Chapter 12

1988 Words
I literally had to force myself to sleep last night even when my head's full of so many things. I want my mind to rest, it's been so tired, I just wanted to give myself a rest. And I thought throwing up that little party will atleast push away my problems, but it even worsened my situation. I woke up with three knocks at my door. I locked my door last night so I guess mom couldn't wake me up. I forced myself to get up even when I don't have the energy at all, I feel so drained but I have to atleast send off my friends properly. "Kim are you awake? Let's eat breakfast, your friends are already there." I stood up and lazily opened the door. Mom smiled at me. "Good morning!" "Good morning mom," I greeted back. "I'll be there in a bit, I'll just shower quickly." She nodded, "Okay then, I'll just tell them. Can you follow up Xian before going down? I guess he's inside the shower right now." She smiled to me again. I made face, "Mom, are you doing this purposely?" She chuckled, "Hija you are both living here, should I tell the visitors to knock on his room instead?" I sighed, "Alright mom." She smiled sweetly before leaving. I heaved out another sigh before taking a shower. It was a quick wash, I didn't bother blowdrying my hair anymore because it will only take much time. It's already nine on ny watch when I left my room. I looked at Xian's room and sighed. Is he still there? I glanced at the door beside his. How about Armie? Ugh, whatever, I should just knock and call him, it's not like I have to wait for him. I was about to knock at his door when it opened. My eyes widened when he appeared infront of me, looking fresh from the shower. The smell of his shower gel and aftershave immediately went into my system. "What?" " asked me to call you but it doesn't matter." I bit my lower lip and turned my back at him. I ran at the pathway and down the stairs to avoid him. Everyone looked at me when I appeared at the door. I smiled at them, "Good morning." I looked for a seat and found vacant seats, one beside Ken and one beside Armie. If I'll sit beside Ken, then Xian's gonna sit beside Armie. But how can I sit beside Armie if she didn't even talk to me all day yesterday? And why am I even worried that they'll be sitting beside each other? Xian even carried her to her room last night. I found Ken's eyes and he smiled at me, he pulled the chair beside him. "Here Kim." I smiled and nodded. I walked towards him and sat at the chair he pulled for me. I found mom and dad looking at me with a smile on their face before they turned to Xian. I refused to look at him. I focused on the food at the table and thankfully, Ken helped me with that. "Here," he puts some bacon and eggs on my plate. I smiled at him and murmured my thanks. Then we started chatting about how he had fun yesterday that I didn't know I got lost in our conversation already. "You two look pretty close now huh," Naomi said while finishing her coffee. She smiled at me meaningfully. "Kenneth likes Kim secretly, I guess he confessed last night." Dylan said that made everyone look at the both of us. My cheeks flushed, I pouted at Dylan's direction but he just winked at me. Thankfully, mom and dad already left. They had to leave early for a business meeting. "Is it true Kenneth? Kim?" Cuttie asked but I don't know why they're making it a big deal. I glanced at Xian's direction and he's eating his breakfast quietly beside Armie, like he doesn't care about us here. "I asked for a chance. I don't think it's a bad idea, she's single right?" Sean chuckled, "You better take care of her then Ken, she's the baby girl here." "Yeah, she's clumsy, cute and so gullible. She won't even notice if people are real or fake." Samantha added. They all laughed because of that and continued teasing me and Kenneth. While all I did is simply steal glances at Xian and Armie who seems to have their own world. "Are we leaving after breakfast or lunch?" Naomi asked Cuttie. "You have plans for vacation already?" Samantha asked. "I'll go home, I'll be back maybe after a week or so." Cuttie answered. "I don't have plans, maybe I'll just be a trainee for our agency for the whole vacation." Naomi said boredly, then she looked at me and grinned. "How about you Kim? You have plans this summer?" Oh ofcourse I know what she means, even Cuttie's smiling meaningfully. "She will probably go on a date with Kenneth," Samantha teased. Kenneth just smiled at them before looking at me, he gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded. "How about we go to the beach next week?" Larry suggested. I looked at her and she smiled at me. Everyone agreed to her so we ended up planning for it over breakfast. We'll go to Batangas once Cuttie's back which is probably next week. Larry and Ken will be joining us again making them a part of our circle. I don't know Larry that much because she's a new student and she's closer to Samantha since they're classmates at some minor subjects. She transferred here last sem, she came from Italy. Samantha likes her that much, she says they both got that bitchy attitude and I agree about that. Larry definitely looks like that and she looks so foreign, like she's a