1032 Words

"Hey, Nadia". A voice took me out of my little victory state. Just great! It was the person I prayed not to see today, but the reason that made me pray was thinking he would tell the whole school about what happened, but the boy didn't. I haven't heard anything about what happened, and he's a gentleman. I like him. The last thing I need is for the whole school to know my business. "Hi, David?". I finally answered, "How have you been?". He asked. "Sober and you?". I replied without even thinking. Well, I was thinking about it. I wanted him to know whatever he was about to say, and it's better to be necessary because I'm way sober for his bullshit. "Yeah, me too. Anyway, I have meant to ask you something, you know... You know the prom is coming up, and I know it's a long shot, but it's

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