Tough Decision

1228 Words
ALEXIA~ I calculated the time distance and instantly ran into the bathroom. I locked it to make sure that they wouldn’t be able to get in, despite the fact that my hands were literally shaky and my heart was racing so fast. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me because I didn’t want to relive the experience. It was no lie that my roommates were hot guys that any girl would kill to be in my situation, but I honestly wasn’t interested in this, I had just gotten out of a toxic relationship that landed me at the academy and the last thing that I needed was three Alphas in my case. It was at this point that I really wanted to change rooms or beg the goddess to touch the heart of Zac so I would be out of this hell that he had chosen to keep me in. I dropped to the ground, still panting heavily thinking of what to possibly do. I had to ask my wolf for ideas, " " "Blair, are you there? Please, answer me." "Yes, I am," she answered with a voice shaky like she was terrified, just like me. "That was one hell of a crazy experience and I just wish that I could vanish from this place, never return." I asserted. "Unfortunately, we can’t do that. We have to be realistic," she pointed out. I rubbed my forehead and sighed, "I know, Blair. How long am I going to hide in here? Sooner or later, I am going to have a reason to go out and they might repeat the same thing." "I am sorry that you had to face this, it’s already enough that Zac made us dirty, and now, this? "she told me. "None of this is your fault, you don’t need to apologize. I am just scared of the unknown dangers that would come my way if I keep staying here." I said. I would never be able to forget the fact that Tristan actually had a boner and if he couldn’t have s*x, it was going to result in having blue balls, which are frustrating and no guy would want to go through such. Did I have that much s*x appeal? I wasn`t sure if I would be able to sleep well at night without one of them sneaking up on me to touch my body. I didn`t feel comfortable despite the fact that they were attractive. They literally made my first night in this academy truly horrible and I didn`t think that I would be able to cope for long. I was stuck there and I did not like it. For goodness sake, why didn`t they pair me with females, instead? Why males? Alphas, for the matter! We had only one option left and I knew Blair wasn’t going to take it. "What’s that?" I hesitated before answering her question, but I did anyway, "You don’t want to know." "Spit it out because you can never tell," she stated. "Alright, you were the one who asked for it." I paused before continuing. I didn't even want to do it because it would be like licking my own vomit with closed eyes, but desperation was slowly sucking me in so I could leave the academy. " We would have to beg Zac and do whatever he wants as long as we are out of this place or else, we would be nothing but a s*x toy or doll to these Alphas, and trust me, it would be way worse than this." "Are you serious, right now? Alexia, can you hear yourself speak?! Come on, we have the dignity to uphold ourselves, we have to carry ourselves with pride, not lose it. We would literally be a laughing stock to everybody and I don`t know about you, but it would haunt me for years. Please, think of something else because this one is ruled out." she told me in a strict tone. I thought as much that she would kick against it, "Okay if you say so." "Anytime such a silly thought enters your head, don`t forget that he cheated on you, tried to rape you, and even, turned the tables around in his favor so you would be here. Try not to think too much, a solution will come, sooner or later," she stated before disconnecting the link between us. I took off my clothes and turned on the shower so I could ease up with the flow of water on my body before heading out of the bathroom, but not without my heart thumping hard against my chest as I prayed that they wouldn’t instigate much again. ********* The loud noise from my room made me flinch from my sleep due to fear. I looked around with sweat dripping down my body, only to find Harold going through a transition. He let out a sharp groan as his bones cracked for his furs to come out and my eyes widened in shock as I saw his claws escape from his paws as he shifted into his wolf form. From the way that he behaved, it was like a painful experience for him as his gray orbs turned into gold. I didn`t take it as anything serious because I considered him to be harmless, not until his eyes darted toward me and started growling like he wanted to attack me. I slightly moved away from my bed when I noticed that he was focusing all of his attention on me like I was a meal that he was willing to devour or some hunter who wanted to shoot him. He jumped from his bed to mine in a bid to attack. When Tristan grabbed him, he was truly struggling to tame Harold’s wolf because it had gone wild. At this point, I was panting heavily because my life literally flashed in between my eyes for a second. Nathan had to give him an extra hand when he realized that Harold was indeed getting out of hand. They managed to drag him into the bathroom while he kept howling at him. They locked me in there and there was a serious battle against the door. At least they were kind enough to save me from turning into a human barbecue. Concern was written all over their faces when they came to meet me, but I was smart enough not to fall for such tricks. Tristan sat on my bed and spoke out, "We are really sorry about that. I hope you are okay?" "Harold can be a serious case, sometimes. It`s a good thing that he didn`t harm her before we got hold of him."Nathan added. Tristan shot him a glare, "You mean, I did because you weren`t willing to assist in this episode of his." "Obviously, I am not his babysitter," Nathan retorted. It seemed like they were about to make that much of an argument. I just took that as my cue to leave because I wasn`t up for that. The moment that I hit the road, I instantly wished that I had not because I just happened to see Zac’s car and it made a lump form in my throat. My chest was also aching like I was still in love with him, but that wasn’t the case at all.
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