
It all started on prom night

single mother

Nadia Gomez's world is shattered when her mother remarries an older man. As Nadia battles her anger and defiance, a forbidden attraction emerges. Will they embrace their unconventional bond or yield?

How will their choices alter their futures?

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NADIA'S POV. A strong gust of wind embraced me, and the calm wind had a soothing effect all around. The trees outside swayed violently. Little drops of rain began falling, and heaven had finally heard the cries and pleas of the people after such a long wait. The window slammed closed due to the strong winds. Fresh air enclosed the entire room. Hurriedly, I walked towards the window and gazed out for a while. In a few minutes, the rain increased, and people were hurrying down the street. A young boy with a backpack on his back was running down the street, probably coming back home from his classes. Two delivery guys were doing their best to get past the massive puddle of water that rain had created. A couple walked down hurriedly under an umbrella and took shelter in the nearby shop. A group of high school students were also in the coffee shop across the street, looking outside while chatting and giggling with each other. The smell of quenched earth surrounded the atmosphere. The leaves looked ever so green, drenching happily in the rain. I slowly closed the window. I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child came pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day. “Wake up, little soul, it's time for a new start. Turn your fears into your achievements. RISE AND SHINE!”. Said a soft voice. It was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance I was all caught up in. I turned around to meet my therapist, looking at me with pity written on his face. I was so caught up in watching the rain that I forgot where I was. So I made my way and lay with my back on the couch. Mr Suarez, my therapist, doesn't like it, but I have seen it too many times in movies to just forget it like that. After much thinking, which was nothing, in particular, in particular other than waiting for Mr. Suarez to comment about me lying on the couch, the poor guy didn't say anything. He just watched me. I got up and sat the usual way. "I'm sorry, doctor, I got lost watching the rain fall," I said half, smiling. "It's okay. Do you feel better?". He asked, his voice filled with concern. "I feel a lot better, thank you," I answered, fidgeting with the sleeves of my sweater. It was very warm and cozy, but I suddenly felt a little chilly. "Do you think that we could go back where we left off?". He asked. "Yes, we could," I answered, inhaling deeply. "You and I have been seeing each other for a while now, and you have never talked about wanting nor having some thoughts about killing anyone, or did you have them before?". He asked. "No, I have never thought about killing anyone before," I answered before taking a deep breath. "So, can you please enlighten me on how you stabbed a guy with a wood chisel to death?". Said Doctor Suarez, pinching the bridge of his nose, then proceeded to fix his glasses and look at me. "Well, I was minding my own business. As you know, I'm an excellent carver," I said, pointing at the sculptures I usually give Dr. Saurez before our session. "Yes, I know. Please proceed," said Doctor Suarez, gesturing with his hand for me to continue. "Okay, here it's how it goes. So, while busy carving, he came behind me and wrapped one arm around me at first I was like, what is he up to? but I didn't try to loosen up his arm until I started getting out of breath and he was tightening his arm, his bicep was straight in my esophagus until I was literally running out of air but before I could pass out right, you remember that he was behind me right. So, on my hand, I had the chisel that I was using before he came in, and at that moment, I was unable to speak, so I used my flight mode. Without even thinking nor having second guesses, well, I had two thoughts in mind. The first one was stabbing his biceps until he let go of me, and the second was what if he let go of me and I stabbed myself in the throat so with that thought I just pushed the chisel with a full force backward and seconds later I felt his arm loosening on my throat and he went backward while I went forward trying to catch my breath then after some time I turned around and he was on his knees gasping for air, with his hand on the side of his neck while the other hand was trying to reach out to me until he sadly succumbed into his wound". I explained, and Doctor Suarez sighed, looking at me in utter disbelief. I was on my feet, making movements on how it happened. "I hear you, Nadia, but can you please take me back to how it started so I can also understand what led him to want to try to kill you?". Said Dr. Suarez, writing something on his notepad. "Okay, I will take you back before it starts. It all started on prom night. " I told him, sitting back down on the couch.

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