Part 38

3103 Words

Colin's POV I nod at the guard before I walk into Stab's hospital room without knocking. The divider is back in its place. I have a coffee and a muffin for Caly, it's deja vu, we are right back to the beginning. That is until I see that Caly is taking my usual spot beside the bed. It looks like she is sleeping with her head down on the edge of the bed and she has one hand laced with Stab's.   "Good morning, Colin. Are those for me?" She didn't even look up, she must have smelled the coffee.  I hand over the coffee, and her head finally lifts. I am shocked by her appearance.  Her eyes look sunken in, and purple bags surround them. Her skin appears dull and sallow.  She looks like she has lost ten pounds overnight.  There has to be a connection between her gift and what it takes out of he

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