girl protagonist from some vampire movie. Naomi's her second cousim but she said they're not really close. She caught me staring at her that made her smile. I smiled back and looked away. I'm just not really comfortable with other people, I'll get used to her in time. Ken helped me in cleaning the dining after breakfast while the others tried to swim again. Samantha and Sean left already, Larry left with them too. They said Samantha needs to go home right away so we just walked them to the gate. The others decided to just leave after lunch since I will be left here with only Xian and Armie if they will leave too. Armie will be staying for I don't know how long, she didn't tell anyone about it. She went back to her room after breakfast so she can rest. She's still sick I guess and I'n sure Xian will take care of her like how he did last night. I can't help but feel jealous. "I can imagine how awkward it's gonna be here once we leave. Will you be okay? You want me to stay until you parents come home?" Naomi asked while we're at the pool. I smiled at her, "You should go home too Naomi, I'll be fine here. It's gonna be the setup for the next few days so I should just get used to it." She sighed, "She's selfish, how can she stay here in your house and act like you don't exist? Is she that desperate to get back Xian? They're treating you like you are invisible in your own house!" She said through gritter teeth. I held her arm to calm her. Cuttie rushed to our side when she saw us talking. "It's okay Naomi, I will just locked myself up inside my room while she's still here." "And what if she doesn't leave? I'm really sorry for hating her like this. I understand that she got hurt but you're friends, she's treating you now like she blames you for everything and she knows you did everything you can to stop the wedding. Can't she be atleast thankful for what you did?" I didn't answer. Naomi doesn't like Armie eversince but she tried her best to befriend her because she's originally a part of our circle. Naomi wanted to be with us so she tried to be nice to her. It wasn't that hard because she rarely joins us since she lives overseas. But I think I made Naomi hate her, I feel guilty. "You should atleast tell her where to stand Kim, don't just let her treat you like this. I can't stand seeing you being treated like this, you don't deserve it." I sighed, I held her hand and squeezed it lightly. "I'll be fine, don't worry too much." I chuckled to lighten the mood but she really looks pissed. "Let her handle her own problems Naomi," Cuttie tapped her shoulder. I smiled at them. "I'm thankful enought to have you so please don't worry too much so I won't feel guilty." Naomi rolled her eyes, "This is why I hate good girls like you. Why can't you just pull her hair and tell her to get lost?" I chuckled, "You know I can't do that right?" "Ugh whatever Kim, you're too kind it's so easy to hurt you. Let's go Carl Trey," she pulled Cuttie to the other side of the pool and started floating. I just smiled at them. I sighed, how I wish it's that easy, how I wish I can really be just like her, like Samantha or even Larry. How I wish I could tell people some words without filtering them in my head. How I wish I was never afraid of hurting other people, how I wish can only think about myself. But this heart of mine, I guess it's one of a kind, I guess it's what makes me different from them. "You okay?" I looked at Ken who suddenly appeared beside me. I nodded at him and smiled. "I'll be leaving before lunch. As much as I want to stay, I need to attend our training." "It's okay, you can come over some other time, when you're free." "Really? Will that be okay?" He sounds excited. I smiled at him. "Yes, we better see each other often so you won't get lonely here." I chuckled, "I'll just take a shower then so I can walk you out. Can you wair for me?" He smiled, "Ofcourse, I'll wait for you here then." I nodded. He helped me get out of the pool and gave me a towel. I hurried to my room to take a bath. I dressed up quickly and combed my hair before rushing back to him. I found him at the living area with his things. He smiled at me when he saw me. "Let's go?" I asked. He stood up and walked towards me. He sighed, "I'm worried." My forehead creased, "Huh?" "Will you be really okay once we all leave?" He tucked some strands of hair on the side of my ear. I sighed, "You don't have to worry, I'll be okay." I gave him a reassuring smile. I don't like it when people are too worried over me, it makes me feel weak and fragile and I don't like it. I wanted to be a strong person so I've been trying so hard to face my problems alone and not cause too much trouble. Ken smiled at me, "I really like your smile, so kind and innocent. How I wish you could just smile like that, you don't deserve to cry. You don't deserve to cry over a person who can't even choose you, they don't deserve you as well, this cruel world doesn't deserve you as much as you don't deserve it." I smiled at him. I was about to say something when I heard someone. "And you think you deserve her?" I turned around and there, at the staircase, is Xian. **
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