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Arriving home from my cheerleading practice, I noticed a guy with many suitcases sitting on my doorstep. If he was waiting for someone, Mom was not coming anytime soon. She often works up until midnight. Sometimes, she comes home in the morning. She's a doctor. As for me, I'm a senior at Springwood High. I don't like cheerleading, but since my friends were all cheerleaders, I just became lonely, so I joined them. The only thing I like is dancing and partying like it's my last day. I'm a 17-year-old, and there's nothing else I feel like doing other than having fun. While I still have time. " Hello, can I help you?". I asked, walking towards him. " Hello, yes, I'm the exchange student." He said. I don't know anything about exchanging. Is he exchanging with me or what? Mom finally got tired of me, too. First, it was Dad and my brother, and now it's me. Well, when they both divorced last month, my brother left for school, and my father relocated, so yeah, she's getting rid of me, too. " Oh, okay". I answered, thinking about leaving him on the doorstep, but he seemed very nice. " I'm Prince William O'Connor". He said, extending his hand for a handshake. " I'm Nadia Gomez". I answered, accepting his hand. Did he just say, Prince? " Please to meet you. Do you know Miss Aileen Gomez?". He asked. " Yes, she's my mother". I answered. " Ohh, thank god, I was starting to think I came to the wrong house when I got here with no one around". He answered, letting out a relieved sigh. " She's probably held out at work. Would you like to come in?". I asked as I unlocked the door. " Yes, thank you". He answered, getting inside. What about the thousand suitcases? I looked at him, but he was not thinking about them, he just looked around the house, well I guess I have to get them inside, what's with so many suitcases, these are enough for a whole family of 7 members, is he with his family?. " Did you come here alone?". I asked. " Yes, this is a nice, snugly warm house." He answered. Thank god, I wasn't prepared to host guests. " So, how do you know my mom?". I asked. " I met her on social media". He answered. Huuh! I think I must have heard him wrong. " on social media?". I asked again with wide eyes as if I would see words coming out of his mouth. " Yes, we are friends on i********:. She told me a lot about this city, so after a lot of chatting, I thought I should come and finish my studies this side, and she was delighted. She even proposed for me to come and live here with you two." He answered, grinning widely. Okay, I think the lord wasted his talent on this dumb kid. I mean, like, what if my mom was a serial killer? " Ohh great, you know what? I need a shower, and I think that's my mom pulling up in the driveway". I said as I heard her car's engine turning off then a few moments later, she came looking tired, but as soon as she saw her friend, his face lit up with excitement. " Aaah, my prince! Oh my god, it's so lovely to meet you in person finally". Mom screamed, running towards him with a huge hug. " Ohh god!". I muttered as I went to the bathroom. They were still hugging each other. Are they dating? God, please, no, I don't even want to think about that, but whatever just happened in the living or is still happening ain't normal. They both need a hard and rough cleansing. I took a shower, and then, before I could go back downstairs to look for something to eat, Mom came into my room. " Hi, sweetheart. " She said joyfully. " You seem very happy, and it scares me, so what's up?". I asked. The last time I saw her this happy was when she got half of my dad's assets after their divorce. " We have a prince in our home." She answered, jumping up and down. " Aileen, please stop. You are too old for him." I said, giving her a disappointed look. " What do you mean too old? I'm only 42, I will be too old when I reach 80, which ain't happening anytime soon". She answered. " Eww! that's gross". I said, thinking about her and William, who looks like a 16/17-year-old. What if his family pressed charges for her and said she kidnapped him? " Anyway, baby, here's what I came to tell you. William will be leaving with us starting today, so please treat him well, show him around, help him where he needs help, and just take care of him. I like him." She said. " Mama, noooo!". I said, whining with pure shock. " Stop fussing, he's already here, and I can't just throw him. He's a nice young man." She answered. " Please, Mommy, don't tell me anything about him. Couldn't you wait until you find someone of your age? He is a teenager, for god sake". I told her, pacing around the room, and she just laughed. " Are you laughing right now?". I asked, glaring at her. " I don't know where I would have been without you. You are funny." She said, chuckling, and I was appalled. " Funny?". I asked I asked with utter shock. " Yes, you are. I can't believe you thought he was my boyfriend. He is way too young for me. I like them a little older." She answered, grinning. "So you two are not an item?". "No, of course not". She quickly answered. "What is he doing here? It's almost the end of the year?". "He's just here to learn about our city." She answered smiling, and I just looked at her with a puzzled look. Did she just hear herself? They are both mad, but sadly, I don't have the guts to tell her that. "You realize we are at the end of the school year, right?". I said slowly, and she just grinned, nodding repeatedly. " Just take care of him, don't let anyone bully him. He's a prince, so look out for him. " She said before leaving me amazed at their actions. " More like a princess. " I. muttered, sighing. What's the point of arguing? It's not my life, so I should not even care.
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