1128 Words

I spent the whole day in a spa, well it was a self-made spa, I couldn't go with Sarah and Corrina since mom grounded me and all so yeah I spent the whole day in my room pampering myself for tonight. Hours later, I was done pampering myself then boom William walked inside my room like he owned the whole fucken house, I should get a lock or something to keep him out of it. My older wasn't as annoying as William and now that I think about it, I was more like William just randomly showing up in his room just to see what's he up to and talking to him while ignoring me, he wasn't much of a talker so I usually do the talking until I got bored of talking and start a fight with him until he kicks me out of his room, I miss him. "I'm so excited about tonight, I have never been to prom". Said Will

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