Part 37

3184 Words

Caly's POV When I walk into the surgical room the very first thing I see is the bed his body rests upon. I look for anything I can identify as uniquely my Mate's, but so much of him is covered by bandages and tubes and assorted medical equipment, it looks like there is nothing left of him. I approach and I see a beautiful lock of black hair peeking out from the bandages.  I am reminded of last night when I played with his hair and made his nightmare disappear.  As I play with his hair I think that this is my worst nightmare, how do I make these injuries disappear?  What will it take to make this werewolf whole again?  How can I make him be the Alpha we need him to be again? "Caly, he is as stable as he can be for the moment." Dr. Murray states. "I'm waiting for me to be stable, Dr. Mur

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