His Replacement

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~ALEXIA~ The first thing that I did was to retreat in my steps before he saw me. I didn’t want him to reopen fresh wounds again. I was about to turn around and run back to my dormitory when his voice halted my movement. "Alexia, come here," he ordered me in a strict tone. His guards were standing next to the car now. If I dared to disobey, they would surely chase me or give me more punishment for ignoring the Alpha King. I gulped down my saliva and put on a weak smile so he wouldn`t know that my life in the academy was far from fine, considering that one of my roommates almost killed me, if not for the intervention of the others. I knew that nobody would be able to save me from him. If not, I would have used the excuse that I was running late for my class. One of the guards opened the car door and I got in. I was welcomed by his scent, which was now displeasing to my nostrils because of what he had done in the past. He spent a few seconds contacting me before leaving a remark, "It hasn’t been 48 hours now and you are already looking pale." Pale? He had to be joking. Was it that obvious to the others? "Have you learned your lesson?" he inquired me in a husky voice. What lesson exactly was he talking about? The fact that I caught him cheating and refused him from sleeping with me? He needed to point these things out or else, he seemed dumb and heartless to me. I still couldn’t believe that out of everybody in the werewolf world, the goddess actually gave me, this jerk, a mate. It was good that his true colors came to light. If not, I would have been deceived for a long time. Maybe I could be kicked out of the royal family. I gave him a raised brow before asking him, "Lesson? The wrong justice was served to me." "Exactly. If you had cooperated with me, you wouldn`t be here. You know that I can easily take you out of here and make your life normal again. All you have to do is humble yourself and admit the fact that you were wrong," he stated. "Never," Blair responded, as if he could hear her. "Don`t fall for his silly tricks, Alexia. Know your worth and prove to him that you can do great without him in your life," she told me, just in case my head was no longer thinking straight. "You and I are aware of the fact that I am innocent, so if there is anybody who owes me an apology, it would be you." I deadpanned. His jaws clenched and for a second, his wolf took control of him in anger, but I was not phased, since he had already done his worst to me unless he had plans to kill me. I was never going to beg for his mercy. I would rather suffer here. "I hope that you have someone who will protect you in there because without me in your life, you are literally helpless," he told me. I fought the urge to scoff and he continued with his threats, ‘’Or else, in the next two years of your stay in this academy, I would make sure that it would be nothing but torture and a nightmare.’’ What exactly did I do to him to warrant this wickedness? If there’s anybody who would be thirsty for revenge, it would be me, but I have no interest in doing that. I had already left vengeance for the goddess to take over as she watched everything happen and she knew who the true culprit was. The right thing to do was not to say anything at all. I just kept mute and it angered him, even more. "Get out of my car," he ordered me. Without hesitation, I reached out for the handle before I felt a heavy push on my back, causing me to hit the door with force. The guards outside the car opened it without my knowledge and I was injured further as I fell on the ground. Bruises were all over my body and blood was gushing out from my kneecap. I tried getting up from the ground but it was like a heavy task to do. "Ow!" I winced in pain. "I am so sorry, Lexi." Blair apologized like it was her fault. "My body hurts, Blair. Why does he have to treat me this way? I didn't even do anything, this time around." I asserted. "He’s just angry that his pride got hurt. Just ignore him," she told me. "I can`t walk properly, Blair," I said. I was staggering and my body was hurting all over. She tried to take over but it increased the pain. "You will have to endure the pain for a minute, Alexia." she pleaded with me as I fell to the ground, so I could shift. I felt like gripping the floor but I couldn`t. I opened my mouth to scream but no sound was made. My bones were cracking and my hands turned into a paw with my fingers into claws before I was fully in my wolf form. She bolted off to where my room was located so I could have some rest. We managed to get there but nobody was in my room as they had all gone to class. I transformed back to my human self and started panting heavily on the ground because I didn’t want to stain my bed. My mind drifted back to what had happened and it made my heart ache as I vowed never to go back to my vomit. I would rather die in the hands of some angry Alphas than apologize to Alpha King Zac, not in this life or the next. Never! I stared at my wounds that weren't healing at all and it got me worried about what extent I had been injured. Even though omegas had a slow healing rate, this one bothers me. I touched the bruises and moaned out in pain, "Ouch! Mmm.." Tears escaped my eyes because it was really unbearable. I clenched my jaw and shut my eyes, trying to hold myself back from crying, when I heard footsteps in the room. I opened my eyes to find Harold right in front of me with concern written all over his face. He attempted to touch me and I flinched, remembering what happened in the morning. He was the only one here and fear embraced me even more because any attempt by him to have another episode would be a case of salt in my wounds because I was surely not going to survive it. "How did you get injured?" he questioned me. I avoided his eyes and acted as if he wasn`t in the room. I wanted him to get the hint and return to wherever he was coming from. The tone of his voice became low at this point, "Did I by any chance hurt you when I was shifting?" I still chose to give him no response. He let out a sigh, "I am sorry if I am responsible for this. I didn`t mean to hurt you… You know what? Let me clean up your wounds." If only he had an idea of what happened, I wouldn`t want him to feel guilty at all, but at the same time, I wasn`t in the mood to speak. I just wanted to rest and when I woke up, it would all be nothing but a nightmare. He stood up and went to his wardrobe before returning with a first aid box. At least, he cared and wanted to own up to an action that he wasn`t responsible for. If only Zac could be like this, my life would not have been this miserable. His eyes darted to where my neck was and he gulped his saliva, which made his Adam`s apple, for some weird reason, attractive to me. His right hand touched my neck and chills ran through my body, which wasn’t ordinary. My eyes slowly widened as I was able to perceive his scent… "Mate." No, it couldn`t be possible. I didn`t expect to find a replacement so soon and with the way that he reacted, I could tell that he felt the mate bond as well.
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