, I can save your company! Please don't leave me, Xian please.."   The pain in her voice is ripping my heart off. How can I do this? How is this suddenly happening? How did I put them into this situation?   "We both know we can't be together Armie. Your father doesn't like me, you are bound to marry someone else and we know that from the very start. Maybe we're not just really meant to be together. I love you, I'm sure I made you feel that, I'm sure I loved you with all that I have. But it's time to stop."   "No.." My heart is breaking. I've known Armie for so long, she never cried this way, she never begged a person this way. But right now, she's breaking down, all her guards are down, because of a man.   It breaks my heart, it breaks my heart seeing them fall apart because of me.   “I already made up my mind, I'll marry her, I'll marry Kim. So please, let’s break up Armie.”   He turned his back at her and walked to away. Armie was left crying and my heart is crying with her. I know painful is an understatement, I know what I feel now is nothing to what she's feeling.   Xian chose to let her go, he chose to save their company. And saving their company means marrying me. What have I done?     **  
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