Chapter 14

1037 Words
Seline welcomed the chance to go upstairs and get away from everyone. Instead of going to Alice and Alene’s room she went to her own and shut the door. She leaned on it and sank down to sit on the floor. She hugged her knees and the tears came easily. Mr. Dells was not the man that she had always felt sorry for. He was a cruel, uncaring man. The thought of marrying him was frightening. At one time, she thought that she had accepted that she would have to marry whom ever her father chose for her. Now it seemed that even her father had no choice. For her, everything changed when she first kissed Will. She knew at that moment that she could not marry another. Her heart was his. There has to be a way that she can get out of marrying this awful man. She had to be careful how she did this because if she didn’t marry him she had a feeling that he would go after Alice. He might even go after Alene since her marrying Mr. Glassman was a condition of his original letter. She would think on this long and hard. She would talk to Papa and see if he could come up with anything. In the mean time she needed to get back on her feet, stand tall and do what must be done. As she stood up, Seline took a deep breath and wiped her face. The swollen red eyes from crying couldn’t be helped for now so there was no sense in hiding it. She ran her fingers through her hair and smoothed her dress and turned to go and get her two younger sisters. While Seline walked down the hall to her younger sisters’ door she had a thought. It was one that had some merit, but needed to be worked on. She would keep it to herself for the moment. When she approached she found the door to their room was open and both girls were sitting on Alene’s bed fully dressed. They both turned and looked at her as they saw her figure in the doorway. They took one look at her swollen red eyes, and they both got up, rushed to her and wrapped their arms around her. “What’s wrong poor dear?” The two younger sisters walked Seline over to the closest bed and sat down on either side of her. “I’m fine really. I just sat down with father and Mr. Dells and he announced our betrothal.” Alice looked at her skeptically, “Those do not look like happy tears.” She said as she reached up and wiped one away that had escaped from Seline's eye. Seline looked down at Alice's hand as she took it away. “They are not. Mr. Dells is an awful man, but the betrothal has been announced so I will do my duty and marry him.” Seline then looked at Alene who had been silent. She had tears running down her face too. Seline reached out her hand and wiped her tears away. “Do you really want to marry Mr. Glassman?” Seline looked into Alene's sorrowful face. She was clearly taking the blame for this on herself. “Yes Seli, but not at the expense of you having to marry Mr. Dells and not Will.” Alene sat back sharply and put her hand over her mouth as her eyes flew wide. “I’m sorry Seli, I didn’t mean to say that. I... I just know how you feel about him. I’ve watched you with him for years and I’ve always known that you two were meant to be together.” Seline blushed with shock and worry. Was she really that easy to read. Alene leaned forward and grabbed Seline’s hand “I was the one that told Papa to make a deal with Mr. Evans for the pasture so you could marry Will. I thought I would help you be with the man that you want.” Seline reached out and hugged her younger sister. “This is not your fault. That evil man was looking for a reason to marry and he would have found any excuse, even twisting something as innocent as bringing a birthday present to someone.” When Seline realeased her, Alene sat back tears on her face again. This time there was a sad little smile. “Don’t you worry about me. Papa and I will fix this.” Seline said and she sat back and appeared to get a determined look on her face. “Now tell me both of you, do you want to get married?” To Seline’s surprise Alice, who had been very quiet up to that point jumps up and says “Oh yes! I very much do and if Papa chooses right I will be your sister-in-law as well as your sister!” Then Alice seemed to realize that she had said that out loud. “Well Alice Herron, I had no idea you had a crush on Will’s younger brother Zeb. Does Papa know?” Alice bowed her shy face “No, I don’t think so.” Seline had a feeling that after Papa had to pull out of the agreement for Seline and Will, there would be no Alice marrying Zeb. Since he did not want bad blood between the families, it would be Alice marrying Will since he was the older brother. That way he would still be honoring the agreement. Seline's mind was racing now. “Alene, do you still want to marry Mr. Glassman?” Alene nodded her tear stained face and wiped her nose with a handkerchief. Seline caught up both girls' hands and gave them a squeeze before letting go. Seline got up from the bed. “Then that is all I needed to hear. I am going to talk to Papa. Don't you worry, and no more crying.” With that she walked out of the room and down the stairs. Both girls looked at each other in amazement. Neither knew what Seline was up to but they were both sure that she was up to something.
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