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Monday came, and I had to take the princess s***h prince to school. It was an awful ride. The guy couldn't stop talking, and I didn't like talking, well I used to love talking and laughing with my family, but that was all just ended in a blink of an eye. After that ended, I just kept everything to myself. The only time that I talked and laughed like no other was when I was at school with my friends and cheerleading team. So, with William's screeching in my ears, early in the morning was not something that I didn't look forward to doing. I even turned the volume on the car very loud, but the boy continued screaming at me as he talked about how different it was back at his home and here in Springwood. I mentally committed suicide six times until we arrived at our destination. Every student was still the same as yesterday, last month, heck, even last year. It doesn't matter whether they are new or some are still repeating their grades. Every morning, they do the same routine. Everyone has got their person to make out with every morning; some are still looking for their person, and some are just waiting for their crushes to be dumped so that they would swoop right in as the knight in shining armor. As for me, I'm taking a break from the little high school romance, and I learned the hard way, so I try by all means to avoid these stupid teenagers. Everyone was looking at us as we walked toward the principal's office. Well I'm used to the staring, but they were staring more than usual. I'm a cheerleader, so yeah, I kind of have the looks and personality that make students think I'm a dumb red-haired. Still, I don't mind their nasty comments, murmurs, and whispers since they are always talking about something they have no idea about, except for that stupid Nial of course, he made matters a little worse for me but let's not talk about him right now, back to me. I'm 5'2, with a fantastic athletic body, and the credit goes all to the cheerleading practice that's always kept me in shape. Light skin with blue eyes and long red hair that's always tied in an elegant bun. Well, it's always neat unless I'm coming back from a practice because somehow I always look like I had exchanged blows with a chicken, and the chicken attained the first position. I took William to the office, showed him around the school, and then went back to my friends. No matter how hard I tried to dodge him, I just failed miserably, and since I promised Mom that I would look out for him, I'm stuck with him and mentally slapping myself every minute. " Virgin alert!". I heard someone screaming and it was Nial, and everyone in the hallways looked at Sarah, my best friend. "Why would they even look at me? There's nothing wrong with being a virgin". Sarah blushed, or was she just angry at Nial? I think my homegirl likes Nial, but that's not something I should meddle with, considering that she's always talking about how much he hates him. " Who's that guy?". William asked, pointing at Nial. " That's Nial Sampson, and he's jerk off, a football player, and delusional." Sarah answered, rolling her eyes. "So you just let him say whatever he wants about you?". William asked, shocked. "I don't give a damn about what he says, and also, I never said I wanted to improve my reputation, so he can say whatever he wants." Sarah answered very fast, like she had been practicing in front of her mirror those words every morning. " Guys like him are everything wrong with this world." William answered with a sullen look at Nial. Go prince! " He just shames little ass wipe like everyone else other football players here. " Said Sarah with a stink eye, and Nial just put two fingers each at the corner of his mouth and wiggled his tongue. Sarah just huffed in anger, turning away from him. " This is Sarah and Corrine, my lovely best friends. " I said, introducing them to William. "By force". Sarah muttered, covering it up with a cough. "She's evil. Get away from her while you still can. " Corrine whispered to William. " I'm sorry, guys". I said. I was the one who started the virgin thing, and I have been apologizing ever since, but the more I apologize, there more they get angry with me. " Guys, this is William ". I said, gesturing to a shocked William. What's wrong with him? " Prince William O'Connor ". Said William, correcting me as if his last-minute transfer wasn't weird enough. "Don't mind him, and he is William, he's just William. " I answered. William gasped loudly and said, " What do you mean just William? I am a prince!". " What, really?". Corrine asked, amazed. " Yeah, in a place I have never even heard of." I answered. " Just because you have never heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist," William answered. " Where is it located?". Corrine asked, smiling. " In Cong, in Ireland. " William answered, smiling back at her. " Ohh wow, in county Mayo? My family and I went on a vacation there last year. It's an amazing place. You're a long way from home". Corrine answered, grinning. Just great! Corrine has a crush on the prince. I have a valid reason for that. The only thing that makes me say that is that Corrine rarely smiles unless she likes someone or there's a discount at Forever New. " I know, I wanted to move far away. Look, Anthony someone knows about Cong." Said William, glaring at me. " Yes, you should move in with her. At least you two will have