"Do we have a deal, psycho girl?"

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CHAPTER 5: CAMILA POV "What!" I exclaimed in shock. I had to take a moment to process what I had heard from him. "A marriage what?" "I want us to get married." He said nonchalantly like he wasn't proposing to me. My mouth fell open, I tried to speak but words couldn't form. I had to stand there for a while and think about what I had heard again. I pinched myself to see if I was having a nightmare. "Mr Darren, sir, please…" I put my hands together and then intertwined them, "Please get out of my house." "I see you still don't get what I'm proposing." "No, no, no. I do get what you're proposing but it's just that, it's really silly and not something that should be coming out of the man that is ruining my life." "So dramatic. How did I ruin your life? You only got fired twice." "Wow, I only got fired twice!" I gritted my teeth at him. "And from a waitressing job." He added that like it was important. "Well, how do I expect the director of Hale group to understand my plight? Old money like you have everything you need at the snap of your finger so you can't appreciate anything or know what it means to you." "Oh, I very much understand that." He corrected, sounding a bit offended but I don't care. "No, you do not! If you did, you wouldn't have uttered those words." I argued. "Look, let's leave it at that, I ruined your life but I'm here to fix it." "By marrying you?" "Yes, but for only 2 years. You'll be rewarded with a monthly stipend of 100 grams, luxury clothing, and jewelry. By the duration of the contract, you'll receive an apartment under your name, 6 million dollars as settlement, then we'll divorce and go our separate ways." He explained. My eyes widened upon hearing those big numbers. I had prayed this morning for a miracle but this wasn't a miracle, this was like selling my soul to the devil. "Mr Darren, I…your offer… I…" "It's very tempting, I know. If you agree to it then I'll have my secretary draft a contract for you to review. If everything is fine with you then we'll sign by tomorrow and have our marriage registered." He interrupted. "Wait what?! Tomorrow? You want us to get married by today?" I shouted and he nodded. It then dawned on me that I had no idea why this man was requesting my hand, me of all people! And why is he in such a hurry? Something is definitely not right. "Why are you in such haste? Why do you even want to get married to me?" "Why I want it tomorrow is none of your business but you're chosen instead of any of the many other girls out there because of the saying that goes: The devil you know is better than the angel you don't know." "So you're actually the devil?" "Stop teasing me!" "Okay fine but you're still not making any sense. How am I a devil you know?" "Because I already know you're a thief. You're not stupid to steal again when you're likely going to be suspected. And…" he was suddenly in front of me staring straight into my eyes. "You're not problematic." I scoffed, "I guess you don't know." "That you smashed my windscreen? Yes, I do." He admitted and I gasped. And I am still not in prison or fined but getting a proposal instead? "Then why on earth are you…" he cut me off again. "Because of my condition if we're going to sign this contract." "Wait, you're the one giving a condition and not me?" I crossed my arms under my breast, "Why should I even marry you?" I asked with a scoff looking at the handsome devilish man in front of me. Darren smirked lazily. "Because you do not have a choice…I mean I am your best bet," the cold man in front of me said, he suddenly dragged me to his body and his hot breath fanned her face but I was quick to get away from him. "Marriage…is not something I.." I started talking, but I got interrupted by the sound of something dropping on the table and my eyes widened in shock. "Do we have a deal, psycho girl?" He asked, gazing into my eyes. He was right, I did not have a choice, all my hard work will come crashing down if I don't get money soon but is it worth it to make a deal with this man? "But like I say, there is a condition attached to it," I sighed. I decided to shut up and hear his condition. "What is it?" I asked, my palms getting sweaty because I was scared of the condition. "You do not fall in love with me…you are not permitted to!" "That's the condition!" I exclaimed, clearly astonished. He was so full of himself. Just because he's handsome doesn't mean every girl will fall at his feet, especially not me. "Well if I'm going to sign that deal with you, you don't have to worry about that, I'll never love someone like you," I remarked. "Alright then." He put a hand in his pocket and brought out his phone, "Then we have an agreement." "No, we don't." He had dialed and number but my words stopped him in his tracks. The person answered and kept calling out for him but he didn't respond and just ended the call. "Not yet," I added. "And why is that?" "I need some time to think this through. I can't just accept it without giving it some thought." I replied. He nodded then put both his hands in his pocket. "I'll let you think about it but you have only till six to give me a reply." With that, he left. I kept on pacing around the house thinking about what I should do. Do I accept it or not? But my world came crashing down when I received an email from the design school and they only gave me until this week to pay for the tuition. It just seems like my dreams were crumbling down and I didn't have any means to protect it except… After only two hours of consideration, I picked up my phone and called Darren with the business card he gave me. He picked up after the second ring, "Hello?" I took a deep breath, "I'm ready to give you an answer to your proposal."

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