Chapter 12

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When Seline rode up the drive, it was clear that her absence had been noticed. Her mother was standing outside with her hands on her hips looking very upset. She did not say a word but pointed to the barn. Seline dismounted and turned to her mother and just blurted out. "Mama Heinz is dead. He must have fallen from the horse and was killed. He is in the woods on the far side of the road going to town after the Evan's farm drive." Mama covered her mouth with her hand and looked at Seline in disbelief. The anger that was on her face instantly melted away. She began to cry. Tears were streaming down her face, and she quickly wiped them away. Mama put her head down and sucked in a deep breath. She pulled her self together and returned to the matter at hand. "Alright. I will tell your father. I do not know who they will send out to get him as all the men have been calledto town now to go and fight. Mr. Dells is here and I need you to go in through the kitchen and straight up to your room. The water in the basin on your wash stand was warm a few hours ago but you will have to do with cold now. Wash up. There is some rose and lavendar water that Henni made for you. Put it on after you wash and then I will be up to help you with your hair and your new dress. We need you at your best when you meet your betrothed." Her mother seemed not to be happy with the outcome of the situation, but had clearly made up her mind to make the best of it, as every good woman should. Seline's heart sank. She really would have to do this. Seline untacked Heinz's horse and returned her to her stall with some hay and walked to the house. When Seline entered the kitchen you could have heard a pin drop. Henni was putting together platters of food to celebrate and her two oldest sisters Heather and Rose were helping her. They all had stopped what they were doing and stared at her. She said nothing and looked away as she went to the stairs and up to her bedroom. After all that had happened in the last few days, Seline was having a hard time keeping her emotions in check. Heinz had been the last straw. His death made the nightmare that much more real. When Seline walked in, her sister Alene was sitting on the end of her bed. She still looked pale, but at least she was out of bed. The sorrowful look on her face told Seline that she was still feeling guilty for what had happened. Seline came in and gave her sister a hug. She felt that she laid some of her sorrows aside and her sister's as well in that hug. They embraced for a long moment. Then Seline knew that she needed to get washed and changed before her mother came up. Seline stepped back and started to strip off her shawl and dress. She walked over to the wash basin and began to wash. She expected cold water, but it was warm. Alene looked at Seline when she started washing. "I gave you my warm water since you need it more than I do." Alene gave her a pained smile. Seline gave her a greatful smile and splashed the water on her face and neck. While she washed, Seline decided to tell Alene about her trip to Will's. "Alene, When I left earlier after Papa told us that they were sending the men off to fight, I went to Will's. On my way out of the yard I say Heinz, He was also being conscripted to fight. He did not turn 36 for a few months yet, so he had to go." Alene sat down on Seline's bed to listen to her sister as she politely looked out the window as Seline washed her self. Seline went on. "He left and headed to town to report in, and I walked to Will's. I spoke with Ellis as he was leaving. They assigned him to a different regiment and he has to go to a different camp further away. After he left I was able to see Will one last time. He has gone to town now, but I walked him up his drive to the road a way as we talked. We met Mr. Dells. He must have come straight here after he spoke to us. He was able to get out of being conscripted, and said that he is making Papa marry he and I in one week. He threatened Will and told him that he was sure that he would not be coming back. He left shortly after that." Seline looked at her sister. Alene was hugging the pillow and crying again. Seline turned to her. "Alene there is something else. Before we met Mr. Dells showed up, we found Heinz' mare. She was wandering in the woods. She must have spooked and threw Heinz." Seline bowed her head. "He is dead Alene." Tears were running down her beautiful face now. Alene got up and hugged her sister. She knew what an awful day it must have been for her already, and now she must do this as well. Alene stepped back and wiped the tears from Seline's beautiful face. "It will all be alright. Somehow it will. I know in here." Alene placed her hand over her heart. Seline nodded silently and turned to finish washing up. After all the dirt and grime was washed off, Seline put on the rose and lavender water and then took her hair down. Alene walked up behind her and reached out for the brush "Sit. I will do it for you." motioning to Seline's bed. Alene was very gentle brushing all the snarls out at the bottom gently first and then working her way to the top. She picked out all the hay that was still in Seline's hair, for which Seline was greatful. She did not want to have to explain to her mother why she had hay in her hair on top of everything else. Alene separated the hair into bundles and intricately wove and wound until they were piled on Seline's head in a beautiful pile of satiny curls. As Alene was pinning up the last curl their mother came in. "It took some doing but your father found some boys to go. Your hair looks lovely Seline. Thank you Alene. Now lets get your dress and go down to meet your betrothed."
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