something in common to talk about. " I answered, and Sarah laughed. " Ohh No, we don't have enough rooms now." Corrine quickly answered. " Is he staying with you?". Sarah asked. " Yes, it's only been a weekend, yet I have already had enough. " I answered, whispering to her " Come on, Anthony don't be mean". Said Sarah, chuckling. "I'm tired. You know it was like a Halloween at home this weekend. He and mom were wearing royal costumes for no reason, singing and beating drums, I don't even know where they came from, and none of them knows how to play drums." I answered sighing " That was only three times. The first time it was for my welcoming party here in Springwood, the second one was for your mother, and the last one for you since now you're close members of the royal family". William answered. " Ohh f**k! isn't that exciting". I answered sarcastically. " Remind me again, how did he end up living with you?". Corrine asked, chuckling. " I have no idea, and I just found him sitting outside our door with seven big suitcases next to him". I answered " 5 of my suitcases were stolen at the airport ". William answered, frowning. " Ha ha ha". I laughed hard at him "So you had 13 suitcases?". Corrine exclaimed, surprised. " Yes, I did. Why are you laughing? Is something wrong with 13 suitcases?". William asked. " Yes! Actually, if you fleein,g the country with 100 citizens, you can carry 13 ir or more suitcases". I answered. " I'm a prince, and I'm supposed to take more than 13 suitcases and more than ten servants with me". He answered. "That explains my logic of feeling the country with the civilians." I uttered before, and an idea suddenly hit me. " Can you please, guys, take him on weekends and probably half of weekdays?". I asked, suddenly feeling at ease with the thought of him far away from me. "No!". Corrine and Sarah answered at the same time. "Besides, Mom wouldn't allow that, and she is already losing her mind with the house full of my siblings." Sarah added. " I need your address. " I said, looking at William. "Don't worry, I will take you to my palace for Christmas, but why do you need my address?". He asked, confused. " So I can ship you back". I answered, still trying to process the little s**t he just said. " Ohh, Nadia please stop. You're a royal member, fan, or something to do with his royal highness, so the only thing you should be doing is taking care of your highness. Or else he won't take you on holiday for Christmas". Said Sarah, stifling a laugh. "You don't need to ship me off. My king and queen own a private jet, so I can just call them to come pick me up". William answered like he did not just hear the sarcasm from Sarah's lips. " Holy f**k, a private jet!". Said Corrine, astonished. I forgot about her, she has been eye f*****g Prince for a while now, and I don't see what she even sees in him. He's got the looks but no brain. He's about 5'7. I'm not sure about his body type with all the baggy clothes he's wearing, his top looks like a dress with slits at the sides, and his pants look like something you would find in a very older women's wardrobe, he needs a stylist. Other than that, he's an attractive young man with short dark hair, blue eyes, and some pretty small dots on his middle nose and some on his cheeks, and I'm jealous of his freckles. They add some personality to his face. I wish I had them. They are so cute. " Yes, we travel by jet for long destinations, but we use a chopper or cars for short destinations. " He answered, I forgot to add he's talkative or he's just friendly. " How many cars are there at your home ?". Corrina asked, smiling. " We have nine cars in the palace". He answered, and Corrine shrieked, astonished. " Ohh god, you scared the s**t out of me!". I said, looking at Corrine. " I'm sorry, but how come you seem less interested in Prince here?". She asked. " I have been with him the whole weekend, and mom was working. He talked until my ears started burning, so everything coming out of his mouth is like a bad song on repeat. " I answered as the school bell rang. Finally!, I was starting to forget that we were still at school, and on top of that, we just had a free period, and I overlooked that too. " Great, let's go to the next class, give me your schedule, Prince, I'll escort you to your classes". Said Corrine, smiling. Again. " Sarah, let's go, my love". I said since I had the same classes with all 3 of them, but then Corrine saved me from sitting with the guy. The rest of the school day was awful, and it was full of arguing, swearing, sharing nasty looks, glaring, fake laughing, and snapping back. A lot of girls wanted to get to know William, and me being his keeper, I think I went a little higher than my pay grade. I was no longer doing a pro bono of looking out for him. I was acting as his bodyguard, well at first I let the other kids play with him, but he was not feeling it at all but being the nice guy that he is, he tried by all means in chatting with them, but they didn't seem to stop with only one group, their others followed asking questions after questions until I had to save his skinny ass by getting rid of everyone that was around him, some were not even able to understand him with his accent, but they didn't care as long as he was saying something that was enough for them so yeah when I ended their fun, they looked at me like an overly protective mother.
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