Temptation In A Dark Night

1284 Words
~ALEXIA~ His eyes darted from my head to my toes, accessing my body before narrowing them at me again with a curt nod but still no sign that he was impressed, "I am sure, you already know my name. I am Alpha Harold of Mystic Shadow Pack." He was right about that one because his pack was known for causing terror. When Tristan first mentioned his name to me, my mind drifted elsewhere but I wasn't sure if he was the one. I wasn't surprised that he was in this academy considering that he was nothing but trouble. His pack was known for breaking numerous rules and giving my ex boyfriend, massive headache. Zac always complained about him and even tried to have a friendly conversation with him in the name of therapy but to no avail, he had no choice than to send him here. I never got to see how he looked, it was only his name that was always in the lips of werewolves. The goddess walked in ways that I couldn't understand because I was the roommate to the baddest alpha in town, this wasn't going to make me change for better. If I ever came out of this place, my life won't be the same due to their influence. Avoiding them wasn't an option but if I kept to myself in a cold manner, they would get the hint that I didn't want them to be friends with me. If only Blair could speak to me, she has been isolating herself ever since they pronounced our judgment. "Nice."I replied, briefly while avoiding his eyes. I would have to pull myself together, it would give him too much satisfaction if he realizes that I was fumbling for him. He placed both hands in his back pockets and leaned in closely, "So, what interest do you have in me?" Huh? "Since you are new here, I can be your tour guide to show you around."he offered with a blank expression. He seemed like he was being forced to communicate with me. In other words, he had a mean look which complimented his face card and made my knees jelly. "No, I don't want to stress you. There won't be any need for that, thank you."I rejected politely with a small smile on my lips. He raised both his eyebrows as he responded, "Alright then. What pack do you belong to?" I thought I had already answered that question from Tristan and Nathan unless he wasn't paying attention when I introduced myself. He was a werewolf with a hearing disability, how ironic? "Silver Heart Pack."I answered him while fighting hard to speak through gritted teeth. The reminder of my pack made my heart ache because they never treated me right but the funny thing out of this was I would always defend them if somebody happened to speak against them. There were still nice people there, they just got influenced by the evil ones. A scoff escaped his throat and I gave him a raised brow, "Out of all the packs in the werewolf kingdom, you chose to be part of that? Pathetic." I furrowed my brows at him, "What do you mean by that?" "I don't care if you find this offensive but the truth always hurts anyways. Your pack is a pack of bastards and jerks."he asserted. How dare he insult my pack?! His pack was far from pure but he had the guts to throw shades at mine. I couldn't hold back, I have been fighting my anger since the beginning of my birthday. I guess he was going to be the scapegoat that I would vent all of it on. I placed my hands on my hips and shot him a deadly glare before speaking through gritted teeth, "Coming from someone whose pack has no good name to it. Their Alpha is currently in the academy until he learns to stop causing trouble everywhere he goes like a plague and put a filter to his mouth. Maybe, before insulting others, you should take a look at yours first." Was that a bit harsh? I didn't care, he was the one who started it first. I heard Tristan stifle a laugh but he put on a straight face when Harold gave him a dirty look, "I swear that I heard nothing." I was expecting him to give me a harsher comeback for disrespecting him or even, transfering aggression to Tristan but he only smirked. Was that a signal for me to be scared of him or what? Nathan reminded me of one of the rules to follow, "Keep the lights out after midnight if you don't want to be punished." "Who's going to punish me if I don't?"I inquired, not that I had a problem with sleeping in the dark but I just wanted him to make his words clearer. "Me."Tristan answered my question with a husky voice that made him attractive. His response made heat erupt in between my legs before he chuckled, "I am just joking. The punisher usually wanders around at night for offenders. It won't be nice if you get punished on the first night of your stay here." I started looking for signs of bruises or scars on their body to check if they had been punished before but then, I remembered that they were Alphas with fast healing. "Alright, I will." I headed towards my bed space and started arranging my things into my wardrobe while they returned to their various activities. By the time that I was done, it was a few minutes to midnight. Nobody needed to remind me before I did what was necessary. As soon as I turned off the lights, my wolf night vision activated and I regretted why I had such abilities because Tristan literally loosened his towel to reveal his third leg. I instantly looked away but the image kept replaying in my head, as if that wasn't enough, Nathan undressed himself as well. At least, Harold had the courtesy not to do so. I cleared my throat, "Guys, you have a female roommate now." "So? It doesn't matter because this is how we live."Tristan responded. My goodness. Nathan agreed with him, "You should feel free around us. Due to the fact that I am here, it's going to be hot. You should undress so that you can enjoy more from the AC." They had to be joking. I was certain that Zac deliberately made sure that they assigned this room to me so I would suffer all this. I chuckled nervously as I got up from my bed with the plan to hide in the bathroom till they were asleep. On my way there, I bumped into a hard chest and it turned out to be Harold, "Where do you think you are going?" "I want to use the bathroom, obviously and you are blocking my way."I deadpanned. "Not so fast and smart. You don't want me to see those small boobs of yours."he remarked. He was wrong! "They aren't small!"I corrected him. "Really?" He leaned forward to my ears and whispered, sending chills to run through my body, "I will be the judge of that, let me see." The hoarse tone made my panties soak and my breathing became heavy until I heard Tristan's voice, "It will be more even if you undress, Lexi." I ignored his words and stumbled back away from Harold, if only I knew I would have stayed in that same spot because my eyes shone and squeezed them shut when my butt got poked by Tristan's hard d**k. This was going to be one hell of a long night.
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