Chapter 13

1104 Words
Seline entered her father's study. Both men were seated and got to their feet as she entered. "Seline, come in and sit down." Seline's father pointed to the second chair in front of his desk. Mr. Dells looked at Seline appreciatively. With an approving smile he turned to Papa. "I am glad that she cleaned up well. Now, since I saw her with the Evans boy earlier and you are in breech of the agreement that we made, I will marry her 1 week from today and I will take the horse that she was riding when I saw her with that boy." Seline spun in her chair. "What, that horse belongs to Heinz, and why are you in such a hurry?" "Well I guess he won't be needing it anymore then since we just got some boys to go out and get his body to bury it. As for the hurry, why wait. There is no one to show up at the wedding except those that are already in this house. I am in a hurry to produce an heir and my house needs a woman to do the cooking and cleaning as no one has done any since my previous wife failed to give birth to our son." Seline's father was in shock. He could not even speak. Seline was ready to run out of the room. She gripped the arms of the chair as if to hold herself in place. She could not believe that she once felt bad for this man. Right now she was feeling bad for his poor wife who died in child birth. Seline's father had finally collected himself. "Charles, it was you that sent the letter wasn't it?" Seline's father stood up behind his desk. Mr. Dells stood up too and pointed right in Seline's father's face. "Yes I did, and I meant every word in it. And now that I caught her." He pointed a thumb over his shoulder at Seline " I have two of your daughters. If you do not give in to my demands it will mean both their lives." Seline’s father turned white. After Mr. Dells’ outburst he did not want to entrust this man with any of his daughters. He fell into his chair with his head in his hands and said through his hands “Alright. You win I here by give you Seline’s hand in marriage as her betrothed. You will be wed 1 week from today. Heinz’s mare is yours.” As he finished his hands pulled at his hair. Mr. Dells smiled and then turned to Seline. “How about a kiss to seal the deal.” He grabbed the tops of her arms roughly and kissed her hard. So hard it actually hurt. She writhed and pulled out of his grip. “We are not wed yet Mr. Dells!” She said wiping her lips with the back of her sleeve. Charles Dells laughed at her and then grabbed at her arm again this time his grip was so tight it cut off the circulation. “You will address me as master from now on and I expect you to do everything that you are ordered including kissing me and more.” He said with a devious smile that was aimed at Seline’s father. With that he let go of her arm and walked out. When he opened the door. Rose, Heather, and Henni were standing in the hallway outside the door. They had obviously been caught eves dropping. Mr. Dells swung his hands at them like he was shooing chickens and with a cackle walked out the front door. Seline sank down in the chair and started to cry. Her father got up and walked out of the room toward the kitchen and out the back door. Henni, Rose and Heather all rushed into the room and hugged Seline. “Papa can’t. He can’t make you marry that horrible man!” Rose uttered in outrage. Henni looked at Seline with sympathetic eyes “I don’t think he has a choice. Besides he has made the betrothal announcement.” They all hugged and consoled Seline. After a few minutes Mama came in. “I just spoke with Papa. It looks like we will be preparing for a wedding in a weeks time. That is not much time so I will need you all to help.” With that she bustled off excitedly. Henni and Rose led Seline out of Papa’s study and Into the kitchen. Henni made tea and Rose and Heather helped Henni with her chores. Papa came in from outside. He looked angry. Mama came down from upstairs with a dress in her hands. Rose spoke up first, “Papa are you alright.” His face had a purple tinge to it. “No! Not only did he take Heinz’s mare, but he left Heinz’s tack and took my best riding tack and the best hitching tack too. If he thinks he can steal from us simply because he is marrying your sister...”. Papa continued walking out of the kitchen with his hands clenched in fists. Mama smiled awkwardly and then said “There must be some misunderstanding. I’m sure when Papa explains to Mr. Dells he will give it all back.” “I wouldn’t bet on that.” Said Henni under her breath. Mama did not notice and continued on “Come Seline. We must get you sized. We will use Heather’s wedding dress for you since we do not have time to have one made.” Seeing Heather’s face, “Don’t you fret we will be able to let it out for when it’s time for your wedding, and at this moment we do not know when that is.” Mama led Seline into the ladies study and had Seline take off her dress and put the new dress over her head. Seline’s frame was petite, while her sister Heather had always described herself as “Big boned”, so there was indeed room to take in on the dress. Mama hummed a hymn as she worked. All the while oblivious to the tears that fell from Seline’s cheeks. When she was done, She took the dress off of Seline to get started on the sewing as soon as possible. Mama told Seline toget dressed and then go upstairs and get her two younger sisters and meet her in the kitchen. Mama was going to confer with Henni to see what they could plan for a menu on short notice. Mama's excitement was oblivious to Seline's misery.
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