Part 36

2995 Words

Caly’s POV I have nothing to do but worry, and it's been hours.  How many wolves were involved to take this damn long? Maybe they were in the cells questioning the attackers. ‘Babe?’ Athena calls out to me. ‘Babe? BABE!’  She howls louder than before. ‘WHAT? Athena, I can’t possibly deal with any more of your s**t right this moment.’ ‘I can’t sit here any longer. We need to get to the infirmary, where we can be useful.’ ‘No one has come back yet.’ I tell her. We don’t even know if anyone is injured. ‘I’m telling you they are on their way back here, and Dr. Murray will need us.’ ‘How do you know that?’ ‘I can feel it,’ she states simply. ‘We have no mind-link, we are physically too far away from them to feel anything, and you have no way to know that!’ I snap at her.  I’m fidgetin

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