"A marriage partnership."

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CHAPTER 4 CAMILA POV I shut the door behind him and placed a hand on my chest. My heart was pounding in my ribcage and I had to take deep breaths to calm myself down. The reaction, wasn't because I was scared of him, no, but because I didn't know what I'd do if I didn't. My hands were shaking in anger and that man had the nerves to smile at me. He had completely ruined my smile and had the nerve to show up at my doorstep. Wait, what is he doing at my doorstep? How did he find me and most importantly why did he? What in the world does he want from me now? Before I could place my thoughts together, I spun around and opened the door. The man had his hand in a fist and had almost hit my forehead. Once he realized I'd opened the door, he placed his hand back into his pocket. "Took you long enough." I rolled my eyes and then stepped out the door. I closed the door behind me then crossed my arms under my breast and with a furrowed brow, I asked, "Who are you?" That was the first I should have found out before talking back to him at the bar. The saying says we should know everything about our enemy and I didn't even know the name of the man that caused me two jobs. "I see you're finally asking the right questions. Well before I say, I'd like to move to a more comfortable setting." He looked around in disgust and shook his head. "Look, we shouldn't even be talking to each other. You caused me two jobs, remember? Why don't you just leave since you don't like it here and never return!" I shouted and opened the door, I stepped inside and was about to slam the door shut but he placed his foot, stopping it from closing. "I see you don't value your leg." I snapped and he chuckled. What the hell? What was amusing about that? This man is a weirdo! "I think you'll like to hear what I have to say. It involves finally getting rid of your money problems forever." He winked at me then he pushed the door open and walked inside my house. I gasped and stared at him as I walked in. How did he know had money problems? "You! Right now, tell me who you are and how you know I have money problems!" I demanded. He brought a wallet from his pocket and brought out a business card and handed it to me. My mouth was on the floor at this point. I was in the same space with Darren Hale, the director and heir of the Hale group. The Hales are known to be one of the richest families in the city and their company is number one in every ranking. They are very influential and hold a lot of power in the city. I squeezed my eyes shut as realization dawned on me and I mentally cursed myself for not taking things easy. Darren walked over to one of the sofas and made himself comfortable. He crossed his legs, placed both of his hands on the arm of the chair then stared at me. "So now you know who I am." He said confidently. "So now, what do you want?" "You like getting down to business, I like that." He commented. "Well to answer you, I came here to solve your problems." He gestured around my house and I gritted my teeth. Okay, he was The Hale group's successor but that doesn't give him the right to look down on me. "I've come to take you out of poverty. No need to thank me, I'll draw out a contract and all you need to do is sign it." He further explained and I burst into laughter. "I knew it! I knew it! Yes, I knew it!" I exclaimed. "I knew you were a devil when I first saw you and now you've come for my soul. You ruined my life on purpose so you could get my soul!" "What are you yapping about?!" He snapped at me. "That explains everything like how you knew where I live and about my financial situation, you planned everything!" "I do not want your soul!" He denied, his nose flaring, his hands gripping tightly at the chair and his green eyes glaring at mine. Yes, this seems more satisfying than smashing his windscreen. This time I can see his discomfort. I crossed my arms under my breast, a smile threatened to break out but I was able to control it. I cleared my throat, "You devil! Stop possessing this young man. Get out of him because you won't get to have my soul!" I teased and he stood up in anger, he walked closer to me and gave me a threatening glare. "Are you going to continue joking around or are you going to take this seriously?" "I'm sorry but I've got to ask questions because you're suspicious. Like how did you know my issues in life?" "You're a woman in her early twenties working as a waitress tirelessly plus you had to pick up stealing in order to fend for yourself, I think it was a no-brainer." He answered. "Sir! I did not steal from you! If that's why you're here, I'll advise you not to waste your time and just leave cause you won't find anything here. I didn't take your wallet!" I defended myself, again from this same accusation. "Relax, I'm not here for that. All the credit cards in the wallet have been canceled anyway." "If you're not here for that then what brings you here? And go straight to the point this time, please!" I urged him. "Like I was about to say before you rudely interrupted with your silly unamusing jokes, I've come to propose a partnership." "What kind of partnership?" "A marriage partnership."
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